
Touch Reviews - Spider-Man: Total Mayhem Review

Touch Reviews - My relationship to comic books has only been with the old school form of British comics in the form of Whizzer & Chips and Buster while for the super hero’s of comics in the form of Superman, X-men, Batman and Spider-Man my relationship with them has been through the form of the big blockbuster American movies, where, for the most part I’ve enjoyed them.

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Forbes: Video Games Will Drive 3D Mobile Phone Sales for LG and HTC

Nintendo started the mainstream push into glasses free (autostereoscopic) 3D gaming with its Nintendo 3DS system earlier this year. While sales were decent for the device, the price point, hardcore focus and lack of killer app games have failed to replicate the mainstream success of Nintendo DSi. But a strong E3 with top-tier 3D games like the just-released Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and the upcoming Kid Icarus Uprising, Mario Kart 3D, Luigi’s Mansion 3D, Tekken 3D and Super Mario 3D; should help attract a broader audience to the device, especially once Nintendo offers a price cut.

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zeal0us4735d ago

I can see HTC keeping up the support but LG not so much sadly or not as much as HTC.

BubbleSniper4735d ago

I am eyeing an HTC for my next phone. LG is garbage. they only stay afloat because they make their garbage affordable.

level 3604735d ago

I should warn you that mobile phone aren't as secure as you think they are and can be easily hacked.

So if you're into gaming ( others etc. ), chances are your bank account details aren't safe.

denawayne4735d ago

I have the HTC Evo 3D. While I initially bought it just to have a newer, faster phone, I am quite suprised how good the 3D is. 3D gaming on it is pretty cool and doesn't feel gimicky.


10 Comic Book Video Games That Were Actually Good

Video games and comic books haven't got along well in the past. Perhaps because video games and franchises in general are nearly always quickly produced cash-ins, the two have butted heads ever since the first Superman game hit the Atari. With the Thor movie and its terrible tie-in games recently debuting, it seemed like a good time to praise the few that got it right. Thankfully, several amazing games have risen up and gone the extra mile to create an experience that's worthwhile despite the challenges.

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Quagmire4783d ago

I want a Rocksteady-developed Spawn game please, thank you


Pocket Gamer - Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem Review

Pocket Gamer - Spider-Man was conceived as an awkward teen to appeal to an awkward teen readership, but he’s grown to become one of the most successful and best-loved super heroes of all time.

Spider-Man video games (and indeed super hero video games in general) used to be similarly awkward, clunky affairs. Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem shows just how much they’ve grown.

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