
Player Affinity: Respawn: Panzer Dragoon Orta

Matt Sims wrote: "I am sure that I can speak for every person in the entire world when I say that we all wish that we could ride a giant dragon that shoots lasers. That is the entire basis for the Panzer Dragoon series from Sega. Orta is the fourth title in the series, but it may be the first title that you have actually heard of because the other three titles were exclusives for the Sega Saturn and released in extremely limited quantities."

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KinivingReviving5115d ago

I actually haven't ever played a Panzer game, this may be my first!

RagingCajun5115d ago

I really loved this game back then. Sadly no longer have an original Xbox to play it on though.

Invadersims5115d ago

I believe that it is actually backwards compatible if I recall correctly. At least on my xbox it is.

Grim_Fandango5115d ago

It just hit me... why do they call it Panzer Dragoon?

Panzer means Tank in german... or Armour I believe--this Dragoon is armour? What a frighteningly scary title... but still, great review!


5 Japanese games still exclusive to Xbox consoles

Jahanzeb writes: "There was a time when Microsoft pursued the Japanese market with optimistic vigour, and although they could barely forge a market share, Xbox enthusiasts were better off for having a pretty enviable selection of exclusives, many which have now become valuable collectibles.

Granted, while a lot of these games have since been ported to PlayStation systems (and understandably so, how else were they meant to break-even?), here are five Japanese developed games which still remain exclusive to Xbox consoles and are worth having in any collection."

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TheColbertinator1974d ago

Back in the Xbox days there was an exclusive game from Atlus called Shin Megami Tensei Nine. Always wanted to play it but the game never released in the west.

shuvam091974d ago (Edited 1974d ago )

No mention of From materpieces like Otogi, Tenchu and Ninja Blade either...

Spurg1974d ago

Microsoft had a good relationship with From Software.....time to rejuvenate that relationship

Casepb1974d ago

Haha, Ninja Blade was such a shit show mess of a game.

AK911974d ago

Holy sh*t Otogi that game was rad back in the day I’d love play that on my X

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1974d ago
DVAcme1974d ago

@Spurg Doubtful. FromSoftware multiplatform games already come out on MS platforms, and they're not gonna make exclusive deals with them again to avoid lost sales in Japan. Not to mention that Japanese companies are probably gun-shy at making exclusive deals with Microsoft after the Scalebound fiasco.

gam3r_4_lif31974d ago

Why Platinum took MS money for years and used it to make other games not called scalebound. MS had to pullbthe plug eventually. If anything Japanese devs look to MS as a funding source

TheHan1974d ago

If their so worried about the Japanese market than they will never make the kind of money they should. This will be a set back till they change

Fist4achin1974d ago

How about bringing up a remastered edition of these games?

Imortus_san1974d ago (Edited 1974d ago )

Panzer Dragoon Orta render at "4k" on Xbox One X, look's better then many remasters.


Atom6661974d ago

Blue Dragon is BC too.

PD: Orta looks great enhanced. Saga is the one that needs a remaster.

1974d ago Replies(1)
capjacksparrow1974d ago

I was super excited to play Blue Dragon back in the day since I loved Dragon Quest VIII so much. Bought an Xbox 360 for Blue Dragon, Fable 2, Bioshock, and Mass Effect. I played about 5-6 games on my 360 and it died 3 times. The last time I checked is when I pulled it out to play Jade Empire (which I wish they would remake or make a sequel to). Man, that hardware sucked.

Outlawzz1974d ago

Yup my Xbox 360 finally got the rrod one day and I never fixed it or replaced it, I was already prepared for it, it was inevitable lol

1974d ago
BlaqMagiq11974d ago

Blue Dragon needs a remaster yesterday

1974d ago
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Top 7 Best Xbox Exclusive Games Ever Made

The Xbox One has been had a rough journey this generation. Mostly due to lack of exclusive titles but the system has mostly redeemed itself thanks to backward compatibility, Xbox Game Pass, and Xbox Play Anywhere. Microsoft has come a long way since the original Xbox and it wasn't luck, a lot of acclaimed titles helped bolster the system's reputation over the years. Here are the best Xbox exclusive games ever made.

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-Foxtrot2305d ago ShowReplies(1)
Smokehouse2304d ago

Yeah that’s a good one. I would also add condemned criminal origins. Or was that on PC as well?

NecrumOddBoy2304d ago

I don't really know if it matters in regards to this article. Halo Combat Evolved was on PC. Conker was a remake of N64 game. In Forza Horizon is also a PC game.

DivineAssault 2305d ago

I miss the days when they got games like this.. Whenever MS gets their head out of their a$$ ill buy their console again..

GamesMaster19822304d ago

Microsoft sure does not make games like they used to, Shame really.

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10 Sega Franchises That Belong on the Xbox One

SEGA have brought so many wonderful franchises into the gaming world, one can almost begin to forget the sheer number of them. Despite this, a great many of them are yet to make an appearance on the Xbox One, a place where they would surely be welcomed with open arms.

This list covers some of the most pressing ones, and paints a picture of just how much Microsoft fans are missing out on.

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Fullmetalevolust2337d ago

They all deserve another chance on ps4, switch and Xbox one. Sega is actually seeing some profit on the games they have published so they may venture into developing and releasing older IP's. I am looking forward to Sakura Wars and I hope it releases on ps4 and Switch.

DigitalRaptor2337d ago

Weird article. "Belong" is a strange word to use, and not enough legitimate reasons are given as to why Xbox One in particular and not others.

For those that care not to dredge through 10 pages:

1) Yakuza
2) Daytona USA
3) Initial D
4) Phantasy Star Online
5) House of the Dead
6) Super Monkey Ball
7) Virtua Tennis
8) Persona
9) Panzer Dragoon
10) Nights

firelogic2337d ago

Yes it's good to have games on more than one platform so more people can play them but honestly, looking at that list...none of them would do well on the XB1. They'd certainly do better than zero but anyone with any inkling of playing those games wouldn't only own an xbox and thus would probably have already played them on other platforms.

For example, someone who has an interest in Japanese games wouldn't just own an xbox. They would have had to have owned at least one of PS2, PS3, PSP, or Vita at some point.

And of course there will be replies saying they've only owned an xbox and would love to play those games. Well there's not enough of you out there to make it worthwhile it would seem because Sega is in the business of making money. I'm sure they wouldn't deliberately sacrifice making more money just to spite Microsoft and their users.

j15reed2336d ago

Just going by VGChartz Yakuza 6 - .32M Yakuza Kiwami - .38M Gravity Rush 2 - .32M etc. so you mean to tell me Xbox wouldn't get anywhere near these numbers if these titles came out for the system? You guys are funny if thats what you call selling than wow

Derceto2337d ago

"For those that care not to dredge through 10 pages:"

Thanks. So tired of the "click" era of internet.

WilliamSheridan2337d ago

Virtua Tennis and House of the Dead and I'd be very happy. I want new light gun games that work with this generation. Tv's should be bright enough now...

ILostMyMind2337d ago

I don't know what Super Monkey Ball and Initial D are, but all others games don't start on XB. What this shit site is talking about?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2336d ago
PhoenixUp2337d ago (Edited 2337d ago )

Yakuza would just flop on Xbox One with its heavily Japanese focused eccentricities

Persona even moreso

Razmiran2337d ago (Edited 2337d ago )

None of those would sell well on Xbox
Some of them already had some presence on previous Xbox consoles and they didnt sell

masterfox2337d ago

"10 Sega Franchises That never should be in the Xbox One cause they don't deserve it"

^^^ Article Title fixed ;)

hulk_bash19872337d ago

Im pretry sure Phantasy Star and Panzar Dragoon were already on an Xbox Platform.

ghostrider322337d ago

First it's they need games, now it's they don't deserve them. You console gamers are a weird ass bunch.

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