
Can FFXIV compete with Warcraft?

Even back then, I had high hopes of an MMORPG that mixed Final Fantasy XI's story and character attachment with World of Warcraft's highly playable game interface. An unachievable dream? As it turns out, no - but only if Square is willing to give us some much-needed improvements.

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ArtsyGamer5018d ago

This game seems like it's going for a totally different demographic than WoW. Everything is much slower paced and more linear.
Pretty sure this is just going to be the next iteration of FFXI. The people that loved that game or at least that type of game will move to this.

Christopher5018d ago (Edited 5018d ago )

No, it can't compete. Even in Asia where FF is big, WoW is bigger than FFXI.

WildArmed5018d ago

Blizzard says "Final Fanta waaat?"

Seriously though,
I dont think anything will 1up WoW in terms of user base. (No i dont play WoW neither do I like it)
But I give credit where it's due.
It has a religious following, just like Starcraft

ChozenWoan5018d ago

From what I've seen, it's a leap above the rest of the MMOs out and upcoming.

Persistantthug5018d ago

But Final Fantasy will probably be successful...especially with the Console market to help boost it.

All FF14 needs is 500,000 consistent subscribers by year 2 or 3 to be successful, just like FF11 had.

I'm hoping GUILD WARS 2 goes to PS3 since NC SOFT said it was interested in the PS3.
I would enjoy that. I'm keepin my fingers crossed :)

rdgneoz35018d ago

I'd love it if GW2 came to the PS3. I played the first one for the PC and enjoyed it, though the fact that you could jump between like 30 different instances of each city and you zoned into a random one didn't help with the community too much.

TheGameFoxJTV5017d ago

No I think that meant compete as "Compete". Either way FF14 looks like shit. Gameplay wise. That type of MMO is outdated and showing age.

Myst5018d ago

Hmm in my opinion no, most people have already attached themselves to WoW and many will continue to cling to it. The main reason I think it won't is two fold the first being the WoW expansion that is due this year I believe? The second being that people will actually complain about the lack of jumping. Sad but it could quite possibly be truth for many of the WoW Players, or perhaps they just didn't like the design of it all and are simply going to bypass it.

Either way I sadly have to wait for the PS3 version...

Chris3995018d ago

Cataclysm will pull whatever disenfranchised WOW players flocked to FFXIV when they realize how different the games are.

I'll still check out the PS3 version too, as there will be inevitable patching between now and then. Guild Wars 2 is my most desired game of 2011 though, possibly of this entire gen.

Letros5018d ago

GW2 is incredible, I played it at Gamescom, really its feels like the perfect MMO and that's coming from someone who has played WoW, GW1, and WAR for a good deal of time.

Chris3995018d ago

Sorry for the caps, but I am. Props for playing it, I've been left to drool over the game-play walkthroughs and footage. That Shatterer fight is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen.

Myst5018d ago

I agree kind of looking forward to GW2 after looking back at all the time I spent in GW1 fun times.

Supman5018d ago

It will blow it out of the water.
Nuff said.

5018d ago
moe845018d ago

At first, sure. People will want to try out the new mmo. But give it a few months and they'll be back to WoW. Especially once Cata ships. The way FF14 plays is completely different from how WoW plays. And that will probably turn a lot of people off.

I don't see this game coming anywhere near the numbers WoW has atm. Let alone, what they had at their peak.

lucifon5018d ago

Indeed thats the truth. FF14 really caters to fans of FF11, anyone who didn't like 11 is simply not going to enjoy 14 either. A large amount of the gameplay is almost identical to 11, with a new coat of paint. Come Cataclysm WoW's sub numbers will peak once again and those who went to other MMO's out of bordemn will come flocking back, its just how it is.

evrfighter5017d ago

we shall see. I had some wow faithfuls volunteer to play ff14 with me. I no longer play wow btw. We'll see how long they last.

DaBadGuy5018d ago

Nah. I doubt most people subscribe to multiple MMOs so any WoW fans already invested in the game probably won't switch, at least not for long term. It could bring in new fans but odds are if people are already invested in an MMO like WoW then they won't be playing FFXIV too, especially once Cataclysm comes out. WoW is a juggernaut. I'm looking forward to DC Universe Online, hopefully that one turns out good and doesn't turn into APB. I was gonna get APB, good thing I decided to "wait and see."

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FFXIV's Director Responds To Final Fantasy IX Remake Speculation, Clarifies Upcoming Studio Projects

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida has responded to speculation regarding his involvement with the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake.

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Michiel19891d 19h ago

had stated that the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake is real and that it will retain the classic turn-based combat seen in the original.

I hope this is true, that's what I want from a remake. FF7R is actually really good, but not what I was looking for from the remake.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 17h ago

FF7R deviated too much from the original for me, so I hope the FF9 remake is closer to the original game.

fr0sty1d 7h ago

I didn't think so, I actually really liked the way they fleshed out the story more. I enjoyed it more than the original.

DivineHand1251d 19h ago

I can't wait for it to be revealed and I am hoping it will not be episodic or simply a remaster.

neutralgamer19921d 18h ago

Yes make one complete game with AAA game development taking 3-5 years for each game if it's another trilogy than we will be waiting a decade plua just for the complete edition

One game which should be done with all the content and add improvements where necessary

Rebel_Scum1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

You’re dreaming if you think these old pre-rendered background FF games can be remade in a fully 3D open world in 3-5 years with all the mini games.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 17h ago

I hope they keep the original art style instead of going for the hyperrealistic look like they did with FF7R, it would ruin the charm of the game otherwise.

MeteorPanda1d 16h ago

Ffs can you focus on the goddamn mmo you leech.

The healers are going on strike cause you gave them a ONE BUTTON dps rotation. They have often nothing to heal.

You keep ignoring player feedback if it isnt jpn.

Stop taking our sub money and funding everything else but the mmo

jznrpg1d 16h ago

FF9 is great I am looking forward to the remake.

Rynxie1d 12h ago

Pisses me off how badly they screwed over ff8. That game deserves a proper remake. It was the first fully 3d final fantasy game.

MrNinosan1d 10h ago

FFVIII is not fully 3d, and in what way do you mean it was before FFVII in the "3d verse"?

First "fully" 3d Final Fantasy was FFXI, even thou FFX was close.

FFVII to FFX uses pre rendered backgrounds (still images). In FFVII - FFIX, only worldmap was fully "3d".

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Final Fantasy 14 Director Naoki Yoshida Could Be Hiding In Your Friend List

TheGamer Interviewed Naoki Yoshida: "A lot of people have been playing together with me and they don't even realize it."

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First Impressions: Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (SECTOR)

The harbor is your first location, from where you can run off to different neighborhoods. You can find the Aetheryte square quickly, the other parts are already laid out gradually. Basic insight: Tulliollal is built on a hill, so it has an even larger vertical footprint than, for example, Old Sharlayan in Endwalker. While the harbor is down, the royal palace is all the way up, and you can wander into different nooks and crannies.

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