
Treasure Explodes With Excitement Over 3DS

The company responsible for some of the craziest shoot-em-ups of all time showcases its excitement for the 3DS.

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Live Wire & Treasure's "Radiant Silvergun" is now available for PC via Steam

"The Tokyo-based (Japan) video games developers Live Wire  and TREASURE Co., today announced with great happiness and excitement that the cult classic arcade shoot-em-up "Radiant Silvergun" (the game just celebrated its 25th anniversary), is now available for PC via Steam." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


Video Chums Retro Game of the Year Awards 2022

“It's that time of year again; our Game of the Year Awards have begun and to kick things off, here are the best retro titles from 2022.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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Radiant Silvergun Review by Video Chums

“Radiant Silvergun remains one of my favourite shoot 'em ups of all time with its mind-blowing array of weaponry, steep challenge, and clever mechanics. It's been a long time since it released, though, so I was hoping there would be some new content included here.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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