
“Gay Space Marines, Industry’s biggest problem” says Mafia II’s senior producer

Gamersmint : The biggest problem that the games industry suffers from right now? No, it’s not the menace of piracy or a second hand games market! It’s the industry’s obsession with…ermm, Gay Space Marines ( O_O). That’s what Mafia II’s senior producer thinks so atleast.

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cyborg5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

of Halo's success, too bad Mafia II can never do aswell as this game does, and NO neither Noble 6 and nor his teammates are gay, if he's reffering to them. :|

cyborg5060d ago

noble 6, added one by mistake

LtSkittles5060d ago

Just didn't want you to look stupid

ExplosionSauce5060d ago

I thought it was hilarious xD

AngryTypingGuy5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

You're exactly right, Cyborg. People have to realize that when a Halo game launches, it's going to take all the attention from whatever other games are launching at that time. When a Halo game comes out, it's an event unto itself. People can say what they want to about the series, but nothing will take away its incredible success. The only thing that can hurt it in the foreseeable future is if 343 Studios is bad at making Halo games. I'm pretty sure MS has enough money to hire some great talent, so here's hoping for its continued success.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5059d ago
GuruStarr785060d ago

I agree, he is jealous, even if he does not outwardly admit it....mafia two was ok, but a gta clone at the end of the day.

raztad5060d ago

Mafia 2 is totally no a clone of GTA. In fact I think it got some bad reviews because game was pretty much linear and didnt follow GTA footsteps.

GuruStarr785060d ago


ur right, it was way too linear, but the prison level alone made it shine...

DatNJDom815060d ago

He got a point. First person games are WAY OVERSATURATED.

StanLee5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

It's not oversaturation if the games are successful and the genre is evolving. Look at games like Borderlands and Fallout which have had great success and no one really classifies them as FPSs. First person is just the perspective from which the narrative and gameplay unfolds. The industry only responds to what consumers demand and it's a copy cat industry. When consumers start showing that they've grown weary of the genre, you'll see publishers invest elsewhere. But for the success of Call of Duty and Halo, other FPSs have had middling success and others have flatly failed commercially while still being well received critically; The Darkness immediately comes to mind. Fact is, if you make a great game and a publisher puts the marketing dollars behind the project and make people aware of it, it will be successful, regardless of genre.

pustulio5060d ago

Oh yeah they are way too much FPSs but hey KZ3 is coming out...

Wait, whats that? FPS are the shit now?

-Blam!-ing Hypocrites.

Aaroncls75060d ago

I think he meant Starship Troopers, you know cuz of the multisex showers...

KillerBBs5060d ago

this artical can say Gay Space Marines but when i do it, I get reported.

RememberThe3575060d ago

I'd really actually like to know that myself.

Sarcasm5060d ago

To be fair, Master Chief was locked up in a simulated closet. :)

pimpmaster5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

its just called giving a cuality product. just look at the top marine games, they all either have single player, multiplayer, coop and or have over 40 hours of play time. alot of replayability and gaming out of your 60$, where as mafia 2 is just a 11 hour game(i beat it in 11 hours) with no online/ coop/ or any replayability other than dragging through the game again for collctibles. im tired of the marine game too but good games with value tend to revolve around a simple mechanic like killing things over and over/

Shepherd 2145060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

I would be a bit disappointed if i wasnt lucky enough to be a dev of Halo or Killzone. I thought Mafia II was bleh.

Hey, maybe someone should ask him if the industry suffers because people like hime let bad dev companies put shoddy ports on the PS3. Ahem, Mafia II?

I think people like him, being a Senior Producer and all, should be worried about more than say that great games have "Gay Space Marines".

Shepherd 2145059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Are you stupid enough to think that this dev isnt thinking AT ALL about the famous "Space Marine" who has been the mascot for Microsoft's console for almost ten years?

Give me a break.

Oldsnake0075060d ago

lol are you stupid ? where the hell did he mentioned Halo.

oh I understand

Gay space marine = Halo

You just confirmed that .

Man In Black5059d ago

Is greedy fucktard producers like him who have games like Mafia 2 cut up into pieces, then released as DLC. Jimmy's Vendetta seems to consist of sidemissions cut from the main game, and Jimmy himself has Vito's body, except with a slaphead pasted on top.

SkylineR5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Why do people think he's referring to Master Chief and Co.? They're hardly the ones to blame for "gay space marines.

Doomguy is the original Space Marine. Blame him. :p


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DavidMacDougall5060d ago

I think chopping games to pieces for DLC is the big problem.

JoySticksFTW5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

This is my biggest problem this gen

Second is devs trying to make multiplats uniform without taking advantage of what each system excels at

Third is Trolls posing as "reputable" gaming media

Brklynty15060d ago

Because DVD9 was the best choice this gen..../s

FragMnTagM5059d ago

blame greedy devs and publishers. Bungie somehow managed to put more content on one disk than many blu ray games I have played. In fact, all the blu ray games I have played.

5060d ago Replies(2)
tunaks15060d ago

Because Mafia 2 is so unique...

pustulio5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )


Who the hell wants a Mafia movie? No one because we already got them.

Who wants a Halo movie? A lot of people because there has not been one.

What game is set on a time that has been used over and over again? Mafia.

What game CREATES it's own universe and tells a story? Halo.

Theres your gay space marines you idiot, maybe next time this guy should keep his comments to himself.

BTW Bungie knows how to build grass.

RememberThe3575059d ago

"BTW Bungie knows how to build grass." HAHAHA that was great.

OGharryjoysticks5060d ago

...he might have a point. Vanquish, Killzone, Halo, Gears, etc.

Simon_Brezhnev5060d ago

and Mass Effect he does have a point.

outrageous5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

Sour grapes that Halo Reach sold more in a hour than his game has sold in weeks. He should be choosing his words carefully seeing that he will be looking for a new job shortly...maybe he could make Mafia 3: The ballad of gay Mafia's...lol

PirosThe4th5060d ago

I let Vanquish go cuz its awesome... and Killzone it's ok... But halo and Gears are shit...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5060d ago
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knight6265161d ago

Only game iam waiting for is for mafia 2 nothing else intrest me well only Metal gear solid peace walkers but ill get that soon

Conloles5161d ago

Mafia 2 lol all 2K get money from is GTA style games and Nba 2K.

MightyMark4275161d ago

The only game I'm waiting for is Mafia II

killyourfm5161d ago

O_O - Not interested in XCOM?

Syaz15161d ago

nice. waiting to see what mafia 2 and spec ops the line has too offer. not into rts games, so civ 5 not for me, and not too familiar with x-com series.

AliTheBrit195161d ago

I think 2K are probably the best Publisher.

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10 Old Games With Outstanding Graphics

GF365: "There are some games with extraordinary visuals that impress us to this day. Here are old games with outstanding graphics."

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ShwaaMan546d ago

Bioshock still looks fantastic, one of my all time favorites.

Yui_Suzumiya546d ago

Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 can compete with modern day graphics.

SonyStyled546d ago (Edited 546d ago )

Same as Killzone 2 and 3, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3

jasonismoney546d ago

I wish this was entirely true, but you might want to load up Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 again.

SonyStyled546d ago

@jason I watched some gameplay videos of KZ2 and R3 on my full screen. They are on par or succeed graphically to the first person shooters mentioned in the article that also launched on the seventh generation of consoles. Try the same and see what you think

cthulhucultist545d ago

Killzone 3 was super impressive! I could not believe the graphics back then as I was regularly pausing the game to stand in awe looking at the surroundings! Resistance however did not impress me that much. Heavy rain is also another amazing graphically speaking game. It almost felt next gen

Fist4achin546d ago

I always thought the first 3 Gears of War games looked great and still hold up for today.

SonyStyled546d ago

They did for their day. I recently played gears judgement with on the 360 and the draw distance was so blurry. The characters up close look great though

JEECE546d ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome. In addition to having demonstrably better physics and AI than later games in the series, it had a lot of design decisions that, criticized at the time, have since been praised in games like BOTW and Dark Souls.

iNcRiMiNaTi546d ago

It might not be super amazing by today's standard but I thought Mgs3 looked really good

JEECE546d ago

In terms of art style it still holds up.

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Mafia 2 Definitive Edition Review - Taking a Hit - SP1st

Originally released back in 2010 for last-gen (PS3, Xbox 360) consoles, 2K Games has re-released Mafia 2 as part of the Mafia Trilogy, and has called it the “Definitive Edition.” Now, the question is, does this mafia go for the kill, or does it run out of bullets? Read on for our Mafia 2 Definitive Edition review.