Joule5124d ago

I have never played these games.

LordMarius5124d ago

well now is your chance, lucky you

Bathyj5124d ago

I'd rather miss a Halo than miss these 2 gems.

You've played Halo 4 times already, it might be great, but its just more of the same.

You've never played these games before in any other guise, and dont tell me Ico is just a platformer and SotC is just Monster Hunter. These games are about atmosphere, setting, sentiment, the relationship with Yorda, the feeling of overcoming somthing insumountable.

In fact if you haven't played them, it cant be described adequetly, you just have to experience them for yourself. Like Morpheus said, I cant tell you what the Matrix is, I have to show you.

number475124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

seriously doubt Halo Die Hards would understand/enjoy ico's games...I mean look at Rising...

games aren't meant for everyone. Just glad they are meant for me :)

DaTruth5124d ago

Wish I knew SotC was Ico2! I completely missed it. Haven't gone looking for it in hopes that this might happen and I could play Ico again.

Ico was such a beautiful game and I can't wait to see it remastered in 720p with AA!

omni_atlas5124d ago

Actually, I think SoTC is ICO zero. Or the prelude to SoTC.

SilentNegotiator5124d ago

Lucky me, also. Definitely picking up the collection and LG.

WildArmed5124d ago

I never got a change to finish SoTC.. never played Ico.
So I'm VERY happy to see that it's coming! :D
Day 1 buy

sikbeta5124d ago

Dream come true for those who wanted these 2 Masterpieces Remastered and a great opportunity for newcomers to play this Amazing Collection...

Team ICO = Masterpieces Creators

fishd5123d ago


rockleex5123d ago (Edited 5123d ago )

It wasn't just product placement either. The game plays a very important part in Adam Sandler's life, coping with his family losses from the 9/11 attack.

Proof that Shadow of the Colossus IS art!!! F-U Roger Ebert! <_<

You can read about how it all ties in to the movie here:

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5123d ago
SaberEdge5124d ago

I had a big smile on my face when it was leaked that this collection was coming. I absolutely love Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Very appreciated, Sony/Team Ico.

house5124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

and spinning around in my chair im super happy these are games coming to the ps3,two of the best story's told by the world its self super beautiful and fun games

edit im just glad its real

and why did i get a disagree?

Scary695123d ago

Does it say when it will be released? Cant wait I played ICO but never got to finish it. Woohoo will be buying this one for sure.

N4GAddict5124d ago

Those are the two of the best ps2 games

Bathyj5124d ago

These would be in my top 10 on any platform.

I have little doubt TLG will be my personal GotY.

Dacapn5123d ago

As bold a statement as that is, I'm more inclined to agree with you than not.

moneygun25124d ago

Of God it's real it's real!!! At least for all we know my Japanese is not really uhh up to par you could say. They could just be saying how fantastic the games are in some sort of nostalgia article, but we no that's not the case it's real ( fingers in the ears la la la la la I can't hear you) Either way some of the best games IMO that have ever been produced

Game to game not to flame

Christopher5124d ago

If you like games, you should buy these and play them. They're worth it.

doa7665124d ago

I love God of War but I didn't buy the collection but this is day one for me

IcarusOne5123d ago

Both these games put GoW to shame. In fact, they put practically every game to shame. I could not be more excited about this collection.

bjornbear5123d ago

well now's your chance =D

once you play games like SoTC or Ico you understand there's 2 types of awesome games:

- fun awsome games like (Halo...)
- fun marking experience games

difference is, one day you'll look back and think "yeah...Halo was fun =)"

...and then you'll think "but*start playing it again from the start*"

there's a clear difference ;)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5123d ago
NabikiTendo5124d ago

sony bringing back ps2 classics in hd.i'm pretty sure this is gonna sell real good.

N4GAddict5124d ago

I hope they do Wild Arms next

TheLastGuardian5124d ago

They need to hurry up with them. 1 collection per year isn't enough. I hope they do Ratchet and Clank next.

XANDEO5124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

I really want 3rd partys to get in on this, Square to do Final Fantasy 10, make my day that would.

msbabie200345124d ago

thought you ps3 fanboys didn't care about sells?

hmm funny huh?

i'll get this rather it sells or not.

house5124d ago

who the hell brought up sells i keep looking your the only one that did sighs* i dont know why i bother (dont feed the troll a roll)

NabikiTendo5124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

did i say any sales numbers or told about charts about how much the ico collection is gonna sell? no i did not. all i said was that I'm sure there's a fanbase out there for these games and it should sell pretty good. sales are an afterthought to me when i buy a game. the actual game comes first.I'm not a stockholder so it doesn't affect me. i care when a game that deserves good sales gets them but that's about it.

popular games =/= quality i always remember that.

house5124d ago

dude the whole point is that fanboy make sales as if sales= a good game which is b.s shadow and ico sold poorly and guess what it was a good game (you on the other hand brought the whole fan boy wars in here about sales) there's nothing wrong with hoping it sells since it didn't sell well in the first place

again he didn't bring up the whole sales argument you did (owned)

bustamove5124d ago

Why you weren't marked ad off-topic is beyond me because you tarted a fight for no apparent reason.

Scary695123d ago

I really wish they had a STFU when removing a bubble as an option..LMAO

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5123d ago
Elvfam5115124d ago

This is my first seeing you or NabikiTendo

I don't get how you called somebody a fanboy.....

NabikiTendo5124d ago

you'll see those characters alot on n4g lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5123d ago
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Levelling Out: Shadow of the Colossus - The Colossi

"Each day this week our writer Vaughn will be putting up an article about one particular level, place, moment, in a game that’s really captures the titles essence but because of this there could be spoilers ahead.. It’s called Levelling Out and for day three he’s looking at Shadow of the Colossus.

"The long and tired debate ‘are video games an art form’ is so bulky that I could write many articles citing examples of why. However, this isn’t an article about that topic, and if it was it would be incredibly late to the party. Although I won’t be drawing upon artistic merit, I will be talking about one game that supports the argument more than anything else that’s come in the last few years: Team Ico’s dark and powerful tale of a young mans love for another and the lengths he will go to save her. I am, of course, talking about Shadow of the Colossus - but in particular, the Colossi themselves."

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Kratoscar20084318d ago

A masterpiece, just like the last Guardian.

Conzul4318d ago

I remember nearly giving myself an anuerism trying to beat them on Hard Time Attack mode. At least the treasures were OP.

Kratoscar20084318d ago

I havent beated hard time attack yet but normal i have and pretty kickass prizes there.

4318d ago

StickSkills Plays: ICO - Episode 1

Join Josiah and Sam as they venture into the old-school world of ICO, remastered in HD for PlayStation 3. As two ICO virgins, Josie and Sam discover this 11-year-old game, leading you through the good, the bad, and the downright peculiar.

In this episode, our two adventurers meet the main characters of ICO, solve some puzzles, and explore the dangers of casual racism.

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cannon88004378d ago

I just started playing ICO and man I should have played it way back when it first came out. It's a very special game but it's not for everyone.


ICO's Top Five Fustrating Gameplay Mechanics

ICO was an amazing game for its time, but games have come a long way since then and it's interesting to see what mechanics are dated now. ICO is far more frustrating than it use to be and this is a look at why that is.

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