
The Puzzle of Final Fantasy XIV [Site NSFW]

Continued investigation of the maps of Final Fantasy XIV reveals it is either hiding a sublime puzzle mini-game (a welcome addition for those waiting for their counters to reset), or as some are starting to fear, is the ultimate in slapdash production values from the company that couldn’t be bothered to include towns in its last major title.

[Site NSFW]

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juniordee5124d ago

I think they just wanted to make their world big and vast, which IMO was a bad idea, because running for 15 minutes straight in a world that looks the same everywhere you go (as long as your in the same country) to go to the next town, isn't fun.

darthdevidem015124d ago


Linearity > Empty open world

mittwaffen5124d ago

Except it has terrible bare linear areas too--the game screwed up everthing.

-Invisible walls (You really dont go off the beaten trail in towns--makes it feel like it isnt an mmo.

-Ugly plain looking world that runs like shit.
(i7 @ 4.0GHz+ GTX 470- game looks terrible overall ugly far distant texture and extremely bare/repetitive.

-Forest zone is the most linear area i've ever seen in an mmo to date, I was shocked how bad it was.

Reibooi5124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

except you don't have to do that.

In the final game chocobo's will be usable and make everything MUCH faster and once you have visited a town or camp you can teleport there whenever you want.

This is just another example of people complaining about something they have no idea about.

I'm so sick of people complaining about problems with a beta when 80% of the game isn't in said beta.(5gigs beta out of what will be a 20+ gig install)

People keep falling back on saying it's the open beta and that means that it's what's reflected in the final game however that's not how SE has every done. It wasn't how they did it with FFXI 8 years ago and that's not what they are doing with XIV now. Which is why 80% of the game isn't even there in the open beta. There is alot they are keeping secret.

juniordee5124d ago

Complaining about something I have no idea about? I played FFXI and followed FFXIV since the day it was announced. I played the Open Beta, and have a few complaints. I do know that I can teleport and I do know that chocobos will make traveling faster in the end game. But my opinion stays valid, as I still had to travel far distances by running in an empty, repetitive world.

It's true that the game is still "only" in open beta, but not much can change in 2 weeks, gameplay wise. They can add content, fix glitches and bugs, etc. But you really think they can fix the emptiness and repetitiveness of the world? You think they will make traveling faster and feel less like a chore for new players?

Reibooi5124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

Seeing as you say you played FFXI I suggest you go back and see how incredibly broken the game was before it was released in the US.

Here is a link detailing the most extreme examples.

It's roughly translated but you will get the idea from reading it what I am trying to get at.

What alot of people fail to know is we got FFXI after it had a year and a full expansion pack. We never saw the beta and the game in it's first year.(unless you lived in Japan)

Final Fantasy XI was in nearly every way broken when it shipped. Nothing was balanced half the things people take for granted were not in the game(nearly everything everywhere aggroed and there was no sneak and invisible in the game at this point) and there were glitches galore. This shocked me as a 7 year player of Final Fantasy XI where the game I know is a perfectly balanced and glitch free game.

What people need to keep in mind is XIV isn't getting it's year without us seeing it. We are seeing the Beta and we are seeing the issues square will fix. I will 100% agree that the game has it's issues. But the ones you speak of are not the ones that are the biggest problem or any problem at all. The areas being to big is only a issue the first time you go through them and after that it's a non issue.

Thing's such as the interface and depth of the leveling system and amount of time needed to level the crafting and gathering jobs are FAR more important then the world being to big. One needs to keep in mind that the areas will have things added into them and monsters added in as well as players fighting those things and with that the areas will not be "empty" as you say and this is already evident in the beta. The repetitive environments are only evident if you are looking for it and if you are playing the game doing what you should be instead of nit picking you won't notice it. Nearly every game has some level of replication in the areas it saves time making these massive zones. Why people are picking XIV out as such a bad example of this I will never know.

5124d ago
maxcer5124d ago

the beta has shown me that the game won't be what i wanted at launch so im changing me pre-order to cataclysm instead.

mittwaffen5124d ago

well at least you will get your moneys worth, and not ripped off.


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CrimsonWing6910d ago

It’s crazy to me there isn’t some kind of announcement for FF9 Remake, yet.


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