
Batman: The Brave and The Bold-The Video Game (DS) Nerds on the Rocks Review

Nerds on the Rocks reviews Batman: The Brave and the Bold on the Nintendo DS.


Batman Day: The five best Batman games ever released

App Trigger: "In celebration of Batman Day and 80 years of the world's best detective, here are the five best video games starring the Guardian of Gotham himself!"

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1733d ago Replies(1)
1733d ago
Lilrizky1733d ago

without reading it more than half will be arkham games with at least two making the top 3 and 1 definitely taking the no. 1 spot lol

toxic-inferno1733d ago

Only one Arkham game in the list actually - Arkham City at number 1.

And no mention of the Telltale series.

Lilrizky1732d ago

damn, close!

thanks for clearing that up

1733d ago Replies(1)
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The Best of the Best Issue II: Platformers

Diehard GameFAN: The premise of our new “Best of the Best” column is quite simple. We’re going to take a look at all the games that have won various awards over the years and them rank them from best to worst to crown what is, well, “The Best of the Best.” The purpose of this is two-fold. The first is to generate some fun (AND CIVIL) discussions between readers and staff as they agree, disagree and make their own rankings of the award winning games. The second is to look back at the history of Diehard GameFAN and see if we can find any trends in what’s won over the years. Obviously any “Top Whatever” list is highly subjective, so keep that in mind. After all, if you give ten people a list of ten games, the likelihood that even two have them in the same exact order is quite small. So anyone taking this as SERIOUS BUSINESS and getting butt hurt that Game A is ranking higher/lower than Game B will be given a pat on the head and reminded that we’re talking about something as inconsequential to the...

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SilentNegotiator4038d ago

"Batman : The Brave and The Bold"

You've got to be kidding.

kirbyu4035d ago

Alot of these games are some of my favorites, but how are they the BEST platformers? Where's Super Mario Bros.? Super Mario Bros. 3? Super Mario 64?

Lucario4034d ago

Did you not read the article? It's ranking the winners their of Platformer of the Year. They've only been around since 2003, and all those games you named were far older than that.


Brashcast: Episode 13 – It’s Batman, not Batboy….and that’s a scientific fact

Brash Games writes "Liam and Ross like their Batmen manly, their slim consoles, well, not shit and their normal consoles from a galaxy far, far away. Reggie face-of-meat encourages bullying, Sony still can’t do advertising and Liam almost enjoys Kinect. All this, and as always, so much more".

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