
3DS appearance for Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs

The marvellously named 1980s anime series Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs is set to appear on 3DS in game form. Nintendo3DS.org.uk have the details.

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Nintendo and Google get roped into Microsoft's FTC defense

Microsoft has now called on Nintendo and Google to aid in its fight with the FTC over its merger with Activision Blizzard.

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Jin_Sakai591d ago (Edited 591d ago )

I’m really starting to despise Microsoft and Xbox at this point. Might just sell the Series X and buy a Switch to compliment our PS5’s. Metroid, Zelda: TotK, and Pikmin 4 are just months away at this point.

Neonridr591d ago

PS5 + Switch is honestly the best combo.

Jin_Sakai591d ago

Agreed. Both have amazing first party games!

Orchard591d ago

SteamDeck + Switch.

Xbox and PS games are playable on SD.

badz149591d ago


why would you want to play the worst versions of PS5 and Xbox SX games? the only thing the SD runs better than the original is Switch games

Orchard591d ago

@badz SD plays most games well. But if it's not up to your standards, just get a PC. PC/SteamDeck + Switch.

590d ago
S2Killinit590d ago

PS5 and Switch is definitely the way to go.

Jin_Sakai590d ago

“The Nintendo switch is a kids play thing compared to steam deck. It pummels the switch into the ground.”

Not thanks. I enjoy Nintendo games and love the OLED display.

FinalFantasyFanatic590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

Your still missing out on alot of PS games doing that, Personally I'd go PS + Switch, but I also have a PC, so for me it's PS + Switch + PC and that gets me almost every game.

One day I'll get a Steam Deck to compliment my PC library of games, maybe when Steam Deck 2 comes out.

590d ago
BehindTheRows590d ago

PS5 + Switch + PC. But, close enough :P

The Wood590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

orchard...are you bored in life. Do you love pantomime or wanna be the lead attorney for Microsoft if all you do is cap for the brand doing the least. No disrespect intended but have a child , wife or play golf or something because you presence is weird. Dont strike me mods..... dude cant stop

thorstein590d ago

Well said. And whatever Xbox "exclusive" that I want, I just get for my PC.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 590d ago
XiNatsuDragnel591d ago

Honestly getting a switch and ps5 is a better combo imo.

Lifexline591d ago (Edited 591d ago )

Lmao who gets that mad at a company wow get some therapy step away from the internet this is affecting you way more then you realize. You guys can be comedy in this website thanks for that laugh

Obscure_Observer590d ago

"Lmao who gets that mad at a company wow get some therapy step away from the internet this is affecting you way more then you realize. You guys can be comedy in this website thanks for that laugh"

I´m still laughing! XD

343_Guilty_Spark591d ago

You despise it because of a court battle?

S2Killinit590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

Personally I share his sentiments, for what MS is doing to the industry.

Fu£k MS, seriously.

590d ago
Jin_Sakai590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

“You despise it because of a court battle?“

The fact they’re trying to gobble up the worlds largest 3rd party publisher add over 2 years waiting for system sellers.

MontyeKristo590d ago

S2K - What EXACTLY is MS doing to the industry that you despise so much? Please share your thoughts..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 590d ago
Orchard591d ago

You despise them because of a court case? Feels like an overreaction.

Flawlessmic591d ago

You despise Sony because of what? Great consoles and great game consistenly?

Seems ridiculous hating on the gaming company giving us the most.

Your sd+switch comment is a joke but hey, expect nothing less from you.

notachance590d ago

Honestly it’s kind of amazing how Phil managed to make people like orchard keep defending the console after 2 generations of mediocrity.

thesoftware730591d ago

Lol, I get it..but at this point, what are MS to do? Just sit back and let it be blocked?

Also, remember when other companies agreed with Sony, you didn't seem this perturbed.

porkChop591d ago

What? You're overreacting. This is how literally any court case works. Calling on competitors, witnesses, etc., is standard practice. It's called building a defense. The FTC have been doing the exact same in building their case by calling on Sony for example. You don't build a strong case by making unsubstantiated claims, you need witnesses or documents to back them up.

giovonni590d ago

I mean, it’s logic when it comes to any other company, but it’s an issue when MS does it (builds its case.) It’s way too many emotional comments with no real facts to back it up. Just cause a company says something doesn’t make it factual as specially in the court of law. After reviewing the evidence so far the FTC needs a stronger case.

PapaBop591d ago

If only they put this much effort into actually making their own games.

BehindTheRows590d ago

Exactly. Xbox cheerleaders can drive around this road block all they want, but nothing matters more than this! When they start releasing their OWN games, we can start to credit Microsoft with a contribution to accelerating our medium. Until then, they're simply making useless noise.

CobraKai591d ago

I got all 3 but most of my play time is between PlayStation and Switch…. Yeah MS needs all the help it can get.

JL2930591d ago

Who told you Metroid is months away?

Obscure_Observer590d ago


"I’m really starting to despise Microsoft and Xbox at this point. Might just sell the Series X and buy a Switch to compliment our PS5’s. Metroid, Zelda: TotK, and Pikmin 4 are just months away at this point."

Finally! Do it! Bookmarked!

NotoriousWhiz590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

You can hate the CEO / leadership without hating the product. Don't let company politics ruin your enjoyment of a product.

Also, Switch is great. If you don't have one, I can highly recommend it, even with reduced performance compared to the current gen consoles.

BehindTheRows590d ago

I agree with your sentiment, but they go hand-in-hand. Once a company leaves a bad taste in your mouth, you aren't going to desire their products (or may desire them much less than before). And he clearly isn't alone. Xbox's numbers are down all around. That tells me what the public thinks.

In 2023, they have their work cut out for them. If nothing changes, they will eventually fall into obscurity with Nintendo and Sony continuing to truck along doing what they have for over 25 years — providing experiences you cannot get elsewhere. The multitrillion dollar company could learn a thing or two from those mere mortals.

590d ago
Focus40590d ago

Did Microsoft touch down there

RNTody590d ago

My combo is PC and PS5. Switch Games are amazing but Nintendo's infrastructure and marketplace puts me off. Decade old games still go for full price and hardly have specials.

MontyeKristo590d ago

You just now despise MS and Xbox? Bro, who you lying to - you been hating on MS and Xbox for yeeeeeeears.

Your mad because the are attempting to buy a company and are calling in people/companies that could possibly aid them in doing so? If the FTC and the UK's counterpart are fighting it - should they just be "okay, okay, you win!" Nah, that's stupid.

Y'all mad for what reason? They are trying to build a bigger better brand and y'all mad. Not like MS and Sony don't own near the same amount of studios, now. It's been lopsided for years but you've never complained or cried foul when Sony was buying up companies/studios.

Get over yourself.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 590d ago

This is crazy. I can't believe MS dragged Ninty into this drama 😆

PureBlood591d ago

Hopefully they tell them to bugger off!

MEGANE590d ago

This is what nintendo gets for back stabbing Sony, by entertaining MS stupid offers instead of siding with Sony help them, o well, at this point Nintendo seems to be the more stable of the 3 companies, and they compite with no one at the moment.

jonny897591d ago

Sure, the company whose Play Store revenue you want to diminish will certainly help you in acquiring Candy Crush and COD Mobile.

Orchard591d ago (Edited 591d ago )

How will this acquisition have an impact on Googles Android store revenue?

And how are MS trying to diminish their store revenue today? Microsoft even sell devices that run Android and have the Play Store as their marketplace…

Orchard591d ago

I did. I couldn't find any mention of Microsoft planning to pull COD mobile and Candy Crash from the Android Play Store.

Hofstaderman591d ago

Not to mention MS has been a proxy agent in the Apple VS Google saga. So don’t be surprised if MS is banking on that. Slimeballs

Thundercat77591d ago

Wow.... Microsoft is out of control over this matter. I can't help but wonder how many people are they bribing to get this?

badz149591d ago

Maybe we will get news that Nintendo and Google both claim MS approach as harassment too after this.

FinalFantasyFanatic590d ago

I smell an incredible amount of desperation on Microsoft's part, it's getting to the point where the desperation is disgusting.

XiNatsuDragnel591d ago

Microsoft just stop dragging companies into your own mess if you did to them like you did Sony imo you need to give it up with performance Data. Also isn't Google against Microsoft?

lodossrage591d ago

They are, and they'll probably fight the subpoena just like Sony did.

blackblades591d ago

"Google and NoA requested extensions to the deadline to limit or kill their respective subpoenas"

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10 Things Everyone Chooses To Ignore About Nintendo

Nintendo have done some really questionable things in the past, and it's time someone exposed their not-so-family-friendly past.

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Spenok1744d ago

This is a really bad list.... but only because the title sucks and is so all encompassing. If it pointed out that the FANBOYS choose to ignore these things, than sure. But otherwise, these things are well known and documented.

rainslacker1743d ago

Some of the things are really dumb. Especially the connection to the Yakuza. Their reasons are completely baseless, and really idiotic.

1743d ago Replies(3)
King_Noctis1743d ago (Edited 1743d ago )

“ Once Upon A Time, Nintendo Made Erotic Playing Cards”

“ Nintendo Ran A Love Hotel”

“ Nintendo Was Associated With Gangsters”

“ They Once Had A Cartoon That Was Awful”

Wtf? Those aren’t even gaming related. At this point this dumb site is as bad as GamingBolt, if not worst.

“ They Charge People To Play Classic Games”

In what world do you get to play classic games for free on other console? 🤦‍♂️

1743d ago
rainslacker1743d ago

i used to like the Mario cartoon. On friday's they'd have the Zelda cartoon.

The yakuza connection was that the Yakuza preferred Nintendo playing cards, and Nintendo did nothing to stop them from buying them...because that's what Nintendo should do for some reason. I'd say most gamers don't realize that nintendo didn't start with computer games. "Love Hotels" aren't illegal, anywhere. Unless they were providing escorts, I don't see the problem.

And the last one, yeah, everyone charges for that. No one gives their stuff away for free just because it's old.

Tross1743d ago (Edited 1743d ago )

Yeah, I'd love for a free service like VC, but I'm willing to pay for the actual games.

1743d ago
tontontam01743d ago

I did not ignore those, I chose to ACCEPT.

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Nintendo axes debut mobile game Miitomo

Nintendo has announced the closure of Miitomo, which it launched in 2016 as its first foray into smartphone gaming.