
Debut Trailer for WiiWare Remake of lilt line

differentcloth's dubstep rhythm game lilt line is getting ported to WiiWare by Gaijin Games, the team behind BIT.TRIP BEAT and the rest of the BIT.TRIP series. This is also the first time Gaijin Games has self-published a title.

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TheGameLlama5134d ago

Dubstep NOOOOO!!!!

*Must be at least this high to play*

Duke_Silver5134d ago

looks cool, not a huge fan of dubstep music though


Top 20 WiiWare Games (20-11)

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "This past week, Nintendo announced that after more of a decade they would be shutting down the Wii Shop Channel. Many gamers (myself included) have found memories of taking our Wii consoles online, putting in our Wii Point Card numbers and downloading a whole bunch of classic Nintendo, Sega and NEC titles onto the Wii system. But the Wii Shop Channel was also home to a whole catalogue of new games that made up the system’s WiiWare service. It was here that many of the system’s smaller and more experimental titles came into being and many of the developers that brought us these games are now responsible for big indie series’ thanks to their original success on WiiWare. So as a sort of goodbye to Nintendo’s original download service, we’re counting down the Top 20 Best WiiWare games starting with numbers 20 through 11 today (check back next Friday for 10 -1)."

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Wiiloveit.com: lilt line - WiiWare Review

"Containing a significantly different approach than most music-based titles on the WiiWare service, lilt line focuses less on outstanding visual presence and devotes more attention towards the actual concept -- i.e, making quick movements to stimulating tunes. Unfortunately, the obscure nature of this title and the omission of a marketing push have contributed to its lack of success." -- Wiiloveit.com

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GamePro: Lilt Line Review

Don't let its simplistic aesthetic fool you -- this fast-paced iOS entry impresses with its breakneck gameplay and stellar soundtrack.