
Blip’s Super Street Fighter 4 Outlook

Gos writes: "If you were in or still a part of the Street Fighter community you probably frequent these sites; SRK, EventHubs, and CapcomUnity among others. If you visited any one of those sites you were probably among a forum where talk of improvements, tech, the SF series, etc was prevalent. The issue I have with SSFIV is much of the talk fell on deaf ears, and much of the improvements were not addressed. Let’s take a look at SFIV (vanilla) and the hype that surrounded SSFIV (Super) the improvements that were to be added that in my opinion have been a band-aid on a triage patient."

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7 tips on “Gettin Gud” at Fighting Games!

Fighting games are a damn tough genre to break into, so much to learn from characters and combo systems to the small intricate details of each title. It can all be a bit overwhelming so I am here to help you to get gud at fighting games!

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XxNxWxOxX3012d ago

I have needed this is my life since the original Mortal Kombat

nitus103011d ago

Actually, the article is pretty good (IMHO) although I personally have never really liked pure fighting games. I do however like the Souls and Bloodborne series and am quite reasonable playing them although I could "git bttr". 😉

JakeNoseIt3012d ago

I swear by Injustice being the most accessible fighting game out there. Play Injustice!

JackGash3012d ago

Injustice is a very accessible fighting game, It takes the mechanics of MK9 and expands on them in interesting ways. I would say Injustice and Mortal Kombat are among the more accessible.

BenXavier133012d ago

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeah. I need to do ALL THE THINGS on here lol Minus the salty, I've never been that guy when it comes to video games.

thomasprince23263011d ago

Makes me feel happy knowing that I do most of these.

3011d ago

10 Legendary Video Game Myths That Fooled Us All

Maybe these myths are a way of injecting some mystery and fascination into games that we’ve become so familiar with. Perhaps we’re desperate to recapture how we once felt when first playing through them; deluding ourselves into believing that there’s more to experience – even though deep down we know we’ve seen it all.

Alternatively, there’s the reality that growing up, we were just a lot more susceptible to rumours and hoaxes than we are now. Yeah, that’s probably it – there’s no way these things would fly today. Everyone knows the alien in GTA V’s forest is real anyway.

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Top 10 Street Fighter Characters

Over the years, the Street Fighter series has introduced some great characters to it's collection of fighters. Here are some of Street Fighter's best characters.