
PSJailbreak Sony Injuction Hearing Postponed Until Friday

"As reported earlier at ps3jailbreak.com, Sony, OzMods and Quantronics were set to have their scheduled injunction hearing today. This hearing was to decide the legality of selling PSJailbreak usb dongles in Australia. According to OzMods twitter the court hearing has been delayed until Friday, due to the judge being busy."

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tiamat55135d ago

I don't see why Sony would purposely delay the case. The only reason I see why they would do that is because they have something up their sleeves

BiggCMan5135d ago

the judge wanted a little more time to use his psjailbreak so he could catch up on some of the great games he missed haha XD.

seriously though, i hope these guys get some punishment.

shoddy5135d ago

I jinx you hacker that jailbreak will stop you from playing online and future games.

Stuck in 2010 for ever b1tches!

Fred-G-Sanford5135d ago

"court hearing has been delayed until Friday, due to the judge being busy."

lol, GTFO of here with that crap.

I'm guessing that he is "busy" cashing Sony's checks and smoking Sony's cigars.

Will someone just make this free already? :D

commodore645135d ago (Edited 5135d ago )

Gotta agree there fred-g-sanford.

Isn't it weird that when something like this happens to MS, people on n4g find the negative and present it as the truth. Yet when Sony is the one metaphorically pulling the corporate strings in the background, we laud their integrity?
Oh please, gimme a break.

Honestly, why is Sony dictating to gamers what they should or should not be able to do to the property they paid for. Some gamers paid over $600 for their ps3s, even purchasing extra harddrives at $100 a pop, not even counting the thousands of dollars spent on games.
Isn't that enough?

It really is imperative that the judge dismisses Sony's injunction as soon as possible. Each additional day that the JB is delayed is further income lost for legitimate gamers that want to backup their games and gain access to homebrew content.

I completely understand that Sony's rationale is to stop piracy on the PS3.
However, by issuing this court order, Sony is preventing legitimate users from using their paid-for property (the ps3) as they see fit.

Fact is, the JB allows me to backup my games, that I already own, onto the harddisc that Sony forced me to have on the ps3 anyway.
Really, what's wrong with that?
I am not a pirate and Sony is losing no income.

Can ANYONE answer me why the hell I should not be able to do so, if the means are available and I am choosing to do it?

I am sick to death of Sony defenders, that populate N4g in vast numbers, defending any and all actions that Sony undertakes to limit my use of my property that I paid for and that resides in my home.

I have a legitimate use for the jailbreak.
I am not going to copy games, nor will I pirate anything.
I will simply backup games to save wear and tear on the ps3 bluray drive and on the discs themselves and use homebrew, hopefully.

Come on, let's get this pathetic attempt at profiteering by Sony out of the courts once and for all.
I have had enough.
This court hearing needs to be thrown out on the street by the judge, that's for sure.

Eamon5135d ago (Edited 5135d ago )

commodore64, I'm not a Sony diehard or anything but I have to say

Sony have a good chance of winnning this case because while the PSjailbreak doesn't specifically give the user the ability to copy his games to hdd, the backup manager software does and the psjailbreak was advertised using the backup manager.

Australia are okay with backups, playing games of any region and homebrew but they aren't okay with copyright breach and this was how the jailbreak was advertised.

I personally feel the psjailbreak should be legal since the device specifically only "jailbreaks" the PS3 into being "open" or "unlocked". Not does the actual copying.

What's worrying is this delay. I can only imagine Sony were behind this. Court delays when there is a powerful client involved is not a good sign. This is looking bad for the psjailbreak team. lol

I guess we'll find out on Friday.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5135d ago
gatormatt805135d ago

The retailers dont stand a chance. Doesnt Australia ban certain games or edit them to their liking. Wasnt it Manhunt that was banned or was it the second one. Either way Sony's pockets run deep, real deep.

ndibu5135d ago

They know they'll lose the case and so it's off to delay tactics. This isn't a suprise though, I mean Sony is synonymous with Delays...or is that denial? I forget

zoks3105135d ago (Edited 5135d ago )

It has nothing to do with Sony, Judges dont come in infinite supply, something came up, the judge took the day off, and the court could not cover the open shift in time, simple as that.
Now Sony and the hackers have more time to review their cases before they present it to court.

KilZoneGeneralStrife5135d ago

I think...Sony realised..its better to have them all assasinated!the makers and the people that buy them!

OneSneakyMofo5135d ago

Sony's getting ready for the throw down. They postponed it to Friday to fuck up the hackers' Labor Day. :D

zeeshan5135d ago

And how does 360 owners win? Care to explain that retarded comment of yours?

Eamon5135d ago

I think he was being sarcastic.

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force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

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A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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