
Alleged Radeon HD6870 Benchmarks Surface

Hot off the heels of its successful DX11 family of Evergreen GPUs, alleged benchmarks for AMD's next in line have emerged from the dark corners of the internet. A 3DMark score of the purported HD6870 was recently posted by a user over at Chinese site PCinLife, showing off a GPU score of 11,634.

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Newtype5137d ago

Oh hell yeah, good thing I waited instead of buying the 465.

NYC_Gamer5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

why did someone disagree with his comment?any solid release date...

TheIneffableBob5137d ago

Nope, but likely November/December.

TheIneffableBob5137d ago

Would've been a bad move if you bought the GTX 465. That card has a terrible price-to-performance ratio. The GTX 460, on the other hand, is excellent.

ProjectVulcan5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

Havent bought a new card in years. Due one very soon. These could be the ones. Nearly 12K on xtreme vantage- that is as high as an OC 5970 scores. It will still be built on the 40nm node however so im suspicous if this is the single GPU 6870 score or not. If it turns out to be, that makes it massively fast, the crysis bench i seen is pretty impressive.

Very high 1920 x 1200 4x AA = 44 frames. I only run 1920 x 1080 and would settle for 2 x AA, so i reckon i would be able to finally play crysis with sustained 60 frames a second with a card like this. The day i waited for, for three years is soon to be here :-)

MetalFreakMike5137d ago

Well, I still get great performance out of my 5870 so it will hold me over until next year when prices come down. I like AMD cards better than Nvidia cards now. Nvidia cards gave me nothing but headaches.

Thecraft19895137d ago

Bought the gtx460 very good card. Cant wait for nvidia 3dtvplay

SOAD5137d ago

I wonder how much more powerful the next line of ATI cards will be compared to the 5000 series.

OpenGL5137d ago

This card will probably be equivalent to two Radeon 5870s. My guess is it will actually be two RV870s on the same die.

SOAD5137d ago

Damn, that sounds like a beast. Imagine if they made a card equivalent to Radeon 5970s. I know the 5970 is a dual GPU, but still. I don't think PC gamers will have to upgrade their cards for a very long time.

callahan095137d ago

The 5970 is already 2 5870's. It's literally 2 5870 GPUs on one card. So what is the 6870 going to be? A single GPU that's as powerful as 2 5870's, thus allowing it to utilize less power for the same output as a 5970? Or something else entirely?

callahan095137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

Why the disagree on my comment?


There are some 5970's that are are underclocked so they perform somewhat between what 5850's in Crossfire and 5870's in Crossfire would do. But most of the newer 5970's aren't underclocked, so they're basically just two 5870's in Crossfire mode but on one card.

callahan095137d ago

I would really like to know why I'm getting disagrees? I'm pointing out true information here, and I'm just getting disagrees? For what reason?

OpenGL5136d ago

The 5970 is two separate RV870s on the same card that are linked through Crossfire. My guess is that the 6870 will be two RV870s merged on the same die, meaning Crossfire will not be required and performance will scale better as a result.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5136d ago
Dasteru5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

The HD6870 will not be comparable to the GTX480 as the article says. What alot of people seem to either be forgetting or just never realized to begin with is ATI is actually a gen ahead of Nvidia and has been for a couple years now. they havnt been in line with eachother since the 295/4970, ATI rushed the HD5000 series out and Nvidia has been slow going at the same time. once Nvidia releases the gtx485/495 or whatever for there current gen dual gpu card that will be the one to compare to the 5970. If ATI releases the 6870 we will need to wait for the gtx500 series to compare with (not the gtx400 series as this article seems to think).


We Will Never See A Remake Like Final Fantasy 7 Again

Square Enix says Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth fell below expectations, but it's a special game regardless

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TheNamelessOne1h ago

Still just wanted the original game with much improved visuals lol.

Einhander19721h ago

I love these two games, and no disrespect for the original which I played on my PS1 and several times since then, I would much rather play the remakes. The game play is just so much fun and the characters just have so much more life and personality plus it has the modern sensibilities that are hard to give up.

It's a shame that they haven't found the success SE wanted, and while people of course want to blame PlayStation I feel like Final Fantasy just doesn't have the effect it used to. Younger people have zero attachment to the series and have zero nostalgia.

And I still think that PlayStation will be the best selling platform by a long shot, FF16 on steam even at $50 isn't selling nearly as well as it did on PS5 where it sold 3.5 million in its first week. Looking at the numbers on Steam if the game has sold 1 million so far I'd be surprised.

andy8528m ago(Edited 26m ago)

It was everything I wanted from it to be honest. And part 3 will expand on that with airship travel. Hope Switch 2 is powerful enough for it, because that's where the sales are in Japan. It deserves success with the love that went into it.

Scissorman21m ago

I think over time, this endeavor will be worth the investment. Part 3 will release, along with the inevitable bundling of all three games on other consoles. I do think it's a mistake to not offer DLC this time around like with Intergrade, that would have been a nice additional revenue stream for SE.

enkiduxiv12m ago

The remake project is so frustrating. For everything they get right, they get something wrong, at least in opinion. I am ultimately glad I stuck with and played both games, but I can totally understand fans who bailed after all the horrible changes they have made to the original story. Still hope we see the combat director for remake give us his own take on the franchise in the future. Also really hope Nomura and Kitase retire after this project is over. They are way past their prime.


The Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster Proves You Don't Need A PS5 Pro

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derek3h ago

You technically don't "need" the ps5, ps4 or the ps3, lol. You don't need any videogame console, it isn't a necessity of life. If you want the best playstation console money can by, that would be the ps5 pro.

andy852h ago

Why does a random remaster do that? There's going to be plenty of games that utilise it over the next 4 years. And plenty already released that will benefit from it. If you don't want one fine, but what's with all the nonsense bashing of it

jambola53m ago

it's like saying "upcoming indie game on steam proves high spec pc's are useless"

ClutchManeuvers2h ago

Uhhh. I was going to write something but it's so tedious knowing that everybody will just rip me.

Einhander19721h ago

There are over 8500 games that use dynamic resolution scaling and struggle to hold fps that out of the box will utilize its power.

Games are already lined up for patches and more games that haven't been announced yet will use it.

But of course talking about what it actually does won't get as many clicks.

jambola54m ago

it adds to your opinion
it's doesn't prove anything

and even besides that, one game wouldn't prove that anyway
that's silly

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