
Probable Failure: Shank Review

Probable Failure writes, "Shank is a short game that loses steam throughout. I loved it when I saw it for the first time at PAX, but after playing through the tedious enemies, difficulty spikes, and un-original story I couldn’t keep loving it. This would be fun for any action game lover, but it would be pretty hard to recommend to anyone else."

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psman0125137d ago

WOW I was not expecting THAT...

eggbert5137d ago

varying reviews. Lowest I've seen was a 3/10, highest i've seen was a 9/10.

ChickenOfTheCaveMan5137d ago

I bought the game, and I got to agree, it's not worth the 15$ price tag.

At 10$, maybe, but this is a game that I'll quickly forget about which tells me it's a fail for Klei.

It really sounds like a 8-Bit Nitendo game with better graphics.


Patched – Episode 2 – Part 2 – Patch Updates

In part two of Patched’s second episode the Player 2 boys talk about their recent gaming lives, provide updates on the fantasy draft and introduce the indie game of the month for April.

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Humble Weekly Platforming Bundle Launches

This week's Humble Weekly Bundle looks like a must-buy. You can pay what you want for Shank 2, Blocks That Matter, and BIT.TRIP RUNNER. Paying $6 or more gets you Runner 2, Fly'n, and Megabyte Punch. If you're willing to spend $10 or more, you can get King Arthur's Gold and Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition.

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Get Shanked: New Humble Weekly Sale

The newest Humble Weekly Sale just went live and it currently features three games from Klei Entertainment. For the next week, the Canadian studio’s three most well-known titles will be available for purchase at unbeatable prices.

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