
PSJailbreak Data Sniffed Via USB

A member known as “Descrambler” from ps3hax.net‘s forum has recently sniffed the data coming from his PSJailbreak, as his PS3 booted up. The raw hex he dumped and his commentary, after the jump.

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Baltis5140d ago ShowReplies(10)
strotee5140d ago Show
Biggest5140d ago

They should have asked Sony to make the PS3Jailbreak for them. At least they could have been hack free for 4 years.

commodore645140d ago (Edited 5140d ago )

This means the Jailbreak software will soon be available via the internet, for free.
Hackers now have free access to the data stream that makes it all possible.

Is that a good thing?

How will Sony patch this when Hackers now have access to any and all patches and the logic behind those patches?

morganfell5140d ago (Edited 5140d ago )

Since it has been revealed that the nature of Jailbreak does not permit updating for the hack itself, buh bye. It can't be patched past a single update. Ha ha ha. So long suckers. Thanks for buying jailbreak. Karma is a wonderful thing.

It's hilarious the company is running like hell after all of their tough talk. I would like to see the faces of those people when their orders were canceled and the money returned. Better still would be watching the jailbreak sellers as they saw their financial future in flames.

The fact that you think jailbreak cannot be blocked demonstrates your knowledge of such matters is in step with your namesake. One firmware shot and it's hasta la bye bye to your brief little dream.

ChronoJoe5140d ago

Whilst hackers can create homebrew, they still require one of sonys SDKs to develop anything for the PS3 (SDKs cost $10,000) but you can steal them off of newsgroups and such.

But even then you can only develop apps for the PS3s firmware, not change the PS3s firmware. This allows homebrew, not custom firmware.

sikbeta5140d ago

I know loads of dudes are "glad" about this, don't get your hopes too high, there will be no "upgradeable" patch for this hack, the Upcoming games will be secured with a mandatory FW Update, and if you don't update you lose PSN and New Games...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5140d ago
Pandemic5140d ago

Hopefully Sony will take advantage of this.

SephireX5140d ago

Obviously a firmware update will disable this hack but new hacks will be made and unless Sony changes the code at a very low level, hacks will continue to be made. Most people who apply this hack will buy second ps3s for online play. Thus, whether there is a firmware update or not, this hack will cause Sony problems and cost them money.

Buttons5139d ago

People who buy second PS3's will cost Sony money?

HSx95139d ago

Not to mention this whole thing isn't even piracy, it just allows you to back up your games.

SephireX5139d ago

Not exactly. People can rent games and simply rip them to the hd. The same people will buy used PS3s so Sony won't make much from that and will lose out overall. I'm not saying I want this to be the case but it is the case.

Matthew945140d ago ShowReplies(4)
Blaine5140d ago

So if I understood the shadow of anything in this post, then... This means easy fix for Sony?

This leads to understanding how PSJailbreak works, and it's posted online, so Sony could use this to patch the leak, no?

wsoutlaw875140d ago

well they probably already have one and know how it works

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Did Futurama just Spoof the Playstation Hack?

TheParanoidGamer Writes: "Either we have this wrong or Futurama just did a spoof episode of the the recent Playstation hack. In the episode we see a young boy who is modifying Bender so that he may have control over what bender does. The manufacturer that built Bender, MomCorp, don't take this to lightly and decide to bring the boy to court. There are countless scenes that all appear to familiar with the recent playstation hack."

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Reebo4771d ago

Interesting but it certainly wouldn't be the first time a show like this spoofed the video game industry.

Nitrowolf24771d ago

Yeah south park does this all the time with EA, Nintendo and much more.

iamnsuperman4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

Recently Futurama has taking this route. I remember the eyephone episode. I like this direction. Something funnier about it

toxic-inferno4771d ago

@ iamnsuperman

I agree. A lot of people have said it's too different from "classic" Futurama, but I think that Futurama has always been a very satirical show, it's just that they're not being as subtle about it any more. And they still manage to get a lot of maths and physics jokes in, which is great.

I think this happens with any show that gets cancelled and then resurrected. Even though there's very little difference between the old and the new versions, people claim that the classic episodes were better.

Rynx4771d ago

I love Futurama. I can't wait to buy season 6 on Bluray!

Istanbull4771d ago

Futurama and Family Guy sux

Simpsons are still the best

sikbeta4771d ago

Sorry man, but no one can go against the power of Seth MacFarlane and his series, Simpson were good back in those days, same with South Park and Futurama, but time to move on, Family Guy is Freakin' Sweet! XD



Quagmire4771d ago


Simpsons is alright, not as funny as it used to be, Family Guys is just pure trash...but funny trash, whereas Futurama is simply classic.

Ron_Danger4770d ago

As far as cartoons go, Archer on FX is the best... And that's coming from a guy with a Futurama profile pic

Brosy4771d ago

This paranoidgamer lives up to his name, I watched that episode and there is no way they spoofed anything to do with the ps3. He needs to take off his foil hat.

Silly gameAr4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

Front page news right here! Saw this episode by the way. Ummmm....sure. Why not?

jacksonmichael4771d ago

Oh hey, there actually is a new episode up online! Thanks for the reminder!

zeal0us4771d ago

its not like ps3 owners would revolt in arms over a spoof.
some might not like it but i doubt they would go far as not watching the show.

The Meerkat4771d ago

Its not like they showed Mohammed.

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Why, Anonymous, Why?

R834 finds the PS3 hacking scenario annoying, but the fact that Anonymous is targeting Playstation.com with DDoS attacks is making him wonder: Why are they doing it? and Who is really losing, Sony or the customers?

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GrieverSoul4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

"Why, Anonymous, Why?"

Answer: Attention!! They want attention!!
Their pursuit for freedom of speech is making them look like fanatics. They remind me of some sort of terrorist group (and after that video...). Either it goes their way or it doenst go anyway.

These guys seriously need to get their head checked.

TotalPS3Fanboy4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

GeoHot: "When you take something from someone else without permission, you are not stealing. No. You're only LIBERATING the thing that you are taking. For example, you have ENSLAVED your password to your mind, however, RIGHTOUS hackers have the DIVINE RIGHT to LIBRATE that password from your RICH mind and give it to the POOR people of the INTERNET, the PIRATES."

Hackers: "In the name of the Divine Basement Dwellers, I claim Sony's Intellectual Property for the Pirates of the Internet, as set forth in the Manifest Destiny of the Hacker Mind."

Derekvinyard134921d ago

you guys can talk shit about them all you want but there not going to stop. they recently destroyed the church that hates gay people.( think its south baptist) they released all there documents. sony better have some real good tech guys because this isnt going to end. @ Griev- i thought it was attention to untill they took down the website and AT@T a while back. intresting stuff tho, looking to see what happens when sony fires back

sdtarm4921d ago

The should grow the fuck up and get a life

Oxymoron0284921d ago

Derekvinyard, it's the West Borrow Baptist Church, and no they haven't been destroyed. Anonymous just inconvenienced them. Nothing more.

fantasygamer4921d ago

@ Derekvinyard13

I applaud them for attacking that disgusting church of crazy people. BUT! this is a different matter this is a entertainment company and what they are doing is hurting the consumers.

Also PSN is a free service for people who buy there games and follow the rules. hackers and thieves should be banned.

morganfell4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

As shuri on Neogaf stated:

"From the depth of mom's basement I stab at thee!!"

And another good thought that was posted in the same thread,

"Why does stuff like "we have the right to" so often come from people who don't actually produce anything?"

evrfighter4921d ago

They also brought down that law firm that bullies torrenters into settling out of court. I believe the UK prime minister denounced that law firm after anon got through with them.

Active Reload4921d ago

I can see how this can be annoying especially with the method(s) Sony uses to handle the situation. It could be a double whammy for some people--ones that play online--seeing as though 1. Sony takes PSN down for maintence 2. Sony starts with the update/patches for the security threats. If you don't play games online then you'll probably be lucky only getting hit with #2....

Oner4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

I posted this the other day about GeoNot...funny how it also applies here as well ~

4921d ago
HolyOrangeCows4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

From West Burrow for hate and Scientology for brainwashing, to Sony for protecting their intellectual properties?

Someone has not only forgotten, but also lost sight of what's important.

Futurama, Kidnapster :)

Koblec4921d ago

Sony is simply too huge a company for a butt-hurt group of basement dwellers to take down. Anonymous can only do so much.

zag4921d ago

An interesting fact.

Anon claim to be about freedom.

Yet don't want to give any of their own personal details out about themselves.

So they really aren't about freedom at all.

This will just get SOny to bring in the police etc and round up these people they'll also be put under the terroit group banner.

these people can say/do what they think, yet once they are placed in that basket, all their bank account will be frozen and and while you think you can run while on the net, you can't really run in the real world.

I_find_it_funny4921d ago

cos he's a butthurt idiot thinking he's fighting for something

how dare he talk about Sony customers when he's the one who's downloading free games

Moentjers4921d ago

someone should hack his creditcard and liberate his money to the world !


RedDragan4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

Anon are not in this for the people, they have never done anything for me.

I wouldn't be suprised if one day another group is born with the sole aim of exposing the bank accounts of all Anon members, as well as their home addresses and names.

It could happen, alot of genuine people are getting annoyed with the Anon group. They may yet have to reap what they sow.

sikbeta4921d ago

All this douche-hackers always tend to act like communists who think Intellectual Property doesn't mean anything!? Grow the F**K UP!!

DragonKnight4921d ago

Does Anon have a website they use? Wouldn't it be ironic if Sony organized a DDoS against them if they do? Lol. I'd do it if I were Sony just for the lulz.

FarEastOrient4921d ago

This does not make sense! Attack Sony but not organizations like Gadhafi, Ivory Coast, Syria, Burma, and etc. Freedom of Speech, these guys are hypocrites for attacking a company protecting IP while the world is going through changes.

hazardman4921d ago

WTF, really. They have a pirate hacker code..hahahahaahahaaha...hahaa hahahahaahaha!!!!

paintsville4921d ago

Wow. This thing is really getting out of control. It's pretty simple really. If he broke the law then there grounds for Sony's actions. If not then Sony should back off. If hackers are attacking Sony's sites and distributing personal information about their employess that's against the law and they should be stopped. The law is the law period.

gamingdroid4920d ago

"An interesting fact.

Anon claim to be about freedom.

Yet don't want to give any of their own personal details out about themselves."

I will repeat what I said when somebody else made the same comment you did:

"Free speech is unrelated to privacy. In fact, free speech means you can say "things" without being persecuted so why would you need their information?"

Gothdom4920d ago

By doing what they're doing, if Anonymous' informations about their members would come out, psn users could create a class-action lawsuit on them.

Also, by "attacking" the judge, they're basically creating their own grave. It is a criminal offense.. And it might tighten the grip the US will have on software rights.

I think these actions will only result in aggravating their own case.

thats_just_prime4920d ago

Wow n4g has got to be the largest collection on ingorant hypocrites on the web. Every single person on here has illegally down at least one song in there live. bet over 90% have illegally downlaod or watch a movie online and it common play for people to brag about how mean games they play illeaglly on emulators. you fangirls a f'ing pathetic and the one that need to get a life. You think $ony give a shit about you ? Get real and you are maddly in love with a piece of plast with a few wire in. Bet more then one or twon of you take them to bed and try to have sex with it.

$ony are also hypocrites. They are all pissed off ate geohotsz. For "stealin" from them. and bte he didnt steal anything the law is if you buy something you own and can do what ever you want with it. When $ony steal all the time they stoled rumble tech. Leaving the ps3 with not rumbele control till $ony was fond guilty in a court of law and had to pay the rightful owners of that tech millions. $ony also shipped the ps2 out knowing it never worked (remember DRE ) and again it $ony was fond guilty in a court of law.

So $ony done more to hurt it customers then Anonymous could ever hope to

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4920d ago
Thatguy-3104921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

Is anyone else having trouble logging on to psn?

Is it because of the hacking war going on ? =/

Elvfam5114921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

I am...

It might be....

"PlayStation Network Connection Issues April 4, 2011

You may experience intermittent connection issues with the PlayStation Network. We are aware of the issue and are attempting to correct this as soon as possible. If you are having issues connecting online, try connecting at a later time. We apologize of any inconvenience.
Dring this time you may:

Not be able to access the PlayStation®Store
Have difficulty signing in to the PlayStation®Network
Not be able to play online games
See a maintenance page when attempting to access the PlayStation®Network

Note: When you log into the PlayStation Network, a message may appear which states, "the PlayStation Network has been suspended". This does not mean that your account has been suspended; it simply means the PlayStation Network has been taken offline. Please wait until the maintenance window has passed before attempting to connect to the PlayStation Network again. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. "

Thatguy-3104921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

This is the reason why hackers really Grind My Gears !!!!!! First they plague some of the games I play online and now their actions are prohibiting from playing ,streaming etc. All together !! >=|
Hopefully Sony teaches them the same lesson their teaching GeoHot
Why won't people learn from others mistakes?

Scrupuless4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

You guys really don't see the big picture do you, in this day in age we are in the middle of defining informatoin technology, and the right of people to access and build upon that knoweldge. This becomes increasingly difficult when the major corporations of the world decide to put a vice grip on tech and tech based info. We the people make and design this technology, sure in this example the proprietary code in question was deveolped by sony employees, it was none the less a human feat, that sony as a corparation "owns". Whilst this may be a standard for today, i would hope in the future that we could see beyond our and their selfish needs. Sony is only protecting there profitabilty and thus survivability in todays social econimic environment, free the informatoin technology and humanity will benefit. Albeit this particular example is not so much going to benefit the world as a whole, but in principle i believe it to be morally correct. A more extreme and relatable example would be pharmcutical corparatoins and all the the greed they demonstarte through not sharing their life saving medications with us, instead if you cannot afford your mediatoin you suffer. Principly these are the same issue,technicle information must be liberated, , corporations and governments have a right to hand the power and knowledge, we have been strong armed into give them, back to us. Human ingenuity is the mother of progress, not free enterprise and certainly not the blood sucking corporations of the world, ya dig!

RedDragan4921d ago

Matthew, lets get one thing straight.

If you and your fellow Anon members got their way then their would be no money in medication and that would mean no medication at all.

Cease your operations because you are scum!

UnwanteDreamz4920d ago

Red Dragon is right. Who produces the code the devices etc..? Not hackers they only manipulate another persons hard work. Sony is a large corporation but what about the small time guy in his basment working on a piece of software or an application that he has created? Shouldn't this person have his work protected? What about these large corp? Without them who would fund the intelligent minds of creators?

Your logic has flaws. In a perfect world everything would be free, but who would work to make these things and what would be their compensation?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4920d ago
Jezuz4921d ago

NO, they aren't attention whores. Just doing what they do, so when Anon brought down the girl throwing puppies into a river ? It was all for attention?

zag4921d ago

Anon wouldn't have done shit.

People would have brought that bit of info to the police law etc.

Anon are just going to piss off every single person who wishes to use the PSN etc.

That is besides the point of pissing off a multi billion dollar company, that can happily pay for PD to chase down these people.

You can hide from your birth cert, bank accounts, houses, loans, taxes, jobs.

People though Sony would never find Graf who got busted with in 2 weeks of posting stuff.

These Anon people only assume they can get pinged.

RankFTW4921d ago

There's a difference between somebody casually murdering puppies and someone protecing their IP.

madara0sama4920d ago

The anons that brought down that girl differs from these basement dwellers. There are billions of anon do not forget that fact. I for one can't wait till Sony catches these idiots and put them in jail. Who honestly supports these hackers but stupid kids that want free games. Might as well attack Walmart instead.

4921d ago Replies(3)
lelo2play4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

I don't agree with hacking... but I believe a PS3 owner has the right to do what the hell he wants with it. He bought it, so it's his to do what ever he wants. If he want's to install custom firmware then it's his problem. It's the same as buying a PC that comes with Windows OS, and you want to install another OS but can't because the pc manufacturer strictly prohibits it. Sony should just back the fuck off... and try to improve the PS3 security with better patches. Apple had the same problem... and what resulted from that is that it made jailbreaking a phone totally legal.

BTW ... from the article...

"When games aren't even that expensive, why not just buy legally? Please?"

Where I live a new console game at the store costs 65€-70€. If you say that's not expensive for a game, then you must be a rich man. I normally buy them from UK's ebay for 30-35£... and I still find them expensive.

Software companies should seriously try to sell games cheaper. The way this is going, the next console generation are going to have games at 100€ (this generation already has special edition games at 100€+ ).

xxBiG_BoSSxx4921d ago

owning something does not give you free reign to do whatever you want with it if that action affects others. owning your own home does not permit you to erect a fifty foot wall around its perimeter. or smear it with feces. it would diminish property value, thus affecting the value of your neighbors property. installing cfw is not the problem. its sharing the directions to do so that is.

if information should be free then so should everything. but that makes no sense. i think information, much like respect or money should be earned. hackers aren't born jailbraking anything other than the womb. they work at it. people who haven't should not be given the information to hack or install cfw because those people will more than likely not run homebrew apps and just pirate games and eff up the play experience of others cause they are looking for the easiest path.

also, accounting for inflation games are actually much cheaper than they should be. disc based games have consistently been in the $50-$60 range since 1995, and cartridge games were costing $80 in the 1980's.

zag4921d ago

So you buy car.

That gives me the right to steal it and you don't give a fuck about it.

great stuff love it.

Nivalis4921d ago

"Sony should just back the fuck off... and try to improve the PS3 security with better patches."

They have done so, hence why pirates and cfw users can't currently use PSN, and you'll note too that they're not actually attacking anyone who jailbreaks their machine, they actually sent out a polite email to everyone with a detected device/cfw, asking them to update or face losing access to psn.

The only people they're going after, are the main people that allowed piracy to become a problem, don't make it in to some major war where Sony are out to sue every last living soul with cfw installed, because they're not.

I fail to see how them wanting to protect their customers from hackers and cheaters, and protect their business by attempting to stop piracy, and taking to court those that caused the problem, applies to the average joe who just installed a cfw.

ravinash4921d ago

So that means I have the right to buy a car and then remove the brakes so it will go faster.

What ever you buy you can do what you want with it within REASON.
Fact is you can take a hammer to your PS3 if you want, but if you take the property rights of the code that is running on the PC and then give or sell the items out to others, then that is stealing.

Its very simple, so stop trying to justify it by saying your brought it. because you didn't...you brought the software and agreed to their conditions when you started to use it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4921d ago
an0nym0us4921d ago

I only hack ps3 games to distribute it on the internet for everyone to download for free.

Morbius4204921d ago

that makes you part of the problem and also an ass.

ravinash4921d ago

..and in so doing making sure the developers get no more money as so close and then no one will have games.
Yeah, nice one!

zeal0us4921d ago

They are only doing what THEY believe is right.

hakis864920d ago

I guess we can call this a classic case of pouring petrol on the blazing fire.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4920d ago
Octo14921d ago

Well written article that makes a lot of sense. Sadly only a few people will actually get it :S

kenpachi4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

We are anonymous

We are worthless

We are virgins

We are to pu$$y to show our real names

We will not forget that you prevented us from Pirating game

We mad.

electricshadow4921d ago

I lol'd. +bubs for making me laugh.

Pwee4921d ago

lol, funny cause its truee!

chaos-lockheart4921d ago

not just pirate games, ruining the whole online experience, for people want to play the game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4921d ago
PirateThom4921d ago

It's annoying me, but not because of Sony because some low lifes are stopping me from accessing it.

El-Fenemeno12134921d ago

"Do you guys remember that recent PS3 update with all those great new features? No, me neither, because all of the recent updates are security patches!"


trounbyfire4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

point is what

we got clouds saves and new crap is coming

they didn't drop everything to make sec. updates thing were already being worked on

Ares844921d ago

Clearly you are a moron if you can't figure that out but let me help you.

Sony must focus all of it's efforts on making the PS3 more secure instead of new features and functionality because....guess....guess...fu cking hackers.

Now, you know as well. Congratulations!

El-Fenemeno12134921d ago

point is if this bullshit continues there might be a lack of new features because of money being used on security. In the end the consumers are suffering cause of it.

C'mon every time I see an update I think to myself it must be more fucking security measures. Yea -_-, i don't want it to stay that way

BubbleSniper4921d ago

his point--->

--->because hackers keep @ it on Sony

so instead of puttin new features an givin us a lil somethin extra... hackers make SONY focus nstead on security measures...

they gotta protect they own ass before anything or wont be any features to handout!


BubbleSniper4921d ago

i see your new edit with...

ofcourse they dint drop everythin to make it more secure...

they still gonna roll features out, but will be less

basically it disrupt the flow of feature wed get anyhow!

there no right to this any way you look at it unless it just STOPS

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4921d ago
PirateThom4921d ago

Pretty sure I got cloud storage with the last one.

El-Fenemeno12134921d ago

Plus did. Not everyone. So if that continues they will essentially have to charge us to gain new features. Seems fair =D /s

P.S. i got plus to and i still care

hesido4921d ago (Edited 4921d ago )

You have to understand why cloud saves are a paid service, it takes real resources to build it into the game os, store the info and make that info safe, and Sony needs to offload the costs of PSN from somewhere, and make Plus subscription a worthy investment. However, some games could come with cloud save feature even for users without Plus.

That said, if cross game chat if it ever comes will be a plus feature, it will be worthless.

SnakeMustDie4921d ago

Didn't Sony released a patch for Cloud Storage weeks ago?

Show all comments (183)

Geohot releases First Signed Homebrew on FW 3.55

first piece of homebrew you can run
put in service mode, put on usb stick, boot

It basically is a SELF that shows a “Hello World” and serves as a proof of concept on signing of PS3 FW 3.55!

deadreckoning6665012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )


@below- Don't you think your overreacting a bit? When a big piece of news comes to N4G, about 20-30 different news articles about the SAME topic are submitted on N4G within a 24 hour period. The day after the VGAs, there was an Uncharted 3 overload on N4G. I didn't see many people complaining then...why the complaints now?

thebudgetgamer5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

maybe because that news wasn't about theft and hurting the industry. while i love the other aspects of hacking it all leads to theft. i think this guy has the most punchable face i have seen in a long time.

MintBerryCrunch5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

idk about you guys, but if Sony went and embraced these guys it would show that they are willing to work with those who condone piracy and are only looking to push the limits of what the PS3 can do...on top of that, they can help and make the system more secure along with doing the same for the next gen of systems that will come out...hacking is one thing, but the guys who found this exploit also work on system security

i dont understand why this is such a taboo subject....its like when people villianize the hell out of marijuana calling it an evil/addicitive drug....homebrew should be embraced....and with the help of Sony they can get around some of the publishing rights that they might deal with by bringing classic games to the ps3

nycredude5012d ago

Dude easy for you to say. You aren't the one who is spending millions upon million of dollars to provide a services and awesome games only to get it hacked and stolen by scums who can't make their own machine but get their kicks of taking apart and stealing others inventions. It's theft period.

BTW wtf cares about homebrew seriously. What can they possibly bring to the table that a PC, 360, Wii, Psp or a combination of them already has?

It's not like you will see anything of serious quality like some of the games available or even on PSN.

ThanatosDMC5012d ago

Well, if you like the idea so much. Could you give me your bank account, pin, and social security?

MintBerryCrunch5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

from an Arstechnica interview

"A lot of interesting data came out of Ars Technica's interview with Matt Lee, a Microsoft software developer in the Xbox division. The nice thing about Matt Lee was that when the interview was over, he answered some questions in the discussion. A lot of it was clarifying points he made in the main article, but then he shared this story with us.

...allow me to share a related story. A little over a year ago, one of the people in my group modded an Xbox, installed Avalaunch, and put all sorts of Xbox mod scene apps on the box, like XBMC, RSS readers, etc, along with some "backup" games. He brought this box along to a meeting with Bill Gates. Bill saw a demo of this, was quite impressed, and asked something along the lines of "How can we engage this community?" - instead of saying something like "How can we squash this?" It's long been on the back of everyone's minds in the Xbox group - how can we get students and hobbyists involved without disrupting the console business model? The good news is that it's still on the radar, we'll see what happens in the future.

This was the response to a question about simpler development tools for the 360 being released, and it's an interesting picture. If you've ever seen a modded XBox, you know that the feature-set and usability is better in many ways than even then newest version of LIVE for the 360. It's easier to share files, use the system as a media box, and of course backup games. While mods have a bad reputation, the vast majority of people I know with modded Xbox's use them as a cheap and powerful HTPC—not as a way to pirate games. It's revealing that Bill Gates was interested in what the modders were doing to improve the system, and hopefully this points to a more open dialogue between the end users, modders, and the software developers working with the consoles."

If Bill Gates can be intrigued by modding a console, then why can't Sony have the same view....why the hell is everyone being so damn close minded....here you all talk about piracy yet on N4G people also go after companies when they install draconian DRM within their games to combat it

and i understand that it would take time to accept something like this from a company like Sony and/or Microsoft...but at least being open minded and giving it at least a look at what it does and how it could bring some benefit would be a step in the right direction, instead of Sony clamping down and introducing firmware that could close the system off even more....remember that this probably would have never happened if OtherOS wasn't removed.....since these hackers turned their attention to GameOS after the removal

double standards

Bloodraid5012d ago

I'm sorry; but everyone who seems to be getting their panties up in a bunch about this is an idiot.

They're simply allowing for custom software to be run on the system, the goal is not to allow piracy. That's simply a side effect.

By the logic you lot are using, we should ban automobiles because there's a possibility that someone will die. We should also ban medicine because there's a possibility someone will overdose.

We own the hardware. We have the right to do with it what we wish. Seriously; how would you feel if you could only run Microsoft-certified applications on your PC?



You talk like if Sony was blind to mod, homebrew or hacker community before. There were once a time when PS3 was capable of running Other OSes than just XMB. Any PPC based OS could run, some were even optimized like Yellow Dog Linux.

In this days, anyone with the will to do so could develop it's own code and run it on PS3 hardware under a third party PPC OS. People could had been openly developing for PS3 since it's release, they could have been doing new games, media players, apps, features... They could even develop their own OS with it's own FWs to run all this.

But instead of jumping on this chance, the so called homebrew scene was abscent. They never showed interest in do anything beyond complaim they weren't able to emulate (pirated) Windows games in a PPC with such power and memory restrictions. Instead of support Sony's decision to make homebrew a legal option and use the freedom, maybe even someday get Sony to friendly get rid of restrictions, they choosed to spend their time stealing code from Sony and doing the only thing they weren't supposed to do: tinkering with the main OS' Firmware and try to run pirated games... When Sony took away the Other OS feature than they cried over it, after 3 year ignoring the damn thing.

Just like Bill Gates wanted it's product to appeal to this modders, Sony was doing the same and actually taking a bigger risk with Other OS, as it's a way to run unsigned code directly on PS3 hardware, while Microsoft only developed the idea up to XNA, which is completelly separated from Xbox 360. But just like Sony were more open, they will now get their system more and more close as hackers keep pushing it.

And, quite frankly, I don't care if Sony's tookin away openess, I'm a console gamer, I'm used to closed systems, I just want to play games... If anything, getting to laugh at pirates crying over mean Sony taking away their precious exploit is a fun bonus.

This people are no Robin Hood. They aren't fighting against some opressive industry were only some few favored that can buy a development SKU get the fun. They are just common thieves who want to play for free.

MintBerryCrunch5012d ago

i agree with you bishop br....i actually didnt know the magnitude of the situation...i felt as tho it was similar to the situation i presented...i know that there are people who will use this just for homebrew and modding, but a lot more will probably use it for piracy since its so easy to do....i went into a programming forum to get more info and people are saying that this is a SERIOUS BLOW to Sony...the master key is compromised...the only console it has happened to

"You still don't fully understand what this means. The master key, the one used to sign ALL PS3 software to verify to the console that it's genuine, the key that is hardcoded (as in etched, unchangeable) into the master processor itself has been COMPROMISED, leaked, released in the wild. This means you can code anything you like and use the key to sign it and the console will accept it as if it came from God (Sony) himself. There's no way to patch that hole, because technically it's not hacking, it's using Sony's own master key to sign your code, making it indistinguishable from the original. There's is literally no way they can fix this."

"Since you have complete control over the console you could just make those games not show up in any statistic that Sony collects. You now have the exact same power as Sony, and whatever measure they try to implement you can very easily circumvent. Even worse, you could mod legit games to give yourself things like immortality, wallhacks & other unfair advantages in multiplayer games, so Sony will have an uphill battle with cheaters from now on, which diminishes player & publishers trust in the PSN network immensely. If you ever played a game of Counter Strike with a cheater you know how incredibly annoying this can get, it completely destroys the fun for everyone involved (except the cheater). It's horrible news for PS3 multiplayer fans, and even worse for Sony."

that showed me that Sony has a large uphill battle to deal with...and there is no way to change the key without alienating 40+ million customers and locking them out of all released games on the system

i take back my statement....SHIT JUST GOT REAL.....for Sony


Not only people can mod games but they can also desguise harmful code as games, so they can steal data or spread virus and what not (although probably only those who went after pirated stuff will fall for this, serves then right).

That's what this hackers do, ruin it for everyone else. Maybe now people stop thinking that just because they buy a mchine they are entitled to do any shit they want with it.

chainer30005012d ago

@ MintBerryCrunch

Is your first post a suggestion that they "hire" Geohot? Even if they see him as a valuable dev and skilled hacker who can improve their security, why would they employ a person who is well-known for leaking industry information. They would likely conclude (for good reason) that any information he got his hands on would be on the net within hours... that alone is enough to block employment.

RedDragan5012d ago

Its interesting, but still not productive for the masses which is a good thing. You still need to do alot of preliminary work to be able to get to system mode and use the USB.

So the extent to which this form of hack is used will be very small indeed.

anh_duong5012d ago

need to embrace homebrew.. unfortunate side effects is piracy but if piracy is limited to offline consoles then homebrew could be the best thing that can happen to the ps3.. the ps3 community will live beyond the time sony stops manufacturing the ps3 if ps3 has a big homebrew community..

homebrew gave birth to the apple app store..

imagine what it can do to the ps3 - with all it's power..

the ps3 will go down in history as one of the greatest one stop shop mediacenter ever made..

JD_Shadow5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

The main problem that will put things to MBC's POV is that Sony has been trying to kill the homebrew scene on their systems for a while now. This started with the PSP, where it was used to run game emulators that could do NES and SNES games (like, play Super Mario on your PSP). Sony seems to not like the scene, and they have been doing things to close it off for a while while giving new features to make the new FW's attractive to the unsuspecting people that like the homebrew games.

Thing is, whenever we talk about this whole concept of the hack, people immediately go into "kill pirates, get them Sony" and never think about anything else, acting like complete fanboys without seeing how this could be good for Sony (and I don't mean fanboys as an insult per se, since I think it's okay to be one as long as you don't blind yourself). Yes, piracy will be an issue, as it has been to just about every single console and PC machine that has ever been made. Yet, MBC is correct in that we bitch about piracy, but then we bitch when the DRM to combat what we bitch about comes in. Well then, what is it? You want to give companies blank checks to screw ALL of us over because you want to screw pirates over, or do you want the flood gates completely open? You can't pick both sides, and you're not leaving any middle ground to negotiate on.

Think about the GOOD that could come of this: a more open source community to the PS3, the ability to play imported games without the necessity to mod your console in any way, mod your game in the same way that Valve allows you to mod a game like Left 4 Dead (and let's not forget Portal 2 is looming).

And let's not even start on how many ways the piracy laws can be interpreted (which, in the US, the laws have been very strict in such a way that it clearly gives people like the RIAA and MPAA an unfair advantage over ANYTHING;just look at how hard it is to license a song to use with ANYTHING...it's harder to do that than it is to tell people to stop taking my bubbles for every little thing I say).

frostypants5012d ago

"They're simply allowing for custom software to be run on the system, the goal is not to allow piracy. That's simply a side effect."

Uh huh. And I have some oceanfront property in Montana I'd like to sell you.

They know EXACTLY what they're doing, and the biggest effect WILL be piracy. C'mon, man.

jmare5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

@ Darkpower,

Are you fucking serious? Sony has been trying to kill "Homebrew" on PSP because of the rampant piracy that has destroyed game sales on the device. That's why there are 50 million PSPs in the wild and even big games sell horribly. This is why Sony doesn't want to allow any modification to their hardware, they've already had one platform ruined by hacking.

People bitch about piracy because it screws things up for everyone who doesn't pirate. Likewise, people complain about draconian DRM because they are being punished for someone else's crime. It's like you going to jail because someone you don't know stole someting. That is why people bitch about both.

And any good that comes from the homebrew scene is overwhelmed by piracy which makes it overall a bad proposition. Also, you can play imported games on your PS3 without modding already. The PS3 is region free, but that doesn't matter does it. What you don't seem to realize is that 1. Sony doesn't want just anything on their console, which is why there aren't sex games on consoles; and 2. There already is a platform for unlimited modding and homebrew which is called the PC.

Nobody paid any attention to homebrew on the PS3 when you could still use the OtherOS feature and actually create their own code that would work on the PS3. And maybe the argument that homebrew isn't just for piracy would have more weight if the first things shown weren't always ways to pirate games, or a hop, skip, and a jump towards piracy like the last hack with the usb dongle.

And the PS3 had mod support for Unreal Tournament and it wasn't really used at all.

While you can claim that this is good for the homebrew community, all this will really do is open up piracy on the PS3 unless Sony can kill this which looks unlikely. And if Sony can't stop this, don't be surprised if they drop the PS4 sooner than expected.

EDIT: So far this proof is only possible from a USB stick. If that's the only way things like this will work, then maybe Sony has a chance of killing this thing. Also, why is there no video showing this hack in action?

Pyscho_Mantis5012d ago

i just went on a game of mw2 and there was a hacker who was unable to die had the no reload hack, and was able to shoot through all walls with his aimbot. When he got his ac130 it could shoot unlimited misiles. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

HappyGaming5011d ago

Geohot wrote:

"if you want your next console to be secure, get in touch with me. any of you 3."

Dear or dear...

The Lazy One5011d ago

@"Are you fucking serious? Sony has been trying to kill "Homebrew" on PSP because of the rampant piracy that has destroyed game sales on the device. That's why there are 50 million PSPs in the wild and even big games sell horribly. This is why Sony doesn't want to allow any modification to their hardware, they've already had one platform ruined by hacking."

The PSP wasn't killed because of pirating and homebrew. Pirating and homebrew are the biggest reasons it's still selling. It would have been discontinued years ago without it because the DS is just so much better.

and good PSP games still sell better than a lot of games on any console.

presto7175011d ago

Piracy sucks, but homebrew is not all evil. In my opinion, sony's official ps3 updates have been crap so far. Things I would like, and I have seen other ps3 owners ask for, such as pushing the home-button to instantly view a new trophy or message, or cross-game chat and voice messaging have all been ignored by Sony. Instead sony is giving us junk like facebook and some TV bla bla bla.... If some one came out with custom firmware with the features I want, I dont see what is wrong in getting it. I dont pirate games so I am stealing anything. Just tired of waiting on Sony to get sh*t done.

jmare5011d ago

Did you ever stop to think that there's reason that those features aren't implemented yet, other than Sony not listening to its fans? The biggest hurdle is Live, if Sony isn't careful, Microsoft would be able to sue for patent infringement which is why features like game invites and custom soundtracks are handled by the individual developers versus a unified system which Microsoft has a patent on. Possibly if a custom firmware came out that had all the features that you want, Sony would still be liable for patent infringement.

zag5011d ago

Sony own the factory that make the CELL so they can alter the chip if they want.

I see a new version coming out pretty soon one with no USB ports, no either net port but will have bluetooth and the WiFI and make all games download only or as with need for speed hot pursuit and GT5 make the games log all incoming game start ups online.

Don't have your new PS3 on the net no games will work for you.

So currently all the people who have been playing pirated GT5 etc games with a net connection will have been getting logged, it says that in the GT5 manual that these people don't have.

Sony can fix up the master code easy but the end result won't be nice for those with the old console.

the other problem is what will devs do currently? do you hold off on releasing games for the PS3 for the moment or forever?

Pirated games and home brew don't pay people's salary or companies bills sorry to say.

And Adults in the real world don't work for free, geohot doesn't understand that as he's only what 17 be a laugh when he gets told nar can't pay yer as all our stuff got flogged and sold for a fiver around the corner.

Sony and apple would be able to sue him for patent infringement even the failover people could be sued as well, it wouldn't be hard for these companies to find people.

Do PS3 custom firmware which break other companies patents will end up with these people in jail or paying millions or billions for dollars in royalties.

Just because you can hack something doesn't mean you can't be sued for it, The pirate bay thought the same thing for many a year till they got chopped down and it was helping people pirate stuff nothing to do with torrents and they don't understand that one bit, they screwed themselves over with their crap defence of showing how to make files to help people get the pirated stuff the dickheads.

Once they are in the real world expect to get chopped up and spat out.

I wouldn't be surprised Geohotz retirement was sony sending the lawyers around to have a little chat with him.

Just think these people will have pissed off a multi billion dollar company that is a content maker for the PS system, they'd have little question with losing a few million paying lawyers to screw these people over big time or have people go missing completely unknown why of course.

ZombieNinjaPanda5011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )


Ever heard of guilty by association?


Also patent infringement? Hasn't it been confirmed that Microsoft only has patents that are specific to live itself?

edit 2:

Zag, your idea is idiotic. Why would Sony alienate consumers like that? They're not idiots.

The Lazy One5011d ago

@ZombieNinjaPanda:"Ever heard of guilty by association?"


ZombieNinjaPanda5011d ago

@ Lazy One

Wikipedia or not, courts do not care whether you were directly or indirectly involved, or had any idea what you were doing. Either way you're screwed.

And now I don't even remember what it was I was responding to on his original post.

jmare5011d ago

As I understand it, the patents Microsoft has are for an integrated service that provides certain features and functionality. Otherwise, why would Sony not implement the things that people have been asking for rather than leave it to the developers? Like you said, Sony isn't stupid. They know people want these things and it cannot be so hard to implement these things, even if they had to completely re-code PSN.

The Lazy One5011d ago

@"Wikipedia or not, courts do not care whether you were directly or indirectly involved, or had any idea what you were doing. Either way you're screwed."

have you ever been in a court room? read a legal document? watched law and order even? They totally care whether you were directly or indirectly involved.

You may as well have said, "Wikipedia or not, courts don't care whether you are guilty or innocent. Either way you're screwed."

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5011d ago
DERKADER5012d ago Show
wizzle525012d ago

Unfortunately he is right,

while Blaze929 has stated that homebrew is separate to piracy, and creates wonderful things there will be those who always want to create certain homebrew for piracy. That is the sad truth

This news however, is not piracy. Its just showing how someone can run unsigned code on a non hacked console. Similar to how people use other programming languages to do the same thing on a pc.

cozmo1955012d ago

actually it is signed code not un signed code

wizzle525012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

@Cozmo, My bad! It is now i forgot. But still, he created something that can run on the console and on the latest FW. Before only Sony could do that, apparantly it was a proof of concept to show it can be done. (signing homebrew)

How am i denying it? Dont reply to my comment if its not me who's denying it. :/

rjdofu5012d ago

Deny all you want, it will still lead to piracy. Opening a door for homebrew means opening a door for pirate. You guys don't pirate, eventually someone will. Since someone starts, the other will follow. That's is the sad truth.

Blaze9295012d ago

"there will be those who always want to create certain homebrew for piracy. That is the sad truth "

no doubt, and that's unfortunate it. My only issue is with people who only see this as a means to 100% piracy only benefit. Like come on, this DOES enable OTHER things.

Vherostar5012d ago

Ah but homebrew is just a cover up for piracy everybody knows it. Nobody really only runs homebrew on there console we all know this and to deny this fact is denying the truth.

JD_Shadow5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

"Ah but homebrew is just a cover up for piracy everybody knows it."

Wow...that was an ignorant statement if I ever saw one!

Care to explain HOW that's true when we have awesome indie games like Amnesia: The Dark Decent on Steam that could be a PS3 game as well because of this type of thing? Hell, the people behind Super Meat Boy won't even HAVE to worry about Sony "approving it" (as ignorant as I think Team Meat's decision about the PS3 is) because they would be able to have it run by themselves without Sony's approval.

Yet, it's all about piracy to you?

zag5011d ago

Well running emulators is patent infringement and then running the games without the cart is piracy.

But people claim that to be homebrew.

there's very little real home brew, because there's no real need for a video player already have that, music player already have that, picture viewer already have that web browser already have that etc etc.

So what would be worth while homebrew on the PS3 really?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5011d ago
dragon825012d ago

People weren't compaining then because it was about an actual game. This crap just promotes hacking which in turn just promotes piracy. You can argue all you want about how its for homebrew but the fact is it all leads back to piracy in the end.

kaveti66165012d ago

chewing gum leads to smoking heroin. you can argue all you want but the fact is it all leads back to hard drug use. /s

your slippery slope logic is pretty annoying.

why is it that when the 360 was hacked, some people in this site bashed Microsoft, but when the PS3 gets "hacked" those same people are crying foul and whining and moaning?

Deal with it.

dragon825012d ago

Well, I sure as hell never bashed Microsoft over getting hacked. The fact that you are trying to use this as fanboy fuel tells alot about your character.

kaveti66165012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

Oh yes, 5 lines I post on the internet must say a hell of a lot about my character. /s

You're accusing people of piracy before they've even committed it. I hope you're not a police officer.

Edit: I don't fucking care about Microsoft. My fatal error was pointing out the hypocrisy of you little d-bags and the rash you've developed on your bums as you cry incessantly about someone opening up your closed-box toys.

HATE5065012d ago Show
nycredude5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )


Are you retarded? How the fuck is chewing gum in any way related to using heroin? Seriously think before you talk. Fact is it leads directy to fucking piracy!

Plus homebrew is ILLEGAL! Read the freaking terms of use readily available. Maybe if one day you guys grow a pair, got smart and started a multibillion dollar company that has to deal with this shit then you will understand the ramifications of "hombrew", IE piracy!

It's easy to sit at home on a computer on N4g and type away talking about crap when you don't have to deal with it. Trying living in the company's shoes for a day.

You know what IS really annoying? People like you who comes here whines all day about 360 this 360 that and whines all day about the PS3 that and Ps3 this, without ever contributing anything of real value to the conversation.

Why don't you pull up some articles and theads about people bashing MS when 360 got hacked. You won't find any recently do you know why cause that shit happened years ago!! We are talking about now now 4 years ago! You still butthurt over shit everyone else already swept under te rugs years ago.

Move on in life and just... DEAL WITH IT.

So I got a disagree this fool must think chewing gum leads to heroin.

Seriously if I were SOny I would hire the best hackers in the world (geohot is not the best) the best are the ones you NEVER hear about, ever! and just have them ruin his life. Fight fire with fire. Erase this fools record, make him decease, cancel his cards, seize his account, etc. Seriously that is the only way they will learn. When they find out there is ones way better than them.

kaveti66165012d ago

Nycredude, if you want to call me names, give me your address and we can talk in person. Until then, refrain from punching your keys on my account. I've read your history. I don't like having conversations with people who have de-oxygenated brains, so good day to you.

jadenkorri5012d ago

i love the fact that people hacking systems hide behind homebrew. Homebrew does not lead to piracy, homebrew is piracy, its the whole point in having access to the ps3 or other system.

bailoutbenny5012d ago

who cares if the console is hacked?

piracy != lost sales. pirated copies of games cannot be counted as lost sales, this remains one of the biggest fallacies perpetrated by game publishers/developers.

if you wish to avoid piracy as much as possible, make something people want on the most open platform at the cheapest price point with no drm.

STEAM, Direct2Drive, GOG are all successful because they follow this exact formula. Cheap, minimal to no DRM, convenience, desirable products. Even minecraft is a good demonstration of this formula.

Any publisher/developer that blames piracy for poor revenue is shifting the blame off of themselves for putting out a product that is not worth the time and money to potential customers. For example, Crytek tried to blame piracy concerning Crysis sales, ignoring the fact that people had to spend $3k on a top of the line PC that STILL couldn't run Crysis configured with max settings at playable framerates, not to mention the mediocre story and game mechanics. Even so, they sold over 2 million copies, a pretty good haul for a PC game. Ubisoft plays the piracy card with many of their recent releases, downplaying the average reviews and lackluster consumer interest. They used piracy to justify the highly draconian constant connection DRM, which led to more people not buying Ubi games, so much so that they had to reverse their stance recently and remove the always on DRM.

Who the hell wants to pay 60 dollars for a game that is only 4-5 hours long, has no replayability for the main campaign, whose online component gets repetitive and dull after the first week, which may not even be playable on release or in the future due to messy or purposely-built-that-way DRM implementations and/or bugs, and will almost certainly not have any online availability in the future (highly dependent on mods/servers being released by the developers and people using them, which doesn't happen for consoles at all, besides things like bandwith caps and traffic shaping by ISPs)? The game has to cost either much less than 60 dollars or have such a wealth of mod tools and servers that people will be able to create/distribute their own content and continue to play long after the "official" servers are taken down.

Just think about all the PSN, STEAM and Live games people have. If any of those networks fail or are taken down, say goodbye to your digital collection and online multiplayer. Anything requiring online authentication won't work either. I suppose as long as the games are cheap enough, which is quite often the case for STEAM, most users won't care, but games aren't cheap when purchased for consoles.

dragon825012d ago

I love how pirates use the "I wasn't going to buy it anyway so it's not hurting" argument. You can try and justify it to yourself all you want but it wont change the fact that it is illegal and wrong. Why don't you just get a Gamefly account (or similar) for the games you don't feel are worth $60.

bailoutbenny5012d ago


I don't think piracy is morally correct. I either buy games or I do not buy them and do not download them. I have a Steam account, a GOG account, a Direct2Drive account, Xbox Live account, etc. I am a firm believer in compensating someone for the fruits of their labor. I am also a firm believer in the price mechanism and the ability of consumer/producer to agree on a price. The current way in which the market works is that the producer sets a price and the consumer cannot negotiate, they either buy or don't buy. The price may drop after some time, but this delayed drop severely hinders saleability and I believe the delay has an effect on piracy rates as well. There needs to be more elasticity in the pricing mechanism for games if more copies are to be sold.

Using the piracy == lost sales argument is a logical fallacy, which is what I stated. I then went on to describe ways that I think piracy can be minimized. There is evidence to support the statement that piracy is in direct proportion to cost/availability of games. Therefore games that are expensive and not highly available (due to DRM or other access limitations) tend to be heavily pirated while games that are cheaper and more easily accessed are not. Again, a more immediate pricing mechanic as well as cheaper initial price point and higher availability will do much to taper off piracy.

Darkfocus5012d ago

"Plus homebrew is ILLEGAL! Read the freaking terms of use readily available. Maybe if one day you guys grow a pair, got smart and started a multibillion dollar company that has to deal with this shit then you will understand the ramifications of "hombrew", IE piracy! "


TOS and aren't legally binding

dragon825012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

While I was responding to your comment it was not directly directed at you. It was more of a statement about pirates in general.

zag5011d ago


Your a complete dickhead.

Crytek look at a site and see 500,000 people have grabbed crysis for free they times that by $60 and and then go that's 30 million dollars of lost sales.

Crytek don't make games for free and pay their employees nothing you know.

How do you pay your bills? do you tell the ISP that you have no cash but keep it going as they should know your good for it.

They'd disconnect you and send the debt collectors around.

As Gene simmons says "sure... you can run around with no money, but it doesn't put food on the table."

Steam, direct2drive etc are all DRM once you add a key to them you can't play them without having steam re-verify all those keys each time you start up steam, even when offline it verifies those keys so if the database is stuffed you won't be able to play those games because if can't tell if it should allow you to play them.

And steam etc are the same price as the stores you just don't get a disk and a box, the sales are just the same deal as the bargain bin you dope.

UBIsoft haven't gotten rid of the DRM it's still their they just stopped the downloading of 1-2kb of data for all the time you play the game with that DRM.

And the people who want you to pay $60 for a game are the people who made the damn game, generally because they want to get paid for it, dickhead.

Just like you probably want your pay at the end of the week when you work, or do you work for free living in some homeless shack that other people are paying for.

DragonKnight5011d ago

Thing is, when you buy a PS3 you only own the actual hardware. That is, the device. Why do you think that Sony doesn't care about case mods or things like that? Sony still owns the software and firmware on the device, which you agree to every time you agree to a TOS. Therefore, any hack of the software on the system is an illegal act upon intellectual property created, and owned, by Sony.

Think of it as a store. Now a store is a business owned by an individual or individuals. Legally, you are being permitted to enter the store to purchase or use goods that said store provides, but the owners retain the legal right to deny you access to the store or the goods since it is their business and the law sees it as such. The law sees the software and firmware on the PS3 as the intellectual property of Sony, not of the end user. Sony has created stipulations by which that software and firmware can be used, free of charge. By hacking the console and tampering with said software and firmware, you are going against those stipulations and attempting to use property that ISN'T yours for your own gains, i.e. free games.

There is no nobility in this. Homebrew is illegal, so hacking the console for homebrew alone is still illegal. And let's not forget the idiots who will do something like this, then try to blame Sony when their consoles brick and look for millions in lawsuits, and you KNOW that that will happen.

The truth of the matter is that, no matter what excuses or justifications arise, these hackers did it for free stuff, not for any noble causes. The PC is a far better platform for any kind of modding, emulation, or homebrew, so why the need to do it on the PS3? Because you can see it on a tv screen? Newsflash, you can do that with PC's too.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5011d ago
HolyOrangeCows5012d ago

Oh, cute. Geonotz can create a proof of concept thanks to other people's work.

Christopher5012d ago

***The day after the VGAs, there was an Uncharted 3 overload on N4G. I didn't see many people complaining then...why the complaints now? ***

Not that I'm outright complaining, but I'd definitely rather see a plethora of news articles that support a great game compared to those that only help to further the ego of someone who thinks he can create a security system that can't be bypassed whereas hundreds of extremely talented engineers have been unable to do as such. I really hate arrogance, and this kid latches onto accomplishing something based on the work of others because he craves the attention.

socomnick5012d ago

Give it a rest drama queens.

This hurts nobody but a giant corporation seriously.

Do you guys seriously think this will take off like wild fire, most people will not even know this exists much less install it and use it to its fullest extent.

I however have my jailbreak USB on the way, stupid dealsextreme takes too long to deliver.

I can't wait to see the homebrew that comes out of this, perhaps now I might finally use the ps3 more often.

nycredude5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )


Yeah it won't hurt you cause you don't buy games. For all of us people who have jobs, work hard and pay for our games it WILL hurt us in the long run. SO while you are sticking overpriced usb dongle in and getting your kicks off waiting for hackers to provide crap content equivalent to android apps, we will enjoy what awesome games will be available until Sony decides it isn't profitable enough to keep providing awesome games and go the way of the 360, either completely casual or releasing a new console way too soon.

And I bet you $100 if they did either of the above you would be on the frontlines bashing SOny every step of the way, while I play awesome games on the PS4.

bailoutbenny5012d ago

These people are cheering on some of the most anti-consumer behavior ever witnessed in the past 20 years.

What Sony, Microsoft, Apple, etc. do with firmware is equivalent to owning a car, modifying it with non-OEM parts, then taking it to a dealer for service, only to have the dealer break the car so it won't function and not give you your money back. Who here would not break that dealer's arms and legs? Likewise, why are people willing to forgive any of the aformentioned companies for doing exactly the same thing with their consoles and devices?

A modded car could be used to kill people just like a modded console can be used for piracy. It doesn't mean it will happen, only that it could be used that way. People take it for granted that it is ridiculous and unexpected for a dealer to act in said manner for a modded car, but there is absolutely no conceptual difference between that modded car and a modded console, so why the double standard?

Trroy5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )


Your comparison is horribly flawed. Car manufacturers get exclusive sales and manufacturing rights to parts for a period of time after the car is put on the market... much like the movie industry puts movies in theatres, and doesn't release the DVD for many months after.

Games bypass this grace period, and therein lies the rub. Piracy hurts games much more than it hurts movies, etc. I sincerely doubt you can name another industry that doesn't have an alterate mechanism to produce a significant amount of cash flow before they make themselves vulnerable to what is effectively consumer abuse (i.e. piracy).

Used game retailers shouldn't be allowed to sell used games less than 6 months old, IMO. Rentals should have to wait at least 2 months, IMO. Piracy should be steamrolled, when it comes to games. The games industry is stuck in a "straight to DVD" rut, that consumers and used retailers take advantage of.

That cannot, and won't last forever -- the "golden age" of video games is gone, and the games market is moving into a fiercely competitive, more mature model -- as its currently doing.

Your comparison conveniently forgets the differences between the two business models to make its point -- and thus the comparison is completely invalidated.

FragMnTagM5012d ago


I said the near exact same thing in another thread about this, but our comments are the equivalent of pissing in the wind around here. Some people are so wrapped up in teh console warz that they forget to think sometimes.

If I buy a toaster and I want it cook toast faster or put smilies on my toast in the morning, should I not be allowed to do that? I could theoretically sell my toast with smilies on it and even make a little profit. Is that wrong? Should I go to jail for that?

It really is the same thing. Modding device you BOUGHT and PAID for should be legal.

It is a slippery slope, what is next banning radio stations and car radios because your ears are stealing the music?

bailoutbenny5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

My comparison is fairly accurate, I believe.

In the car industry, the manufacturer can only prevent licensed OEM parts from being distributed immediately after product release. Therefore, I can take the brand new Civic, disassemble the motor and fabricate cams, crank, header, intake manifold, etc. and sell anything I make as unlicensed, non OEM parts without worry about Honda telling me I cannot do that. Likewise, I can turn around and sell that Civic the day I buy it without Honda telling me otherwise. How is this different than modding a console or selling a game you purchased?

For movies, you can see it in theaters, you can see it on DVD or you can do both. The game industry has similar concepts, digital downloads and physical copies. Digital downloads are usually what I like to call "burned forever" purchases, just like watching a movie in a theater. If it sucks, you paid and you can't get the money back. Digital downloads are usually non-transferrable license purchases if the game implements DRM such as activation codes. Steam doesn't allow "gifting" of licenses, for instance. DVD/Bluray and physical copies of games are very similar. The price "new" starts high and then comes down over time. Both can be sold used, with games having the additional capacity to be laden with one time use activation codes or other DRM that prevents transfer of license.

The problem with games, just like movies, is that they are created for entertainment. The initial costs can be quite high and the outcome is not guaranteed. This is why we see sequel after sequel to initially successful franchises instead of new IP. No amount of DRM and other invasive and obtrusive piracy tackling tactics can make a game not suck, in fact these things usually make a game suck more. No amount of blaming hackers and homebrewers will change the fact that your game sucks. If you price your sucky game too high, and make it difficult to use to boot, then don't be surprised that people are not buying copies of your game. I don't condone piracy, nor am I saying that it is ok to pirate just because a game costs a lot and sucks, I'm just saying that so many publishers are shocked that they spend a lot of money on games that don't sell well and then try to blame piracy. It wasn't piracy that killed game sales, the game sucking (DRM is a part of sucking) and costing so much are what killed sales.

If the game industry really wanted to take a stab at the 2nd hand market, they could always offer trade in incentives to people who purchased new. "Buy back" used games for credit towards their next new purchase and/or exclusive DLC and offer the used games for sale themselves at a deep discount. Forget this one time activation code crap, they can make money on both ends by doing exactly what Gamestop does with the additional benefit of being able to incentivize the whole process.

Trroy5011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )


I'd saddened that you don't understand the issues I presented in my post.

As a side point, your "DRM and high prices ruined games" argument doesn't hold water, either.

In the 90s, when the games industry was rich and growing at a rapid pace, games cost $40 new. Now they cost $60 new (on consoles... its still $50 for PC). Now adjust for inflation, and honestly tell me that you believe that the reason the games industry has economic trouble is due to "high prices".

Now, on top of that, adjust for investment/return, since modern HD quality games take a titanic amount of effort to create, relative to the low-tech titles of the past.

Do you think a business model where no game cost more than $1M to make could survive in such a competitive environment? Outside of making mediocore DS or downloadable games, that is, where the quality bar is not very high?

The used games industry, and piracy, are demolishing the games industry. Something *will* be done about it, because the current model has "FAIL" written all over it, just like a game pirate's forehead does.

zag5011d ago


There's already a product that doe smiley faces on toast but it's patented so copied could lead to you being sued for copying it.

Life sure is hard, when you can't even come up with a brand new product.

Well radio stations pay for a licence to RIAA to play music and then pay royalties to the band that made the music just so you can listen to music on the radio and the bands can be paid something for their music to be played on the radio.

Thats partly how the band can make some cash from the songs they made.

But if you read the T&C on the CD cover you'll see that you aren't allowed to play the songs on the CD unless your in an enclosed sound proof room with head phones etc.

other you could be sued for broadcasting music to people.

so yeah be careful about what your doing you could be breaking the law by simply playing music on your car stereo system.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5011d ago
GrandTheftZamboni5012d ago

All these years I've been dying to display exactly those words ("Hello, world") on my TV. I don't know whether to mod my PS3 now, or I should wait another 4 years for custom message.

cozmo1955012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

it generates a text file called "Hello, world" on your USB, so you enjoy it from the comfort of your own PC.

I'm waiting for some good home-brew so i can do even more cool stuff on my PS3 :P.

TBM5012d ago

meh this means nothing to me. id rather not mess with my expensive costing system lol.

TBM5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

so someone is telling me i should mess with my expensive system($500+)? ill tell you this whoever you are how about you mod your system while ill leave mine the way i bought it.

FinalSpartan5012d ago

The dark side is unleashed. Welcome to the true power of the PS3. The potential now is endless.

Scary695011d ago

Lame as Homebrew to be honest I wish these so call hackers would get arrested and then hanged. It is people like these that hurt the industries and the one reason game prices go up. F you hackers and F you people who support this BS.

theroadtoruin5011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )

@Bloodraid that's really a dumb analogy. the majority of the people in the world don't die in car accidents or overdose, that's just a small percentage and not everyone.

they know what the main purpose of hacking a PS3 is going to be.

do you really think the people that use this for things other than piracy like homebrew or whatever are going to out weigh the people that are going to use it for bad things like stealing games? lol

i really hope you're joking.

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