
1983 All Over Again? The November Release Log Jam

GI: Unlike most of you, I was alive in 1983. During this unforgettable year, I watched a TV show called Falcon Crest, I was the first to jump on the 3D bandwagon by seeing Jaws 3D in a theater, and I shed a tear when I learned that Deloreans were no longer being produced. For gamers, 1983 will likely be remembered most for the video game market crash. A glut of poorly-produced Atari 2600 titles flooded the market, leaving millions of gamers burned and disinterested in the sub-par standard in the industry. The lack of consumer interest resulted in a bloodbath for publishers, leading many into bankruptcy. More after the jump.

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fredfenster5041d ago

There won't be no disaster, what is this guy talking about?

hatchimatchi5040d ago

Not a disaster in the sense that videogaming as a whole will crash but that companies will go under due to oversaturation and low sales.

It's pretty much what happened to SEGA, they released so much garbage at the end of the genesis life cycle, coupled with the fact that the majority of the great saturn games never left japan & the system cost $100 more than the playstation, etc.

This stuff has already happened to developers this gen. Factor 5, Midway, etc.

The market can only handle so much, shelf space is limited, especially around christmas time when Harmonix and Activision are taking up all the room with their giant boxes of plastic guitars & drumkits. Plus, the economy isn't doing too well and game production costs are at an all time high which means they have to sell more units to break even.

Look at capcom, they aren't close to going under but last fiscal year wasn't so hot for them for software. Dark Void, Bionic Commando, Lost Planet 2. Why do you think they released that press statement saying they were going to be focusing more on key franchises. Companies are learning that taking risks can prove disastrous.


World of Warcraft: The War Within Beta First Impressions | The Outerhaven

The Outerhaven writes: I’ve been a World of Warcraft player since April 2005. I may have been five months late to the launch party but I am a Vanilla baby. I have played every expansion and since Cataclysm, I have beta-tested almost every expansion (minus Shadowlands and Dragonflight) and I finally had a chance to check out World of Warcraft: The War Within.

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Black Myth: Wukong Devs Refused To Work with Sweet Baby Inc

According to the latest report, Black Myth Wukong developers refused to work with Sweet Baby Inc. due to unbelievably high guidance fees.

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bananacrust9h ago

theres nothing to this story and its rage bait. why would a chinese company work with a north american firm on chinese ideals?

-Foxtrot8h ago

The real question is why would an American consultant firm even try to get a Chinese company to agree to any kind of deal knowing the countries ideals. They approached them first.

It’s just arrogant that they think they could dictate what a studio in another country does

When you have the co-founder saying stuff like this


You can see why they think they could even try to do this to a Chinese based studio.

What’s next? Threaten them? Try to cancel them? Get western journalists to write hit pieces on them and play down the game?

They shouldn’t have even approached them to begin with, they have no right.

Also the price of their services is insane

isarai4h ago

Exactly what i was thinking, the whole concept of SBI is absurd to me.

H91h ago

Actually IGN already did, GS refused the deal with SBI in the past which prompted IGN to write a hit piece last year about how sexist GS are, they replied on poorly translated old remarks made by some of the devs

--Onilink--1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I dont know, a consulting firm offering services to a company from a different plac, that is no doubt also trying to reach the market said consulting firm is located in, seems like a perfectly reasonable scenario to me.

Same if the company would reach out to consulting firms instead.

Obviously thats unrelated to the specifics of the consulting firm in question and whether the other company is interested in that kind of assistance for their product.

But generally speaking, a consulting firm from one location trying to get to work with a company from a different location sounds like such a normal thing to me, no idea why you think they shouldn’t have even approached them based on being from different countries

Aphrodia8h ago

finally the gaming community is learning about the politcally correct consultant companies and the racket they are running.

H91h ago

Now is a good time to remind people of the IGN hit piece on sexism in Game Science studio that came out of nowhere last year
This is a application to how the co-founder of SBI admitted to bully studios into working with them

vTuro2413m ago

If only every gaming company would do the same.


Warframe Interview: Rebb Ford Talks Bringing Stalker Back for Jade Shadows

Game Rant chats with Warframe creative director Rebb Ford about Jade Shadows, the Stalker's history, and how the team handles lore and characters.

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