
Unreal Tournament 3 Info Explosion

An interview with Unreal Tournament 3 producer Jeff Morris at Gameplayer confirms some features and leaks some interesting bits of news. PC vs. X360 multiplayer still under consideration, 40-odd Maps and more. The article also includes about thirteen pics, some of which appear to be new.

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tony6251d ago (Edited 6251d ago )

in my opinion, this is a overrated shooter. the graphics look great, but too fast of a gameplay. run and shoot. i don't think it will be great like gears of war.

hikikimori6251d ago

Well that proves you suck at games. Fast paced FPS blows away any of this boring tactical crap like R6 or Gears.
Quake 3 arena is so old and plays better than any FPS game I have played yet.
UT3 will be great, plus mouse and keys for real aim, instead of retard mode. (controller)

JasonPC360PS3Wii6251d ago

Why don't you bring your smack talkin ass on over here on games like GRAW, Battlefield, Americas Army. Counter Strike, Rainbow or Shadowrun. Those games are not like UT, Quake, Halo those and take differant skill. I come from UT so dont even try it, UT=lobbing grenades down halways or spaming the ripper in hopes you get a headshot, DGMW the Shock rifle and sniper rifle take skill but those are the only two weapons.

You talk about skill, maybe this guy don't like to hop around like mario on crack trying to hit a small blip in the other end of the map with a stinger. Put up or shut up when talking gaming skill. my gamertag is Jason xg1 I own all the games mentioned above, come get some.

hikikimori6251d ago

Got a PC fool? You have Q3 on that? I'll play you 1v1 anytime, anywhere son.
Call it.
Hows that smack talk for you.

ALIEN6251d ago

i respect your opinion, but you can't deny that UT3 will be a great game. I can't wait to play against PC owners, and im looking forward to play against 360 owners too. It'll be cool.

ThisIsWaiting6251d ago

but I <3 it.

Reading that 360 Vs PC cross platform play is still being considered is awesome.

Every MP game should ship with 40 maps! lol

heavymetal3k6251d ago

He said console to pc play, there has been much more speculation that it would be ps3 to pc rather than 360 to pc, mainly because the game will not be running on MS gaming software on the pc. But who knows, maybe all three will play together, or none.

ThisIsWaiting6251d ago

The question was Xbox360 specific ... so, you would think that since that was the topic, the answer would be geared towards that ... maybe?

Gameplayer: Will PC and Xbox 360 owners be able to compete against each other? Why or why not?

Jeff Morris: We’re still on the fence about console/PC crossplay. While it’s great to not divide your player pool across platforms, we’re just not sure that it’s a feature people want. To be determined, though there’s no technical reason why it wouldn’t work.

6251d ago
SlappingOysters6251d ago

Remember that in the case of email interviews, developments occur between the questions heading off and the answers arriving back. Face-2-face is always best, but not always feasible.

Rooted_Dust6251d ago (Edited 6251d ago )

PC to 360 Crossplatform play is less likely because Epic doesn't want to use Live Anywhere for it's PC version of UT3, which is a requirement for playing PC to 360. They may be willing to work within constraints when they are developing games for Xbox360, but when there are doing a PC game they aren't going to deal with MS's control freak attitude.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6251d ago
Odion6251d ago

There goes the UT3 runs better on the PS3

Gameplayer: The game spans three formats, have you been confronted with any major design issues in the production of this game as a result?

Jeff Morris: Not especially other than it’s the equivalent of 3 separate games when it comes to the end phase. Things like QA are basically 3 times the work, but ultimately the game looks and plays virtually identically on all 3 platforms.

6251d ago
Yosking6251d ago

Unreal will master next-gen ut3 on the ps3.
Rock on ps3!!!

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Tech Focus - Motion Blur: Is It Good For Gaming Graphics?

Opinion is divided on this one for sure! Is motion blur good for gaming? Why do developers include it?

TheOptimist2283d ago

I hate any game that has motion blur and the first thing I do is switch off the motion blur in games. It just makes me nauseous.

XentaJones2282d ago

motion blur makes me sick... so its off.

OpenGL2282d ago

I agree with Alex here, many implementations are terrible but when it is done right it improves the experience.

2282d ago
TheSplooge2282d ago

I always turn it off. Along with depth of field.

Mr_Wilson2282d ago

Those plus vignetting, chromatic aberration, and film grain.

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Let’s be Honest, DOOM Looks like the Best First Person Shooter We’ve Seen in Ages

Alex from GamersFTW writes:

“In all seriousness though, I feel like DOOM’s success will be measured by how much the game has to offer. Graphically it’s looking spectacular, and I’m sure the latest multiplayer trailer caught all of our attention. Personally, the game is beginning to remind me of those late nights playing Unreal Tournament 3, which is totally a good thing. This, in addition to the promise of user-generated content, is making DOOM look like the best first-person shooter I’ve seen in ages.”

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Shillmeister3113d ago (Edited 3113d ago )

The campaign looks brilliant, like a true nostalgia trip to the original DOOM titles of old! The multiplayer equally looks like a trip down memory lane to fast-paced and frantic arena games a-la Quake, and honestly the MP REALLY makes me want to the get game at launch to capitalise on the hype. Problem is I'm not overly fussed with multiplayer typically in games, they can get weary after a while, and buying a game solely for its MP is risky - especially on console - as it's heavily dependant on the community!

Rock to my left, hard place to my right..

EDIT: On the MP note, does anyone know if it'll have bots available, similar to Unreal Tournament 3? I still give that a quick play time to time with bots (and all the mad mutators).

c00lvilKid693113d ago

I’m exactly the same, usually multiplayer games are of no interest to me. But DOOM has sparked my curiosity, especially as someone who used to enjoy multiplayer first person shooters like Quake/Unreal. Totally understand your concerns about it being heavily dependant on the community, too. Which is just another reason they should include bots, in case the numbers need to be made up. I’m hoping the community will be good, considering the creative freedoms they’re handing over with the SnapMap thing.

3113d ago
esmittystud1013113d ago (Edited 3113d ago )

Its basically a "console" ahead, in terms of graphics, of another shooter called Homefront thats getting ready to release. LOL

wakeNbake3113d ago

Well thats just a low budget turd, no comparison at all.

mezati993113d ago

i am gonna have to agree with this

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Game Music Daily Week 54

Great selections as always and they are...
Final Fantasy
Metal Gear Solid
Super Smash Bros.
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Unreal Tournament
Advance Wars
Payday 2

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