
PS3 Has No Games? Putting An End To The Myth

RDG decided to touch on a topic that's much debated on the web. We've been to enough gaming websites and forums to know that one of the biggest things argued about besides the price of the PS3 is that it has no games. So they took a look at this statement a little bit to see how well it holds up.

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socomnick6156d ago

I thought they were gonna show upcoming ps3 games or compare the games that it has out now but no they count the ps1 and ps2 games . Point is people buy a ps3 to play ps3 games not ps2 games.

weekapaugh6156d ago

"Shouldn't you be playing Gears of War"

wait, how can they play Gears anymore, its only 30fps.

tehcellownu6156d ago

Sony Exclusive list.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Final Fantasy VIII
3. Final Fantasy Versus
4. Uncharted Drakes Fortune
5. Heavenly Sword
6. Ratchet and ClankTools of Destruction
7. WarHawk
8. War Devil
9. Infamous
10. Gran Turismo 5
11. Eight Days
12. God of War 3
13. Heavy Rain
14. Lair
15. LittleBigPlanet
16. Socom Confrontation
17. Socom 4
18. Tekken 6
19. Afrika
20. Getaway
21. White Knight Story
22. Eyedentify
23. Killzone 2
24. Fifth Phantom Saga
25. Unreal Tourment ( Time Exclusive)
26. Haze (Time Exclusive)
27. Wipeout
28. Gradius
29. Possession
30. Time Crisis 4
31. The Agency
32. The Eye of Judgment
33. New Team ICO GAME
34. Folklore
35. Hot Golf 5
36.Valkyrie of the Battlefield
37. Disgaea 3
38. Tears of Tiara

PSN Downloads GAMES

1. Calling All Cars
2. Super Stardust HD
3. Gran Turismo HD
4. Pain
5. Echochrome
6. Snakeball (Aug. 9th)
7. Nucleus
8. Elefunk
9. Everyday Shooter
10. Toy Home
11. Ski
12. Aqua Vita
13. Operation Creature Feature
14. Trials of Topoq
15. Loco Roco
16. Parappa the rapper

Ju6156d ago

Hm, I would go for PS3 games primarily, but I bought Tomb Raider Aniversery and GoW2 recently. Both great games which I wouldn't want to miss out on those (actually, some games play on my PS3, which don't work on the PS2 any more - disk too damaged, but PS3 eats 'em all).
GoW2 is amazing for 480i (upscaled), visually. And $19-49 is another argument. $59 needs to be a very good game, IMO. When they'll come with $39 PS3 "Classics" it will become more interesting again. So, I have so save my funds for Lair, Graw2, Warhawk, Heavenly Swords and Uncharted. But that'll be for this years budget, rest later. (Sorry SC and RB6V)

nice_cuppa6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

dude there were about 5 games on that list that were this year.

who are you trying to convince with your spam lists ???

just because you don't like the truth you disagree.
at least tell me why !

KoonMcKoon6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

daaaaayyuuuuuum teh cell thats one sweet ass F0shizzle Nigguh shEEt list u got ther, FoSh000 the PS3 ownz all

U nigguhs doubted it now u will come crawling back to its Black excellence.
Koon for life.

The mart sucks is either high on some insane dope, or hes suckin a nigguh d!ck and his judgement is blinded.

Tsukasah6156d ago

Dude, I didn't understand one word you said. Seriously, I hope you were kidding, but if not... you need to take a damn English class man. Honestly, I believe a vast majority of the people here do not know this modern lingo also known as Ebonics..

oh dear lord i sound like my dad... and to think... im 15....

eLiNeS6155d ago



Where's the pre-orders for any PS3 games? You PofS 3 fandroids need to get on the ball!!!


N4G it's not my fault, this site has made me anti Sony!!!

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TheMART6156d ago

Maybe we should say...

No good (AAA) games? Resistance, Motorstorm, Ninja Gaiden all no AAA. Lair proven no AAA by EGM 6 review. Warhawk will be no AAA, a downloadable fungame though.

Heavenly Sword has a change to become an AAA game, but I think Goddess of War will hit about an 8 in reviews.

So there are some games that are worth playing. But not worth paying 600 dollar/euro for.

SmokeyMcBear6156d ago

mmmm envious of the system you can't afford.. too funny

eXplotion6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

Ninja Gaiden is AAA. Resistance should be considered AAA. Heveanly Sword WILL be AAA. Lair and Warhawk AA. UT3 AAA. Haze AA. Uncharted looks AAA.

@Shadow Flare: hahaha too funny

Xbox 360 Will6156d ago

the person that plays the game decides how good of a game it is. For someone who hates the PS3 so much you give it more attention then some Sony fans. Shouldn't you be playing Gears of War or saving up for Halo 3?

TheMART6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

To all above.

Its simple to prove.

Resistance, Motorstorm and Ninja Sigma Gaiden didn't have an average review of over 90%.

Resistance was 89% or so, Motorstorm close to 80% etc.

AAA is like Gears of War 93% or so, Bioshock AAA I think its close to 97% at this moment. Watch these rates:

PC Gamer UK: 9.5
OXM UK: 10
Game Informer: 10
Alternative Press: 10
Xbox World: 9.4
Gamers: 9.8
Gametrailers: 10
PCZone: 9.6
AP Mag: 10

Anything like that on the PS3? No? Great. No AAA then

Xbox 360 Will6156d ago

complain about with the PS3 no matter what. When the PS3 has nothing else to complain about you'll start making things up. Half the things you say now are made up! You might as well be a Sony Stalker. They should get a restraining order against you! You say things to provoke Sony fans but all it does is make you look less intelligent. Get all your PS3 hating out now because soon you'll have to devote your time to making excuses of why the PS3 is beating the 360. Thats right Mart let it all out now!

Omicronn6156d ago

The biggest PS3 hater seems to spend 90% of his comments on the PS3 section of this website.
Cutting and pasting away the same reviews everyday like a customer service rep for MS.

Makes you wonder why eh? :)

vloeistof6156d ago

the mart are you on insidegamer also

jay36156d ago

PS3 has some great games of course, i don't think anyones calling it a piece of crap or anything.

But he's right, yes, the PS3 has some good games coming out over the course of the next 2 years, but right now (With titles the PS3 fans praise because it's all they got. Guys, when World Championship Snooker is in your consoles Top 20 games list, you know there isn't all that much) It's definetly not worth the money. I will be getting one however, like i said, some great games coming out :D

Bathyj6156d ago

AAA is just a catchphrase. All it means to me is a great game I can have lots of fun with.

I dont give a rats arse what scores gamerankings say it averages out to because in the end a review is just someones opinion and can bve flawed.

Havent we learned that in the last couple of weeks?

I'm not saying PS3 doesn't need good games, it needs them bad. But dont forget its been a slow year for all consoles. Wii has nothing despite all the hardware sold and Xbox hasn't been over ridden with quality software lately either.

The good news is the wait is nearly over. There are son many good titles coming out starting really, really soon. Before the End of the year I'm buying:

Mario Galaxy (dont know if thats out this year or not)

Halo 3
Mass Effect

Heavanly Sword
Army of Two
Assassins Creed
Whew, what did I forget? Thats alot of games to get in 3 or 4 months. Not everyones as spoilt as me. Hopefully a MGS4, KZ2 and LBP demo will pop up soon as well.

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Robotz Rule6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

I bursted out with laughter as soon as I saw that pic!

Look in the mirror damn you!:)

MikeGdaGod6156d ago

xbots claim to have sooooooooooooooooooooo many more games that are better on 360. but are they playin them? NO! they're on here talkin sh!t about how ps3 owners dont have any games to play.

seems to me like the games for 360 cant be that entertaining because all the xbots flood the ps3 posts to take shots. thats all the proof i need that they dont even believe their own bs.

nothing but LAMES

The Chief of Mjolnir6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

Look at nice cuppas post.

I totally agree with him.

Fanboys are just dropping their IQ for every post.

spammy_nooo6156d ago

games will just 'poor' in. idiots. Its 'POUR' In!!!!!!!

anyways, ya ps1 and ps2 games are NOT ps3 games. i have ps1&2 games, but since i have those games, guess what? i have a ps2.

they should've mentioned all the cool games coming out more.

FirstknighT6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

360: 63 games rated 80 and higher!!!!
ps3: 12 games rated 80 and higher!!!! (8 of those games are better on the 360)

The ps3 has nothing but a bunch of crying fanboys. Dont believe me? Just watch the following reactions...

*EDIT* It doesn't matter if the 360 came out an year early...the fact still remains the 360 DESTROYS the ps3 in game quality. You cannot try to debate that.

tehcellownu6156d ago

No really the 360s beeen out longer..lol..

Games that exclusive that got high scores..

Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Motor Storm

Games that will get AAA this year on the PS3..

Uncharted Drakes Fortune
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet And Clank Tools of Destruction
Unreal Tournment

nice_cuppa6156d ago (Edited 6156d ago )

.....and we all know how that turned out.

just because you don't like the truth you disagree.
at least tell me why !

Ju6156d ago

Because one review rated it 6/10 with a justification becoming public right now, which clearly shows all negative points as opinions but the positive areas ignored ? All other reviews rated Lair AAA. Sure, all those must be idiots, but only one's right.

MikeGdaGod6156d ago

then why aren't u playin the games instead of d!ck ridin MS all day

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Driv3r, a Twenty Year Reunion

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Was Driv3r one of the first truly overhyped games in history? One of the first games incessantly covered by press pre-launch, only to end up being the complete opposite of what it promised once it finally arrived onto store shelves? It’s worth discussing. Then again, hindsight is 20-20; it’s easy to laugh at the fact it was once touted to be a GTA killer, but there were just half a dozen GTA clones back then, and we didn’t have YouTube or other reliable video players to properly check how a game played before actually buying it. Maybe Driv3r was a victim of its own hype, a troubled project made by people who didn’t want it to be too similar to Grand Theft Auto itself. But it sucked then, and it still sucks now. Not even the rosiest of nostalgia goggles can save this one."

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Nacho_Z14h ago

It's a shame they tried to copy GTA, they were terrible at it. If they'd doubled down on making the driving the star they could still be going now.


Fear Effect coming to PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC in 2025

Limited Run Games, in cooperation with Square Enix, will release action adventure game Fear Effect for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, the company announced.

CrimsonWing6919h ago(Edited 19h ago)

What!? That is freaking great!!!! I really loved this game back in the day and was so pissed the Remake got changed and then eventually canceled. This is such great news that it’s the original. Will definitely get the plat for it.

Mr Pumblechook18h ago

The article mentions:

* PC
* Nintendo Switch
* PlayStation 4
* PlayStation 5

But why isn’t there a mention of the Xbox Series version?

CrimsonWing6917h ago

Yea that’s a Limited Run Games thing like what @Scissorman showed in the article. They’ve tried selling the physical versions of Xsex games, but they just don’t sell. But I’m fairly sure this should be digital for Xbox, if not, then it’s time to drop Xbox and come to greener pastures.

wesnytsfs15h ago

@CrimsonWing69, greener pastures.. Yep moved to mainly PC now myself get all the good games from both companies now if only Nintendo would release games on PC too.

RiseNShine14h ago

so a ps1 game launched in modern platformos, mmmkay. I can play it already in emulators with high res, retroachievements support and more, doesn't make much sense.


Why Far Cry 3 Was The Best Of The Franchise?

Far Cry 3, an open-world masterpiece that redefined the series. Gameplay and storyline makes it a timeless classic that still inspires today.

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Deeeeznuuuts1d 9h ago

It's gotta be Far Cry 2 for me, the feeling of that game I'm still yet to find again, just everything about it, I'd kill for a remaster, I'd even be happy with just a bump in resolution and frame rate, occasionally go back to it, think I'm gunna have to do just that now 😂

porkChop1d 9h ago

A remaster of Far Cry 2 would be amazing, especially with the mods that fixed the broken stealth system and the dumb checkpoint respawns. Include those fixes and it would be a huge upgrade over the original.

JEECE1d 9h ago

Enemies respawn in Far Cry 2? Terrible! It's a broken system! Make me a one-man army who can inexplicably hold an entire region!

Enemies respawn in Dark Souls and Zelda? Brilliant! So much more hardcore! Glad the devs took risks!

porkChop1d 5h ago

The problem isn't them respawning. It's that they respawned after just 5 minutes. Like you'd still be in the area looking for diamonds, loot, exploring, etc, and the enemies would just respawn with you there.