
BioShock 3: 'Never say never,' says Levine

Irrational would return to Rapture if it had the right idea, Ken Levine tells CVG

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belal5142d ago

lucky that he didn't have any ideas so he could return to rapture. I mean if had we wouldn't have seen bioshock 3 like this. after playing bioshock 2 i felt that i had done this before. number 3 looks to change what number 2 did wrong.

MasterD9195142d ago

I actually was shocked to see what Infinite was when I saw the trailer. I thought after doing 2 water games already that a game in the clouds/air was awesome. It looks like it could be the best of all Bioshocks. I'm sure the story will mold into one but they mind as well stick with the new Bioshock franchise then go back to the old Rapture.

Why go back to Rapture underwater when they could focus on Bioshock in space instead? They are already in the sky...The sequel to Infinite should be in space.

I don't see why but if they ever do underwater again...they need to change the atmosphere and completely alter the city itself. Like if it was a frozen tundra underwater or something...You can never re-invent whats been re-invented already (meaning you can't do another Bioshock like 1 and 2 because 2 was supposed to do that). They'd have to completely remodel the levels and they should look nothing like from Bioshock 1 or 2. Bioshock 2 made those mistakes. People got tired of getting that "Haven't I been here/Done that before...?" because of the level design and how it resembled Bioshock 1.


Netflix announces Bioshock film in the works

One of the most popular video game franchises of all time is set to receive a Netflix film adaptation, according to an announcement on Tuesday afternoon.

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-Foxtrot950d ago

Gee...can't wait to see how many things they change and stray away from, oh don't forget the miscast actors

Neonridr950d ago

I have such high hopes because the first game is so near and dear to me. That being said, I'm sure they will mess it up. I'm hoping it's adult rated, and violent. I want to see a Big Daddy put that drill to good use :P

camel_toad949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

They're great at butchering stuff but there have also been some gems and surprises.

I never in my life thought I'd like a series based on League of Legends but it was pretty great.

Maybe just maybe they'll do Bioshock justice.

cheetah948d ago

Priority checklist
- Pander to POC
- Pander to woman
- Pander to LGBTQ
- Story

In that order

Silly Mammo948d ago

Damn! It sure sucks when white men aren't the sole focus of everything! Why can't these fringe groups be kept on the fringes like the good ole days?!? /s

senorfartcushion948d ago (Edited 948d ago )

Virgin detector


Vx_948d ago

Remove the story and I totally agree with the list

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 948d ago
senorfartcushion948d ago

You can cast who you want as a director. Don’t be sulky.

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Knightofelemia950d ago

Netflix did well with Dare Devil and the Punisher and I hear the Witcher is pretty good I know when I had Netflix at the time Stranger Things was also good. But Bioshock I love the franchise Bioshock Infinite is my favorite game I would pay the $21 Canadian just to check out Bioshock. Normally I would never renew my Netflix after they did their price hike but Bioshock would be worth it.

LoveSpuds949d ago

When firing on all cinders, Netflix do produce some brilliant stuff so I am not feeling pessimistic at all here. If Netflix deliver to their potential then this could be incredible given the quality of the source material. Personally, I am quite excited.

EvertonFC949d ago

Agreed, Netflix originals etc are fantastic in general, it's rare I don't like something they do.
Certainly not feeling negative with Netflix doing bioshock quite the opposite infact.

Ashunderfire86949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

Bu bu bu bu but what about Cowboy Beebop though? That was a little miss opportunity. Just a little nervous that Bioshock could turn to crap 💩 like that show. If they do a Horizon Zero Dawn show, I hope they don’t screw that up as well. I know a few good actresses that could play Aloy like Jon Snow’s girlfriend from Game of Thrones, and his wife in real life. Definitely see Aloy in her.

Livingthedream949d ago

Netflix does a lot of great things, recently finished the first season of Arcane and it was brilliant.

MadLad949d ago

Arkane was so damn good.
I just hope they keep up the quality with later releases.

I'm not even a LoL player.

Livingthedream949d ago

I’m sure they will, I don’t play the games either, I love the fact that I didn’t need to play them to enjoy it.

Michiel1989948d ago

Arcane was insanely good imo, I was hooked almost all the way. Im not sure of this but i think Netflix didnt have much to do with the production of the show? More like they just bought the rights to have it exclusively on there?

Some of their original shows are really good so im quite hopeful this might turn out to be a good show. Lets hope they wont F it up.

Nacho_Z949d ago

Love Bioshock but I'll prepare myself for the likelihood this will be both crap and a pale imitation of the source material. That covers most video game adaptations and Netflix films.

dumahim949d ago

How many have they done? It sounds like Witcher and Castlevania have done well.

Nacho_Z949d ago

I meant Netflix films in general, there are some good ones but most are average at best in my experience. Castlevania is good but I didn't like The Witcher, although it is successful.

Not sure if there are any live action video game film adaptations on Netflix as yet but they don't have a great track record.

dumahim949d ago

@ Nacho
For movies, I think it’s very difficult to cram he narrative from a 10+ hour game into 2 hours. I think that’s why series are much better suited for video game adaptations. Seems we have a bunch coming up, so we’ll see how well it plays out.

Terry_B949d ago

Why are PS2 and Wii and even the PS Vita tagged?

Atom666949d ago

The Vita tag stung a little bit extra.

Atticus_finch949d ago

Starring Tom Holland I'm guessing.

FlavorLav01949d ago

Haha. Now if it was a Sony movie, very likely

Outlawzz949d ago

Lol the Tom Holland craze is real

Terry_B949d ago

Kevin Nash is going to play the..Big Daddy.

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"We Have a Myriad of Ideas": Cloud Chamber's Kelley Gilmore Discusses the Next BioShock Game

GamesRadar - "While specifics of where and when this new BioShock game will take place are light (although you could certainly interpret Cloud Chamber's logo as a potential setting tease), we got to speak with Gilmore about what this next chapter might look like in the hands of her talented team."

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Smokehouse1749d ago

God I hope there is no online.

Juancho511749d ago

Having no online would guarantee an amazing single player campaign, I couldn't agree more, a giant epic single player campaign and then sprinkle on some DLC somewhere down the line and ill be ok.

rlow11749d ago

This is exciting and congrats to her for being the first female to lead a studio at 2k.

moriarty18891749d ago

yes please keep it SP OFFLINE with a solid story and interesting characters.

1749d ago

New BioShock Announced, Being Developed by New Developer Cloud Chamber

From IGN: "2K has announced a new BioShock game is officially in the works at a newly formed internal studio, Cloud Chamber. However, don't expect this new game in the near future.

Cloud Chamber is a new studio, with locations in both Novato, California and Montreal, Quebec, headed by Kelley Gilmore, who has worked at 2K's Firaxis Games for nearly two decades in various capacities on Sid Meier's Civilization and XCOM."

MadLad1749d ago

Interesting. Here's to hoping it's closer in tone and mechanics to the originals, and not Infinite. Good game in most regards, but didn't feel like Bioshock.

Justjoined1231749d ago

Im happy if its like any of its precursors - great games in different ways

Profchaos1749d ago

Infinite was a good evolution of the story it couldn't just be another game in the rapture.

mandingo1749d ago

Agree and disagree. Infinite and Bioshock 1/2 are incredible in their own right. Loved both for what they are. Which ever game I get ill be happy.

rainslacker1749d ago (Edited 1749d ago )

I liked infinite. Liked the originals too. Personally, I just hope it keeps that general BS feel if Levine isnt working on it. He seemed to know what it took to make the games interesting. One of the few FPS where they had good player agency. Even the first one where you didnt know what your role was made it seem like you were important to the story. That's something a lot of games fail to do

I'd like a new world. I like what they started with infinite, but would like to see different characters.

CanadianTurtle1748d ago

To be honest, I hope it's not another game set in Rapture. I've played the heck out of the first and second games. Beaten them on the Xbox360 and PS4 remastered edition. I don't know if I can enjoy another game with the same enivronments. As much as I love the world building of Rapture, it's going to feel stale if it's done 3 games in a row.

MadLad1748d ago

It's not that it even needs to be set in Rapture; it's just that that sort of setting managed to make you feel both isolated and alone, while still offering a really interesting aesthetic, if gritty. Infinite didn't do this.

Hell, put us into space similar to 2017's Prey. I mean, in a way, that game felt more like Bioshock to me than Infinite did.

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TK-661749d ago

Wonder if they'll do a new location or return to Rapture.

Tross1749d ago

I think Rapture has run its course, but I could be wrong. I think a new location would probably be for the best as Infinite is an indication that there are endless possibilities for the franchise, and I think we got everything we needed to out of the existing locations.

TK-661749d ago

Yeah, I just feel like even with Infinite they decided to fall back and return to Rapture with the DLC. I just hope its not going to be something where the franchise tries a new location, and then ends up falling back to Rapture every time because its a safe option.

LucasRuinedChildhood1749d ago

I think they need to create a location that's more akin to Rapture than Columbia without copying it too much. Rapture had more of an emphasis on horror and messing with the players head. The enemies were demented and left a very strong impression, at least on me anyway. Anyone remember this scene?

rainslacker1749d ago

I think they have some room to play around with different time eras. Maybe even something more modern, but with that steam punk feel.

Endyo1748d ago

The narrative connection between Rapture and Columbia was great. If they could replicate that quality writing into a new location without making it obvious from the start, they'd be heroes. Going back to Rapture for a third or technically a fourth time would be weird. But what's left? Space? That might be strange... but could be interesting.

Relientk771749d ago

Awesome, now comes the waiting game. Excited for a new BioShock though.

CanadianTurtle1748d ago

Try PREY (2016). Its pretty much Bioshock in space (and it's a damn good Bioshock clone). And yes I know SystemShock is considered the original "Bioshock in space" but PREY is the better game.

monkey6021749d ago

This is great news ! Even if it IS far too premature

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