
Has multi-platform meant a downgrade in graphics? - Dead Rising comparison video

With Dead Rising series no longer being Xbox 360 exclusive, Msxbox-World takes a look at the two games and ponders if multi-platform has meant a downgrade in graphics. They have a comparison video for viewing.

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Godmars2904992d ago

The first had several mechanical glitches including dumb AI and the second seems dumber still.

ShadesMoolah4992d ago

Well it's one series which was 360 exclusive and now isn't. Same as Mass Effect 2. But, we've not seen a multiplatform Mass Effect game yet.

Godmars2904992d ago

But we've seen Oblivion in the early days of multiplats.

Things have only fluctuated from there.

evrfighter4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

nope not a downgrade. when you develop for the lowest common denominators all it means is there is no progress.

we aren't going anywhere while console gamers continue to bend over for DLC, paying to play used games online, possibly paying to play a single game online, buying shovelware soon to be across all 3 platforms, and hype themselves up for boring tech like 3d.

pc gamers are moving away from FPS games and as usual. The sheep will follow. I'm predicting more DoTA like games (not necessarily rts style, but 3rd person as well) being the next big thing.

captain-obvious4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )


nope i think its just another lazy port
and lol @ an xbox fanboys website trying to use PS3 fanboys's words

and yah one more thing
i think both games looks the same

4992d ago
edhe4992d ago

Since when have those developers 'gone' from the platform?

They're just finally arriving on ps3 since Sony have managed to steer their console right 4 years into the cycle.

What's sad is that yes, it will reduce the quality of work on the 360 as they'll be getting up to speed and spending more time how to get balanced performance on the ps3, investing more time in fixing that than in exploiting the 360.

We see it time and time again that the ps3 doesn't cope as well with multiplats and there's even evidence that the 360 versions have been nerfed to achieve some platform parity:


All these years of trying to get parity on the ps3 and 360 hasn't been holding the ps3 back - it's been pushing it forward. The 360 however has been slowed down to let the ps3 catch up. Imagine it - senior devs, code gurus and masters at work all put on ps3 projects so they can get the engine up to scratch which already runs dreamy on a 360 - imagine what they could have done on the 360 to polish & improve instead.

mastiffchild4992d ago

Then why do PS3 exclusives routinely look better than their 360 counterparts? Fact is as devs aim for parity they aren't GOING to work the PS3 in the same optimised ways ND or GG do and will try the cheap way of fudging their usual PC/360 methods. It's plain to see if you look, seriously. Were these multiplats the best looking games for either or both systems I'd, maybe, think about your point(and EG are part owned by MS, you realise?)but as 360 exclusives can look slightly better and PS3 ones MUCH better I think it's nonsense especially when no multiplat devs seriously work on multiple SPEs like Sony's own devs.

4992d ago
4992d ago
gamer20104992d ago

Why is it that when the PS3 is the lead platform and the 360 gets the port it still looks just as good as the PS3 version, but when it is the other way around the PS3 versions often look inferior?

If you really think it makes sense to believe that after 4 years the supposedly more powerful console still can't regularly produce better performance on multiplatform games you are extremely out of touch with reality.

sikbeta4992d ago


Please.... come back to Reality and stop living that delusional dream

Multiplat games don't hold back any console and I'll explain to you why. third party devs don't push the boundaries with their games, why they'd do that? there is no "reward" for them to do it, Publishers rule Devs and IF Publishers don't see any "reward" for making their Devs doing an extra job in order to make [1] console version better than other, they just don't care, that's why the PS3 ports were lame and still coming some other lame ports

IF we want to talk about Content, that's another story, there it's where 1 console is holding back the other, this is the HD generation and we still see games with the same length or less than Last Gen, DLC should be a way to persuade gamers in order to keep that $60 copy, this gen DLC is a way to squeeze more money or try to sell a game that doesn't worth its price....

SaberEdge4991d ago

Come on guys, I stick up for the 360 when it's unfairly being attacked, but blaming this on the PS3 doesn't make sense. The PS3 has proven itself to be an extremely powerful console if approached the right way.

I don't think they look that different anyway. There has been a slight change in the art direction and they have perhaps made a few subtle changes to handle the increased enemy count, but all in all it looks about the same level of graphical fidelity.

SaberEdge4991d ago

I was wrong. I actually watched the video this time instead of just looking at the screenshots and there has definitely been a graphical downgrade. I don't know why they would do that. It's pretty noticeable. The textures seem lower resolution, the aliasing is worse, and the frame rate seems worse. The first Dead Rising definitely looked better.

outrageous4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Talk about delutional...lol...you do know Sony PS3 is at the bottom right??? Can we start there! The mighty, supercomputer Sony PS3 is still at the bottom, even with 360 not selling in Japan and after 5 years.

Listen, I know you don't want to here it and your typing through tears but 360 outsells PS3 all the time. Some analysts have said 360 may push their lead to 10++ million when the numbers come in for this holiday. I don't know what Sony is gonna do...if the PS3 was pirated, maybe it could help sales...oh wait???

Now in regards to graphics NOTHING on PS3 compares to the 360's top games...NOTHING. Gears of War 1 & 2 are unmatched, not only in sales with a combined total of 12+ million but the graphics in Gears is unattainable on the PS3. ID has spent YEARS trying to get the PS3 to run Rage like it runs on 360...I'll believe it when I see it. The reason that MW2 runs 60FPS at 640p is because of the PS3. If it was on 360 only, it would run 720p. All multi-plats look, sell and play better on 360 and that's why games like MW2, RDR ( 640p PS3 Vs 720p 360 )...etc...sell millions more on 360. The cell is to slow, just like Steve Jobs said years ago.

What must be " depressing " is how it's August and there is nothing to play on PS3...a car sim...um...Sony Move and LBP 2...right. I know, I own a PS3. Nothing but rentals all year. Depressing INDEED!!!

bushfan4991d ago

Gears of War 1 & 2 unmatched on PS3????
If that is true..then Olivia Munn is my bit.chy.


dude, go get a PS3 and see what "next gen" it's all about

Anon19744991d ago

@ outrageous. Time to do your homework.

"360 outsells PS3 all the time."
No, no no. Check your facts. At it's height the 360 had an 8 million console lead over the PS3. 8 million. What's that lead at now? 3.3 million as of the last official report from each company. So what does that mean? Obviously it proves the PS3 has been outselling the 360 head 2 head. Even for the first 6 months of 2010, according to Microsoft and Sony the PS3 has sold 1.6 million console more than the 360.

And as for "nothing" on the PS3 matching the graphics of Gears and Gears 2 - give your head a shake. Even the first Uncharted, character models were pushing twice the polygons of Gears and ran flawlessly. Since then we've witnessed dozens of games the 360 just doesn't have anything close to. Starting with Uncharted and MGS4, just a few include GT5, Heavy Rain, Uncharted2, Killzone, The Show.

I can only assume your either an ignorant gamer or simply a troll. I'm going to go with "troll". There's many valid criticism you can level at the PS3. The graphical prowess of its exclusives versus the 360 isn't one of them.

No Way4991d ago

Hmm, depressing? Really? o.O
I don't think everyone takes this 'war' as seriously as you do..

ExplosionSauce4991d ago

PS3 exclusives look awesome, period.
So why does the PS3 version of some multi-platform games look somewhat less impressive?

*Multi-platform games aren't developed for PS3 the same way exclusive games are.
*With 360, exclusive and multi-platform development is pretty much the same.

Does this help you understand things better?

Shepherd 2144991d ago

Bungie, Mass Effect and Valve have gone?

Damn, no one told me. I could have swore id still get to play their games on my 360.

XabiTheHumble4991d ago

LMAO!! I gotta admit you gave me a good laugh, I could just picture how sure of yourself you were while you were typing your comment. But your comment is still probably the most deluded piece I ever read on n4g

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4991d ago
ABizzel14992d ago

The zombies look a lot better in part 2 and overall part 2 looks better. But graphics aren't pushing this game, it's the number of zombies on screen.

The devs said in the first game only 800 zombies could be on screen, but this time 7000 can. That's a huge jump.

4991d ago Replies(4)
Moonboots4991d ago

I don't know what to say but yes you can see the game is uglier now.

However you've got a new studio doing it and while I won't go as far as to blame hardware you have a studio trying to make the game for every platform under the sun. That will divide your resource and it can have an effect.

I knew this was coming the day they announced this botched sequel.

I am a huge fan of the original. Just a couple achievements shy of 1000.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4990d ago
scofios4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

Yeah msxbox-world sure , they needed to downgrade the graphics because it went multi-platform to a much more powerfull system , which has games that run cirkels around the first dead rising and every other game on that beloved system of yours . the only reason that dead rising 2 , might not look as good as the first one, is because Dead Rising 2 is not developed by Capcom like the first one , but by Blue Castle Games who are not talented as capcom , you ignorant clowns .

big_silky4992d ago

I don't think DR was exactly known for it's graphical prowess to begin with.

edhe4992d ago

It was one of the first games to demonstrate the massive character numbers possible in this gen.

ndibu4992d ago

Dead Rising 2 was gimped cos of you

TheHater4992d ago

Yep, Dead Rising 2 was gimped because of the PS3

ndibu4992d ago

Because thats what we're talkin' bout here. The 1st one was exclusive its looked ok, now that they had to split resources and focus on that cry baby powerful machine, they had to gimp it cos of time restraints.

Unicron4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

An increase in zombie numbers means all that geo has to go somewhere. It looks to be a design choice, especially if the numbers of 800 up to 7000 is true.

Also, is DR2 even using MT Framework?

gamer20104992d ago

Those games look as good as they do because of the skill of the developers that made them. They would have looked just as good on the 360. The problem is, Microsoft doesn't have many developers like that working for them.

Epic is about the only developer making 360 exclusives that has the slightest interest in pushing graphical performance on the 360. But even they don't have the kind of motivation to really maximize what the 360 can do because they aren't tied to the fortunes of the 360 the way SSM, Naughty Dog and Guerrilla are to the PS3.

Maybe we will see something out of this exclusive venture with Crytek, who knows...

What is certain is that Microsoft doesn't really have the kind of talent working on the 360 as Sony does on the PS3.

sikbeta4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

WOW! we're are making a "FFXIII" case over this game, isn't the first game that came out for the wii too? not really a OMG!-graphics showcase...


What do you call gimped? a LAME PORT? sorry to break your dream in which your console of choice is holly, but PS3 ports are bad not for the PS3, it's because of the Devs, they don't know the PS3 architecture or they don't Care about that, they just make a Port cos their Publishers force Devs to do it, if Publishers don't receive an incentive (aka |$|€|£|¥|¢|) to make a game shine, they don't do it....

Moonboots4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

4 years in and the same excuses..

Really? 4 years and multiplat developers are still puzzled by the cell?? We are not talking about fly by nights here. RDR and Mafia 2 just recently seem to suffer compared to their counterparts and we are talking about experienced developers here.

I'm not arguing the PS3 doesn't have power or that it has a few exclusives that rule the graphics roost on consoles but something is up here.

It gives me little comfort as a PS3 owner when multiplat after mutliplat is "lesser" on my console and have a bunch of cheerleaders telling me how great UC2, KZ2, etc are.

I know that! But exclusives aren't everything and multiplatform games make up a large part of the gaming landscape.

I've had a few instances on the 360 as well but it is nothing compared to the PS3 where even dev's come out before the game is released and say "yeah, we know it sucks on the PS3. Sorry.."

I hope it's not the case with DR2 and I sure as hell hope it doesn't bleed over to the 360 version so both look and run like ass. Then I'm going to have a big problem with these "put it on every platform under the sun" developers.

I guess I could always get the PC versions.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4991d ago
bustamove4992d ago

Wow, really? Seriously...really? Right now I'm going to just shake my head at you. Running out of excuses huh? Now it resorts to blaming the PS3 for multiplatform games. If you want to play it that way...then what about FFXIII? Should I say the 360 is the reason why the graphics were gimped too?

ndibu4992d ago

Fxiii was gimped, ON the xbox 360. The ps3 version looked great. The opposite is true about RDR, Mafia and Bayonetta. But we are talking about games that look bad across the board because they split the resources to include that difficult to develop games for hunk of junk...ps, i love the ps3, im just making a point

Pistolero4992d ago

lmao...every time I see a comment from _crissy this is who I imagine she is... http://www.youtube.com/user...

SkylineR4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

So FFXIII was an example of Blu-Ray's benefits, so how do you explain the other shitty multiplatform ports on PS3? Red Dead Redemption, Mafia 2, etc. Most 3rd party titles look better on 360.

That's a girl or...? Yikes.

bustamove4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

Cute but no. :)

Your disagrees crack me up. I stuck a nerve.

mastiffchild4992d ago

Skyline-it's because devs making mults don't have the money or time to work properly on the PS3 so maintain their usual practises on the more similar PC and 360 dev tolls. As the only aim for parity it's bound to be harder to make the system they aren't really working in the right way look best and as it is they aren't pushing EITHER console or even trying to. there's nothing to be proved when a multi doesn't have ,making the best game possible on each platform as it's primary goal, is there?

I don't CARE if one console is more powerful than the other personally and it's a good job when multiplatform devs aren't even trying to please any of us. Thing is are they going for parity to avoid upsetting half their market or through money restrictions? the differences, apart from TOB, have been nothng to worry about anyway. Even the much hated PS3 Bayonetta port was fine-nothing to make me want to play it with a 360 pad that's for sure! These multiplat arguments hold little water while 360 AND PS3 exclusives both look better top end.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4992d ago
jneul4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

it was the wii that gimped us all / s
carry on with the theories, ps3 games like gow 3 and uncharted 2 are better than anything on x360 graphically and gameplay wise, not to mention story...

ndibu4992d ago

Thats because only 1st party studios have enough resources, time and money to make ps3 games look that good. So we have to suffer for it and wait thru delays cos they trying to tinker with the ps3 version to make it less shoddy.
What 3rd party studio wants to spend millions on a ps3 game only to have it sell 1.5 million copies ala Heavenly Sword?
Instead multiplat games are gimped all across the board so that the ps3 version is not the only stinker.
The developers of Mafia, RDR, Orange Box and Bayonetta were smart and decided "to hack with it" and decided not to let the xbox version suffer.

nveenio4991d ago

That's the problem. If they aren't going to put some effort into my game, then I don't want it. They shouldn't port it if they aren't going to make it enjoyable (graphically).

jack_burt0n4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

dead space, burnout, re5, bionic commando, sabotuer, darksiders, batman AA, tomb raider, ninja gaiden 2, force unleashed, star ocean, wolfenstein there are loads more

all are better on ps3, the fantasy about multiplats being the strong point of 360 is bogus.

the delusion of ppl thinking mafia is so much better on 360 is crazy play both the demo's they both run like crap and RDR still runs on ps3 at a higher rez than halo reach does on 360 lol its not worth u getting excited about.

the problem is more people need to actually play the effing games rather than ppl telling them which one runs better.

keep disagreeing :) its all true.

ghostbusters is better on 360, so is bayonetta, so is dirt 2, rainbow 6 2, AVP, assasins creed 2

CWMR4992d ago

That's not true. Dead Space was better on the 360 and the rest of those games were essentially equal except Ninja Gaiden 2 which was better on the PS3.

"it's very clear indeed that Dead Space is first and foremost an Xbox 360 game." "For those with both consoles, the more stable frame-rate makes the 360 build the one to have."

You just lied about a bunch a games to suit your agenda. The reality is, about 90% of the time multiplatform games DO perform better on the 360. http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

Corepred44992d ago

Don't be an idiot, of course eurogamer would say that, lol that's like me pulling up a ps3 website that says dead space runs better on ps3.

CernaML4991d ago

"it's very clear indeed that Dead Space is first and foremost an Xbox 360 game." "For those with both consoles, the more stable frame-rate makes the 360 build the one to have."

lol no

Roonie4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

Yeh thats why Dragon age,FF13,burnout and many more looked trash on the xbox?

till you Microboys have exclusives that even looks close to God of war 3,KZ2-3,Uncharted 1-2,GT5,Infamous 2(list keeps going) don't open your mouth.

Must be sad to be a xbox fanatics where every day living is rooting on to multiplat games and still waiting for the day that their exclusive finally surpasses Uncharted 1 in graphics......now they have lost Mass effect,Valve and bungie they've gone so low that they started gloating about "more grass" LMAO!.

I bet they lost faith and hope in xbox exclusives being able to surpass PS3....I don't blame them even teh so called "Inferior multiplats" on ps3 that they keep yapping about is running on higher resolution than their xbox EXCLUSIVES!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA

Alan 540p? Conviction 576p? halo 640p?

Pistolero4992d ago

you dummy...dragon age and burnout looked the same on 360 and ps3...ff13 didn't look like trash on the 360 but it is true it looked better on ps3..mostly in the cgi movies.

talking about exclusives lets just say gears of war 3 looks as good as any of those ps3 exclusives. it's true microsoft need more first party so they can get more exclusives with top level graphics but it is also true that the 360 usually gets the better looking multiplats.

mgs4 and ratchet and clank are also sub hd on the ps3 so i wouldn't be talking....not to mention all the multiplats that are sub hd on ps3 but not on 360.

Roonie4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

"You dummy...dragon age and burnout looked the same on 360 and ps3"



look @ how washed out 360 version is even gamespot gave it a lower score.

And if FF13 didn't look trash compared to PS3 then why are microsoft fanboys making a big deal about RDR or mafia? funny thing RDR and mafia runs on higher resolution than FF13 on 360 that you deny that looks trash compared to ps3.

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Ranking The Dead Rising Games From Worst To Best

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What Happened To The Dead Rising Series?

Over the last week, Jake has been going back to the Dead Rising 2 Off The Record remaster and has been an absolute blast. When he was 15 he first got his Xbox 360 and Dead Rising with it, it was unlike any other experience. It made him wonder though, what happened to the Dead Rising series.

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darthv721359d ago

Interesting timing. This retrospective was released just a few days ago: https://youtu.be/Et-cKSrWuc...

Darksonic221359d ago

Ah no, I just felt like writing it as I started playing the game again and wanted to offer up my opinions 😁

InklingGirl1359d ago

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the title.

1358d ago
MadLad1359d ago

Complacency and new teams who didn't understand what made the series special.

Darksonic221359d ago

Seems like there was just a ton of infighting aswell and so many more issues. Honestly sadly Dead Rising 5 before it was cancelled sounded nothing like dead rising, nothing learnt from. Dr4 at all.

ColdSin1359d ago

DR4 should have not been made anyways. DR3 closed everything nicely.

darthv721359d ago

Check out the vid i posted above.

MadLad1359d ago

They're a solid channel. I always click on their vids, unless it's a series/game I simply have no interest in.

RamRod881359d ago

They took away the depth and charm of the game that made it fun and interesting, and made it into a generic zombie killing game.

DeadManMMX1359d ago

This was the series the got me to buy an Xbox 360. The first one was so good. It still had horror elements. As it went on it became kind of a parody. Never forget getting Zombie Genecider achievement and then restarting the game to get the Mega Buster. That thing was monstrous against enemies.

Gamerking821359d ago

But you never know it might be RISING again someday .

moriarty18891359d ago

haha yes it may....good one.

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TheDarkArtisan1422d ago

The paddle bat and string ball from Fallout should be considered too.

Chaos_Order1422d ago

I would've included Tira's ring blade from Soul Calibur.