
Review: Viral Survival -- Examiner

The PS3 has one of the most original, fresh, and relaxing games every to be released with the unique creation simply known as flOw. That title is just a simple game of swimming around in an amoebic-like world as you eat smaller organisms and battle for your parasitic life against bigger microscopic entities. Viral Survival is a lot like flOw, but is far faster, frantic, and can be a lot of fun in small bursts.

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Things Are Looking Up For Nippon Ichi Software’s Game Division

Siliconera: Fast forward to three quarters into this fiscal year (April 2010 – December 31, 2010) and Nippon Ichi Software looks like they are in better shape.

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Game Vortex: Viral Survival Review

Game Vortex writes: "Viral Survival is the illegitimate offspring of Geometry Wars and Snake. While I lack the DNA evidence to prove its parentage, there's enough DNA to provide a fun, fast arcade experience.

Viral Survival is fun to look at. This is one of the few games where I've had just as much fun scrolling through menus as I did looking at the in-game graphics. They're really nothing more than a few scrolling menus, yet there's something really fun about watching them zip, scale and zoom in every direction on the screen."

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Tech-Gaming: Viral Survival Review

At only 500 Nintendo points ($5 USD), Viral Survival is still a safe bet for anyone interested in a cute, quirky dodge-’em-up.

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