
IGN: Mafia II Video Review

Mafia II is upon us and ushering in a new era of wise guys and made men. If you've been waiting for this one, there is good news – the game is fun. Having shootouts in bars while bottles explode and glass flies, finding a mob hacking your friend to death, and going to brothels are all great times. Still, those moments aren't the entire game, and the accompanying parts hurt the whole.

comp_ali5086d ago

IGN is pathetic, they give the game 7/10 on all formats , looks like they didn't hear of ps3 version inferior graphics or PC physx. they just copied the review and pasted it on all formats

Galaxia5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

IGN is probably the least credible site on the net. I can't believe people still defend that place.

There reviews are basically fueled by hype and how many hits they can get. And I hope we have all heard by now that IGN doesn't even finish playing the games they review. Imaging reviewing RDR without seeing the ending? In some cases IGN has only played the game for 5-10 minutes before reviewing it, remember Mikami's game, God Hand?

IGN are the filth of the gaming world. No review by them is to be trusted.

Edit: Whoops meant to reply to BorntoKill.

BornToKill5086d ago

most of the things they pointed out weren't about graphics.

comp_ali5086d ago

if you read nowgamer review for each foramt you will see what I mean, for IGN it is just copy and paste with no effort extorted to see the ups and downs for each one.

AndrewRyan5086d ago

IGN writes good reviews. That is why they are one of the top 3 sites people visit. If people thought they were not good they would not visit the site. Stop trying to protect Mafia 2 from 1 decent review. Just because you think it deserves a 9/10 or even 10/10 does not mean others think so aswell. If you like the game buy it, and if you don't like reviewers open up your own website where you review games, see how far that takes you. Fool.

shoddy5086d ago

claim it's the game of the year. Or best graphic on console like Rage and Crissis 2

sikbeta5086d ago

Come on dude, it's clear that there is more than graphics for the reason of why IGN take out points for this game, I know the PS3 version is inferior, but when the game doesn't deliver, you can do nothing...

STONEY45086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

"That is why they are one of the top 3 sites people visit."

No, it's because people are sheep and their name is everywhere now.
And they're stupid. Marking down points for no co-op. Halo 3 got a TEN in graphics, a big 10. Call of Duty 4 won their best graphics of e3 over Crysis, which honestly kills their credibility the most.

badz1495086d ago

I'm not pointing out this review or trying to justify anything regarding Mafia II but IGN gives high marks for popular and hyped games and that's a fact!

nix5085d ago

count me in badz... GTAIV, anyone?

Shepherd 2145085d ago

IGN didnt take the time to give it separate reviews because its obvious that although the game isnt horrible, it apparently is quite the let-down anyway you look at it.

Generic shooting mechanics, empty and lifeless world, stiff animations, etc. have nothing to do with sheer graphics.

IGN is quite credible, and one guy thought GTA 4 deserved a ten. I suppose MGS 4 actually deserved a ten then, because IGN gave it one the same year as GTA 4. Im sure most here will have no problem with MGS's score even though it can be argued that it comes close but doesnt deserve a ten.

badz1495085d ago

are they are always among the 1st 3 to come out for any game! this is kinda explaining the copy & paste for all formats!

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realplayer825086d ago

Maybe if you read the review the complaints arent about graphics but gameplay. The game is mediocre no way around it.

-Alpha5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

That's not his point-- he was stating that the reviews are all copy and paste, not that the game was any better. Perhaps there isn't much of a difference to warrant any significant deduction but I do agree with him that sites like IGN tend to overlook differences sometimes, especially between consoles. I haven't been following Mafia II all that much but I do know that the PS3 version was badly ported. Anyways, I tend to go by Metacritic, so if there really is a significant difference between the consoles/platforms we will know eventually.

realplayer825086d ago

The point is the reviewer had a problem with the mission structure and pace of the game which is the same for all versions.

mastiffchild5086d ago

Lets be honest, though, the shortcomings of the PS3 version aren't game breaking and wouldn't be more of an issue for me when choosing a version than everyday ones like controller preference. The devs AIMED for parity and missed by not optimising the PS3 version early enough or working the way that suits the platform best and even then there was minimal loss really. If the game wasn't going to be the best looking game on either console anyway are the looks the most important issue? I don't think so and it sounds as if there are much bigger iossues with the game as a whole from this.

Also, the unfairness of this doesn't compare with outlets like Edge or Teletext only giving the PS3 version of FF13 a bad score and totally ignoring the 360's weaker version does it? Is the better version of THAT game still holding the higher meta score? Does it stop anyone who bought the 360 version from enjoying it? Seriously, we get caught up in pointless debates about multis that are MEANT to look identical, nearly do and were never going to be the best looking games for the platforms they're on anyway. I'd much rather the game was judged generally like this if devs aren't going to make the very best game they can on every platform anyway.

If a port is noticeably awful(tOB for example) then, sure, make a point out of it but otherwise leave it for those who care on comparison sites because to me all it really proves is that some devs can't be bothered tailoring their work for the PS3 and that parity between the consoles is their cheif aim. Pointing out small shortcomings just seems like smalltalk to me-would you seriously go for the "better" version in the strength of this kind of thing even if you preferred the controller for the other version? A texture here, a dropped frame there(maybe only findable with a program)and the net goes wild even if they wouldn't see it with the naked eye, God help us.

T9X695086d ago


That is not the point he is trying to make. If a game comes out for PC, 360, and PS3, if a certain version of game has poor frame rate, or screen tearing etc. Why should the superior version(s) suffer by getting a score based on the worst version of the game. That would be like porting Starcraft 2 to consoles and giving the PC version, lets say a 7 because RTS games are not the greatest on consoles.

Double Toasted5086d ago

No...the PS3 version is Shite...mastiff.

-Alpha5086d ago


No one is denying that. But that is not the only aspect of the game that the review judges. Like mastiff said games like FF13 are proof of inferior versions sloppily getting a uniformed score for no other reason than seeming laziness.

turgore5085d ago

then why did it get 8.5 at gamespot and 9 at gameinformer ? face it IGN only gives good scores based on hype...GTA4 a 10. Oh please...that game was garbage.

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5086d ago Replies(2)
gamerzBEreal175086d ago

i thought graphics didn't make the game? lmao

5086d ago
jamesgtaiv5086d ago

When did we start listening to IGN? Their reviews are what's mediocre.

Playerz85085d ago

IGN reviews are not always mediocre. The review didn't really go into too much detail about the game, but the story is really all that's in the game, and I totally agree with the score. Just because you don't agree with a review doesn't mean it's a bad review.

DatNJDom815086d ago

stop crying. ff13 on xbox360 got the same score as the PS3 version.

meetajhu5086d ago

Looks like a score for console gamers! Can't wait for PC game review!!!

number475086d ago

FF13 was wayyyyy different than just Grass & textures. And no one said peep. It was like the early days of the PS3, when the PS3 version was vastly different and running 1fps.

Mafia is underwhelming on both consoles, and PC. pretend all you want that its not, or that having 1.5% less jaggies is better, but the games visuals aren't its strong point on consoles. Remember guys GRAPHICS DONT MATTER...

Removing that, concentrating on the gameplay, its the same mediocre game on all platforms. IGN picks and chooses its different reviews, much like most of the media, and for some reason it only gets a lower score when the PS3 version of a game runs 1.5% more jaggies.

2k is idiotic for slapping the PS3 owners in the face with this nonsense. I'm not buying it, and it only serves the game right that its an underwhelming title to begin with.

multips3fan5086d ago

very disappointed.this game was to be game of the year contender.il be renting it.

-PINNER-5086d ago

If it was developed by R* it would've gotten a 10.

Everything he described reminded me exactly of how I felt about GTA4.

comp_ali5085d ago

yeah, becasue most of the time. R* games gets overrated. Hi GTA IV

TheLastGuardian5086d ago

Wow you think just because a game doesn't have grass it deserves a lower score?

AusWarrior5085d ago

Is that a problem is it? It's not like it's game-changing or anything like that lol.

Chris_TC5085d ago

I just watched their video review for the PC version. They mention that "there's a fair amount of screen tearing" - LOL
No mention of the Physx either.

They obviously tested this on one of the consoles, then copy/pasted the review.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5085d ago
GeoramA5086d ago

Can't believe this game has no sidequests. So disappointed in this.

DlocDaBudSmoka5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

so basically its just do the story and its done? i know there are playboys to find, but playboy sucks. they shoulda got penthouse or hustler. back on topic, if that is the case, then fuck mafia 2.

just read the actual review, how does ign justify the 7/10? they said themselves that the games is basically 'the truman show'. heres a snippet of the review-

'You cruise the streets and see other people and cars, but it feels like The Truman Show. Everything is happening because of you.'

Ri0tSquad5086d ago

I guess it's a good rent then.

zagibu5086d ago

Well, i'd rather have 15 hours of good story-driven gameplay than 5 hours of that and another 10 hours of side quests. But yeah, I understand the points made in the review, and it's possible that I will react similarly. But Mafia 1 was so good I just have to see myself how 2 is doing.

And the PC demo was quite promising, I thought.

Jazz41085086d ago

You are wrong. I played both versions of ff13 and read the reviews and the general opinion was the cut scenes were better on the ps3 but the 360 held a more consistant framerate. Play them both before you make a comment based on what you heard from your other sheep I mean fanboyz

Megaton5086d ago

Been telling people to dial back their excitement. Got a friend who's been working on this for awhile now, telling me bits and pieces of disappointing info. It's pathetically short for the kinda game it is.

TANUKI5086d ago

I pre-ordered the collector's edition... and although this is just 1 review, I'm getting kinda worried...

tplarkin75086d ago

It's currently 78 on Metacritic which is pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised by the demo. You really felt like you were in 1950.

Playerz85085d ago

For a game that's been anticipated for years, and worked on for 6+ years, 78 is not a great score. I excepted a 90+ game, but I guess it fall right next to Godfather 2 (except it was actually fun).

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knight6265161d ago

Only game iam waiting for is for mafia 2 nothing else intrest me well only Metal gear solid peace walkers but ill get that soon

Conloles5161d ago

Mafia 2 lol all 2K get money from is GTA style games and Nba 2K.

MightyMark4275161d ago

The only game I'm waiting for is Mafia II

killyourfm5161d ago

O_O - Not interested in XCOM?

Syaz15161d ago

nice. waiting to see what mafia 2 and spec ops the line has too offer. not into rts games, so civ 5 not for me, and not too familiar with x-com series.

AliTheBrit195161d ago

I think 2K are probably the best Publisher.

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10 Old Games With Outstanding Graphics

GF365: "There are some games with extraordinary visuals that impress us to this day. Here are old games with outstanding graphics."

Read Full Story >>
ShwaaMan546d ago

Bioshock still looks fantastic, one of my all time favorites.

Yui_Suzumiya546d ago

Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 can compete with modern day graphics.

SonyStyled546d ago (Edited 546d ago )

Same as Killzone 2 and 3, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3

jasonismoney546d ago

I wish this was entirely true, but you might want to load up Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 again.

SonyStyled546d ago

@jason I watched some gameplay videos of KZ2 and R3 on my full screen. They are on par or succeed graphically to the first person shooters mentioned in the article that also launched on the seventh generation of consoles. Try the same and see what you think

cthulhucultist545d ago

Killzone 3 was super impressive! I could not believe the graphics back then as I was regularly pausing the game to stand in awe looking at the surroundings! Resistance however did not impress me that much. Heavy rain is also another amazing graphically speaking game. It almost felt next gen

Fist4achin546d ago

I always thought the first 3 Gears of War games looked great and still hold up for today.

SonyStyled546d ago

They did for their day. I recently played gears judgement with on the 360 and the draw distance was so blurry. The characters up close look great though

JEECE546d ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome. In addition to having demonstrably better physics and AI than later games in the series, it had a lot of design decisions that, criticized at the time, have since been praised in games like BOTW and Dark Souls.

iNcRiMiNaTi546d ago

It might not be super amazing by today's standard but I thought Mgs3 looked really good

JEECE546d ago

In terms of art style it still holds up.

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Mafia 2 Definitive Edition Review - Taking a Hit - SP1st

Originally released back in 2010 for last-gen (PS3, Xbox 360) consoles, 2K Games has re-released Mafia 2 as part of the Mafia Trilogy, and has called it the “Definitive Edition.” Now, the question is, does this mafia go for the kill, or does it run out of bullets? Read on for our Mafia 2 Definitive Edition review.