
Fallout: New Vegas - Xbox 360 version no chance against PC

It seems that the 360 version of Fallout: New Vegas didn't impress some of the journalists at Gamescom. Bethesda showed the PC and the 360 version side by side. The color palette of the 360 version was more realistic with a bright blue sky while the PC version had the typical yellow/brown palette. The PC version had advantages through the ingame anti aliasing which reduces shimmering effects while the grass of the 360 New Vegas really looked awful. Furthermore the motion blur effects on the PC were more dominant and more impressive than on the 360.

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Wizziokid5145d ago

wow a console version of a game doesn't compare to the PC version... how is this news? it's just common sense...

Fishy Fingers5145d ago

Yup, these crappy translated articles are just a waste of space. N4G seems to get more of them everyday.

8800gtx5145d ago

Its cool console gamers have said again and again, they don't care about graphics. No wonder the wii sold so well.

On topic if the 360 doesn't impress then the ps3 will fail equally hard. Meanwhile ill be running this in full hd just like the last one.


Elven65145d ago

Another thing about this particular site, it always seems to specifically single out the 360 version of multiplats especially if it's obvious like in this instance, Crysis 2 yesterday, New Vegas today.

zeeshan5145d ago

Comparing a console game with a PC game? Why do they keep doing that? Why don't they compare the price of a gaming PC and a console?

Bobby Kotex5145d ago

I truly wish there was a way to filter them out. Anything that goes to translate.google.com I just ignore.

Gawdl3y5145d ago

The matter of the PC version doing better than consoles isn't just about raw performance, but the fact that you can use mods and tweak any settings you like. Full customisation, by the community.

Conloles5145d ago

Lol typical we all know by now that consoles look twice as bad as PC games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5145d ago
BubbleSystemSuck5145d ago

Lol... so dumb compare PC with other platform.

hey.. Even my PC can be Superior to your PC, and inferior to others PC.


Game-ur5145d ago

Fallout PC is also best for the mods and consol commands

Motorola5145d ago (Edited 5145d ago )

means PS3 version will not be as good. Thats not fair :(
Edit: I do play PS3, apparently anything bad about PS3 in the same sentence is forbidden on this site

pangitkqb5145d ago (Edited 5145d ago )

that an Xbox 360 with hardware finalized in 2004 isn't going to perform like a new gaming PC.

I love my 360 and PS3, but when feeling like a graphics whore everybody knows PC is where to go...if you have the money.

Moving on, I'm sure the Fallout: NV will perform fine across the board; it will look good on Ps3 and 360 and best on PC. That's naturally how it is at this point in the current gen.

Firebird3605145d ago

I think the 360 still looks great and think it's got lots of life left in it, same goes for ps3. Comparing the two to pc is just dumb. I'm getting this game for ps3 over the 360 just because I bought the last fallout for ps3, even thought 360 and ps3 versions looked the same I preferred the ps3 controller with this game more than the 360 controller.

5145d ago Replies(2)
East_Coast5145d ago

Doesn't have a chance against my the graphic prowess of my iPod touch!

PS3 for life!

Ocelot5255145d ago (Edited 5145d ago )

it even doesn't compare to most other console games to begin with

bethesda just sucks at programming, their engine uses too many resources, FO3 is the only game I can't play in 1080p@60fps

Killzone 2 looks bettter than FO3 on the PC @ ultra settings, but guerilla can program, while bethesda can't

Xx Ziyad xX5145d ago

oh woow u compere Sandbox game with 500h game with mini map game with 6h

mac_sparrow5145d ago

Okay then Xx Ziyad xX, how about we look at glitches and lock ups?

Mayor McCreedy (I think he was called) from Little Lamplight got stuck in a wall on my file, luckily about 4 hours of play later I went to see him again and watched him rise out of the floor. Oh an i used to have a save showing a levitating priest.

Or how about we look at Infamous 2, sandbox yes, as big as Fallout? no. But then Fallout loaded each section so in terms of map then yes it probably is as big (as in stress on the engine).

Let's be honest, Bethesda make engaging games, but engine wizards they are not (compared to other devs before people ask if I could do any better)

Xx Ziyad xX5145d ago (Edited 5145d ago )

there no game this gen without glitches , i dont see glitch is problem in Fallout3 , from 360 virson i never see glitch and i play the game about 70H , u cant compere game with mini map and u say ok i can walk free so its sandbox look to Fallout 3 map http://www.fallout3hq.com/f...
not included under ground map
and see infamous map
even Crackdown bigger than that !
Bethesda not dev Fallout NV even if ur talk is true simple i dont care about engine wizards ..etc all i care about is make AAA+ games wich acutely from their history is good about that

mac_sparrow5145d ago

wow, all that vitriol and you must have misread

" But then Fallout loaded each section so in terms of map then yes it probably is as big (as in stress on the engine)."

"(as in stress on the engine)"
"stress on the engine"
"on the engine"
"the engine"

See, I can be obnoxious and dismissive too.


Oh and here's some seemingly obligatory links when making a point:



wicko5145d ago

lol someone thinks Fallout 3 isn't that buggy, yet again? Where do you guys come from? Go look at the fallout wiki (the Vault) and look at a bunch of articles. The majority of them have a "Bugs" heading and a list of problems. I can guarantee you there are more than most games.

To be fair it is a sandbox style game so a lot more can go wrong, but some of these issues are just ridiculous.

wicko5145d ago

lots of idiots disagreeing today.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5145d ago
CWMR5145d ago (Edited 5145d ago )

This is getting plain stupid. We already know the console versions aren't going to be up to the level of the PC version. But honestly, we already know how Fallout 3 ran on the 360 and it was just fine. Does anybody really believe that now suddenly the sequel, which looks exactly the same, is suddenly going to look worse on the 360? Get real.

Edit: I've read a few comments from PC fanboys that have said things like the 360 version would look "horrid" compared to the PC version. But come on, let's be real here. Everybody acknowledges the PC can run games at higher frame rates, with better anti-aliasing and other settings, but at the same time please don't exaggerate the difference to be greater than it really is. The core graphics are very, very similar.

Here is a video comparing the PC and 360 versions of Fallout 3 to give us some kind of frame of reference: http://www.eurogamer.net/vi...
I'm sorry, but that is not the huge difference some have alluded to.

mugoldeneagle035145d ago

I can't wait until New Vegas drops but I haven't read any previews for the PS3 side of things. Wonder if it runs the same as 360.

And I wish they'd release mods for the PS3 version, I don't know why more games don't do this. I thought UT3 was a mediocre shooter but I played the hell out of it for months based on mods alone

kevnb5145d ago

why would they compare the cost of pc vs console? And even if they did, for a fair comparison they would have to compare the cost of a video card to a console, we would have a pc anyway.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5145d ago
MexicanAppleThief5145d ago

Can't wait to get this for the PC. Any idea what the specs are? And when exactly this game is going to be released?

Acquiescence5145d ago (Edited 5145d ago )

that's just waaay too obvious.

CombatEvolving5145d ago (Edited 5145d ago )

Captain Obvious would have left that one alone.

BubbleSystemSuck5145d ago

PC fanboys are the worst of the Fanboy species.

I thinks is just stupid compare PC with PS3 or 360.

PC looks Better than Wii!!!

comp_ali5145d ago

there are some games that are properly optimized like mass effect 2 that you can almost notice no difference between the X360 version and PC . But then again , not all developer can adapt the limitaion of 5 year old hardware.

Graydon5145d ago

Mass Effect 2 was a straight port from consoles to PC. Plus Mass Effect 2 on the PC didn't have Anti-aliasing, so it would look very similar to the console experience.

kevnb5145d ago

and looked better too, it was really noticeable if you played it. The game also runs just fine on really old and weak vide cards.

wicko5145d ago

And I think its stupid to compare fanboys. Just don't do it, they're all annoying as hell.

kevnb5145d ago

that say the ps3 exclusive games blow almost any pc game out of the water. Also there is so much incorrect information regarding pc gaming floating around it isnt funny.

120FPS5145d ago

Rolls eyes - So what is the comparison when you factor in the ps3? why no mention?

TheColbertinator5145d ago

The PS3 version of Fallout New Vegas will be in 4D at 120FPS

comp_ali5145d ago

that confusing , although it won't be as confusing as much as how do you managed to keep 5 bubbles with trolling.

CWMR5145d ago

comp_ali, I'm pretty sure it was sarcasm. You need to turn your sarcasm indicator up. Unless you were talking about 120FPS in which case I wouldn't agree. It seems like a reasonable question.

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Fallout New Vegas becomes a true Western with rideable horses mod

A new Fallout New Vegas mod adds rideable horses to the Mojave, turning it into a true Western gaming experience.

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Fallout: New Vegas Director Happy To Make Another Fallout Game, But There's A Catch

Josh Sawyer, a Fallout series veteran, has certain conditions to be fulfilled before he could potentially start making another Fallout.

RaidenBlack41d ago

Microsoft ... just do one thing right?
You got Obsidian. You got Bethesda. Just make it happen!
Give free reign to Obsidian with higher budget and no restrictions (i.e deadline, metacritic score or wokeness)

just_looken41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

This would be nice but they are trying to pass Avowed as a next gen rpg while at the last minute doing a gut job and a large delay


Then on the back burner they still got outer worlds 2 3 yr old trailer:

avrowed from 4 years ago

they said there working on both games years ago 0 have come out which is not good.

I would love it too we got the las vegas team on the fallout ip again but right now it seems there is something bad going on over there.

Now larien studios right now was kicked out of hasbro the whole wizard coast situation so give that team the fallout ip.

Sciurus_vulgaris41d ago (Edited 41d ago )


You are trying to trash Obsidian, yet want the studio to work on New Vegas 2 ?

just_looken41d ago


I know it hard for n4g users but read my links they themselves based on feedback delayed the game for a whole combat over hall

They even said after 4 years the graphics we saw are not finial they are "alpha stage"

So i did not trash them i stated a fact this team has 2 games in the works one that is hidden and the other is currently getting a new combat system and graphics overhaul like halo got after that game play reveal.

Go ahead and say its a good thing after 4 years to redo the graphics/combat on a AAA game with M$ backing because to me that is showing there is something bad going on behind the scenes.

That being sad yeah i would love to have the fallout nv crew make another fallout game because outer worlds one was short but still a solid fun title.

DodoDojo40d ago

Won't happen, it makes too much sense.

Obscure_Observer40d ago


"Give free reign to Obsidian with higher budget and no restrictions"

It´s not that simple. Fallout is a Bethesda IP and Todd Howard´s creation.

Free reign means that Sawyer could do whatever he wants in that universe. Such freedom could put both studios at odds given different creative views.

I don´t think Swayer would like MS giving unrestricted freedom to other teams to mess around with his Pillars of Eternity´s universe either, so I think it would be nice and respectful if he´d approach Todd himself first and share some of his ideas for a possible sequel to New Vegas, before going out making demands on the internet to make somebody´s else game.

porkChop40d ago

Fallout is not Todd Howard's creation. Bethesda bought the Fallout IP. Josh Sawyer also isn't making demands, he's just answering a question.

RaidenBlack40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

You got very little idea regarding gaming before Xbox 360 era.
Fallout is the spiritual successor to 1988's Wasteland, which came wayy before Todd Howard started making games (1995) and was created by Interplay, which later spawns Black Isle Studio, creator of Fallout 1 & 2, where Josh Sawyer also joins few years later. Black Isle Studios becomes Obsidian and Sawyer goes to direct Fallout New Vegas, arguably considered the best Fallout game.
"Free reign means that Sawyer could do whatever he wants in that universe."
~ Yea that's exactly how we got New Vegas, and we want that to happen again. Period.

victorMaje40d ago

Take a moment to appreciate the wisdom & history porkChop & RaidenBlack have kindly imparted upon you despite the amazing ignorance of your statement.

TheNamelessOne41d ago

It wasn't bad, but I didn't like the direction Bethesda took the series with Fallout 4. New Vegas is definitely my favorite in the series (Followed by 2), and would love to see them do another game. Another thing is Larian also spoke interest with the IP and that would be awesome.

shinoff218341d ago

Larian would do it so much justice, obsidian as well. I'm the same. I liked fallout 4 but holy hell was it dumbed down. Some stuff just wast interesting enough ie settlements.

RaidenBlack41d ago

An isometric spin-off from Larian and a New Vegas sequel from Obsidian will just be too good to be true ... and it all depends on Todd Howard

just_looken41d ago

Fallout 4 is also way worse on the base version when it was first tossed out beyond the bible of issues those dlc's made the horrible drop rates go away.

I had ammo factories on each run the you got the custom robot's that made packing these so much easier.

Still so dam sad that the starfield robot's even the ai path finding is way worse than F4

-Foxtrot40d ago

I’d love to have seen what New Vegas could have achieved if it had a proper development cycle, it had a better budget and Obsidian were supported more by Bethesda

The game was great regardless but seeing they had to cut content because of time constraints along with all the idea they talked about concept wise, it would have been even better than it already was.

Microsoft need to put Obsidian on Fallout, Bethesda just don’t have the time anymore.

Demetrius40d ago

Microsoft won't allow that smh, they'll can it after a reveal trailer then cry how they have no games lol. Seriously tho that would be dope, they should give vegas the fallout 4 treatment update visuals a bit and a 60fps patch I'd definitely play that too. Fallout 4 has been hella fun


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B143d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv72143d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii143d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast143d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife142d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit142d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife142d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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