
IGN: Hints Hunter Review

IGN writes: "Hints Hunter bricked my DSi. Seriously. Halfway through playing through its compliment of puzzle challenges, I paused the game – when I hit "resume," though, the screen went blank. The music kept playing, but the display was totally dark – and every input on the system was unresponsive, even the power button. No resetting to the menu, no turning the handheld off. Nothing. I just had to set the system aside and wait for its batteries to run out, after which time, thankfully, it came back to life with a fresh recharge".


Nintendo Life: Hints Hunter Review

Nintendo Life writes: "Playing Hints Hunter is a lot like browsing through a book of carpet samples: there may be a lot of them, but it won't take you very long before you've moved on from one to the next. Also, sometimes you come across a really difficult square right in the middle of some comparatively easy ones. Plus there are cartoon robots. Ok, maybe it's not that great of an analogy."

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