
Gran Turismo 5: Custom Vehicles a possibility?

GOS Writes: "Gran Turismo 5 will have a lot of features under its hood when the game releases on November 2, 2010. The list is very impressive, and out of all the features in GT5 there is one that I’m sure long time fans of the franchise would love to see implemented.

Vehicle customization

Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to add decals and any other finishing touches to pimp your ride? I asked Sony if vehicle customization would be a possible feature and this is what they had to say."

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Baltis5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Wait, wait, cut! Cut!

I'm no expert on the series, I played the 1st 2 or 3, and then again it wasn't much. Do you mean to tell me GT4 and GT5 don't have vehicle customization? What the hell??? Isn't that a down grade from like, 15 year old games that came out on ps1 and ps2? I remember changing tires and struts and turbos in GT games before. What is this junk?

@Citizen King

Thank you. I wasn't aware. I thought you could tweak the engines and such in past GT games, though. I also remember puttitng on like spoilers and fins and stuff too. That isn't customization? Seems like it is to me. Oh, well. You all know the series better than myself and know what you want out of it. I don't.

TheColbertinator5059d ago

Wow you really are intent on your "holy crusade".

CharlesDCI5059d ago

Changing tires and turbos isn't customization, that is modification. The series has always had that. GT has never had you being able to make the vehicles look the way you want them too.

FanOfGaming5059d ago

This game is going to be insane, the depth is unrivaled.

DelbertGrady5059d ago

"If the “definitive” racer of this generation (Forza 3) has the feature in its arsenal, then I don’t see why Polyphony Digital wouldn’t at least take it to the next level."

Forza 3 has more than just paintjobs and custom decals(with up to 5000 layers). It lets you add bodykits, swap engines, drivetrains, rim sizes and almost anything you can think of. Would be cool if GT5 have those options as well.

CharlesDCI5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Yes that would be cool, and your point is???

Swapping engines, drive trains, etc isn't customization because those factors change the performance of the car. Adding a decal to the vehicle does not change how your care handles, etc. The GT series only allowed you to change the color of a car, so taking that further would be a first for the franchise.

topgeareasy5059d ago

definitive” racer of this generation (Forza 3) has flying cars as well


real sim like lol

Fishy Fingers5059d ago

Would be a nice addition, I know people enjoy doing this sort of thing. Maybe PD could include a carpark "track" so you could all hook up online and sit in your car, that's what the modified scene seem to be into.

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Madden NFL 25 New Gameplay Features for PS5, Xbox Series and PC Revealed, Closed Beta Kicks Off

EA has revealed the Madden NFL 25 new gameplay features incoming for the PS5, Xbox Series and PC versions, as the closed beta kicks off today.

GamerRN15h ago

Is there anything they can really do to fix this franchise?

just_looken14h ago

Though i agree the truth is that it always sells well and then millions are made in ultimate team.

GamerRN13h ago

Because there is no competition

just_looken9h ago


There was a CFL game to be tossed out crashed and burned but there is other football games just none are official nfl stuff.

CobraKai2h ago

NFL Gameday and NFL 2K really pushed Madden to be better

badboyz092h ago(Edited 2h ago)

NFL gamers need to boycott which is very easy with the social media age we live in until than no. EA has a monopoly you want a better product to end the monopoly. get on twitter trending daily to the NFL.


Man I quit playing madden back in 2004 that was my boycott because I just got tired of the same thing, updated rosters. My boys still play Madden I'll pick up the sticks every now and then when I'm chilling at their houses but at my house, EA gets none of my money for Madden.


Minecraft's Tricky Trials Update Makes a Good Case for a Village Update

With Minecraft’s June 13 update, new features include a stronger Bad Omen effect and raid rewards, meaning a new village overhaul should come next.

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Why I Can't Get Enough Of Shadow Of The Colossus

The beauty of the Shadow Of The Colossus lies in the vast world with emptiness. Read more to know how this game stand out from other games.

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PRIMORDUS1d 15h ago

Shadow of the Colossus and Ico should be remade in UE5. I know Shadow of the Colossus was in 2018 but I say remake both of them for PS5 and PC.

isarai1d 11h ago

The remake and Blupoints in house engine is more impressive as a whole than anything ive seen from UE5 so far. Id rather they stick to their own engine.

Cacabunga18h ago

SoTC doesn’t need another remake.. last one was awesome


Fine let it be Bluepoints engine. The whole point I was trying to make was I would love them both to be remade for PC since the PC never had them to begin with (I threw in PS5) and now that Sony is bringing over their games it would be awesome.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 6h ago

I wouldn't mind a PC port even though I own it on PS4, it really doesn't need a remake though.

DarXyde1d 15h ago

Shadow of the Colossus is kind of a perfect game, at least to me.

Man, this has me nostalgic. I know how I'm spending my Sunday evening.

robtion1d 7h ago

It's really timeless. Put SOTC together with The Last Guardian and ICO and you have one amazing trilogy. I think Fumito Ueda is a genuine auteur.

chicken_in_the_corn1d 15h ago

I tried the remake but couldn't get into it. Time to give it another go.

Elda1d 15h ago

I tried both versions of the game & I can never get past the 4th boss.

Inverno1d 13h ago

Well if anyone else can't get enough of this game you should check out Project Tribute. Basically a fan remake with all the cut colossi for PC.

isarai1d 11h ago

HOLY CRAP!!! why have i mever heard of this?! They even got the worm! Of all the cut ones the worm was the most fascinating to me

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