
Naughty Bear Receives Title Update & Free DLC

505 Games’ recently released Naughty Bear has today received an unannounced automatic title update, leading the way for a whole host of downloadable content (DLC). Available now, for free, the DLC includes a great deal of new content, including a brand new level.

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gtamike5158d ago

cool, was a alright game FREE DLC is always good :)

kevco335158d ago

Aaaaaaaaand... in download queue!

MGRogue20175158d ago

That's nice of 'em.. Now, If only I actually owned the game.. >.<

chazjamie5158d ago

cool, now who wasted their money on this game.

TheFaggot_5158d ago

This game is actually nice I love killing teddy bears.

chazjamie5158d ago

you should try fallout 3, killing people has never been more fun. why, u ask? Well because of vats.

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Looking back to 2010 and Naughty Bear: 10 Years And Still No Invite

Nick writes: "At its launch, Naughty Bear was seemingly overshadowed by E3 a couple of weeks prior. Major releases like Fallout: New Vegas and StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty grabbed gamers’ attention months prior, whereas Naughty Bear, comparable to its terrible stealth mechanics, released on a whimper. The overwhelming influx of poor reviews didn’t help its case either. Yet, a decade later and here I am - writing about a game that continues to serve as a stress reliever or a rainy day substitute. That has to count for something, as I can’t say the same for most triple-A releases."

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Naughty in a Non-Sexual Way

TheLateNightGamer: I’d assume that most gamers have at least heard of Naughty Bear. Unfortunately, it’s probably from people putting it on their list of terrible games. I’ll admit, this wasn’t a game that I played so much my neighbors thought I was dead. It’s not perfect, sure. But it deserves a lot more credit than most people give it.

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4068d ago
4068d ago

The Game Fanatics Show - Episode 19

Episode 19 of The Game Fanatics brings you the latest gaming news from Square Enix, MGRR PS3 bundles, DLC for Hitman, Naughty Dog teasing, and shelf “life” for the dead that walk.Charles and Ryan also sit down and talk about the upcoming TGF Game Awards.

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