
Longer dev cycles for UFC titles "rather than annually" says THQ

From Strategy Informer: "The lower than expected sales for UFC Undisputed 2010 has THQ a little jittery, and so they're "considering a longer" cycle for development.

The franchise isn't losing THQ's commitment said CEO Brian Farrell, they just want more time for each release to avoid it feeling too samey."

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DelbertGrady5159d ago (Edited 5159d ago )

Sounds like a good plan although I don't think Dana White will be ok with it. Unless he finds a way to lower the fight purses even more. And cut down on his cocaine consumption a little.

Dellis5159d ago

I suggest all sports games take 2 years

matey5159d ago (Edited 5159d ago )

And yet they dont include wii there are Game Engines that allow wii graphics to be exact that of 360 but in 480p how stupid Gamebryo,Lyn,Light speed,Havoc,ect all give wii graphics 4 times that of RE4 ect so why not invest heavily once in a while in wii development for quality cross platform releases then u wouldnt be crying about the 360/ps3 havnt quite sold there numbers and thats on 2 consoles all decent wii games sell well in my opinion because they keep selling unlike ps3/360 get a cut off point with all there titles ect THQ has a innovotive wii game that puts previous efforts in the shade if it aint HARDCORE then they have failed to bring any big name games to wii i mean UFC graphics can be done as well as SR2 its a joke

galgor5159d ago

How about they do the same for smackdown?!

TheLastGuardian5159d ago

So the next will be UFC Undisputed 2012?


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ThatMiamiGuy4185d ago




Dark_Overlord4185d ago

I think Lego Lord Of The Rings at least deserves an honourable mention

Trophy - One does not simply...

Earned - Walk into Mordor.

Made me laugh :)