
"My Country is Better Than Yours": Region Specific Limited Editions

DualShockers writes, "Lots of times as Americans, we get different variations of the games that we purchase. We can choose to purchase the standard version, which is the meat and potatoes of it all: a game disc and a manual. But very often we may get to choose from special or limited versions of games. These special editions more often than not include additional content and merchandise and provide a distinct sense of vanity to the wide-eyed fan. Now sometimes things come in the form of pre-order bonuses or what have you but the point is that as a passionate fan you are able to obtain more products that relates to a game you like (or love)..."

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Ninferno5062d ago

haha wow... i think this is why countries go to war. back then it was country exclusive boxes of oatmeal, though.

Darkstorn5062d ago

Mafia II gets a special edition in Scandinavia only. Weird.

Hitman07695062d ago

I wish I wish I wish that international release dates, special editions, pre-order bonuses, and promotional offers were made possible. It really stinks that some countries get screwed on release dates and others on promo's, I think it's less than desirable and I would certainly enjoy it if more things were international.

Chadness5062d ago

Yeah, it would be grea if things worked out so that all regions can get the same goodies. I'm often discouraged that I can't get the crazy stuff Japanese gamers get when they preorder games.

dkblackhawk505062d ago

Canada owns all!!! I mean...watch the disagrees :(. But I do hate the fact that some country's do get the better stuff.

ShadyDevil5062d ago

North america has AC Brotherhood beta on ps3. Euro has FFXIII Limited Edition..hmm

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Atlus Fes Event Report

Atlus Fes 2024, an event to commemorate Atlus' 35th anniversary, was held in Akihabara, Tokyo on the weekend of 8-9 June 2024.

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LG_Fox_Brazil4d ago

Good thing I wasn't there, I would've left my entire pay check


I’m Glad Atlus & SE Changed Dates To Avoid Competing With Shadow Of The Erdtree

Saad from eXputer: "I'm glad I don't have to choose between Square Enix, Atlus, and FromSoftware due to bad release windows and Shadow of the Erdtree."

H952d ago

More intelligent than guerilla games

raWfodog51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Atlus is releasing their game one week before Erdtree, SE is releasing theirs one week after.

HZD released four days before Zelda, HFW released one week before Elden Ring.

It seems to me like they are still releasing their games too close to Erdtree.

VincentVanBro50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

What a word vomit, rambling, turd of an article that simply states the obvious. Classic exputer.


'P3RE' Domain Update Suggests Persona 3 Remake Announcement is Coming

The P3RE.JP has seen an update to its domain today, suggesting that the rumored Persona 3 Remake could be announced in the near future.

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potatoseal372d ago

What's better 3 or 4 Golden? I played 4, but haven't played 3

GoodGuy09372d ago

I preferred Golden and unfortunately haven't beaten 3 as it's pretty hard to go back to it. I do know some points of the story etc though and have always heard most people liked the story in 3 better.

This remake will be perfect for me if true. And hopefully combines FES and portable's content.

VersusDMC372d ago

Prefer the story, characters and soundtrack in P3. Wait for the remake to play it as the PS2 originals don't let you control your party members and P3portable(the one that was remastered) is a substantial downgrade visually.

CrimsonWing69372d ago

Well we’ve seen the leaked images so it’s coming for sure.