
Gamezebo: AstroDriller3020 Review

There's money to be made in space, and the AstroDrillers are ready to grab a piece of that action. AstroDriller3020 doesn't directly give you the task of mining gems from asteroids, but instead asks you to catch the precious materials that the drillers drop.
It's a clever concept and provides hours of challenging play, with the ability to upgrade your moves and make life easier on yourself. Not that you'll be finding it easy - the game gets really quite difficult over time and certain levels can cause a fair bit of frustration.

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Neocrisis: First AstroDriller3020 Trailer

Neocrisis: The very first trailer has been released for AstroDriller3020 coming to PC and Mac.

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kevco335106d ago

Looks interesting, kinda like a reverse-pinball.