
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Demo Res Analysis for PS3 and Xbox 360

MazingerDUDE of NeoGAF compares the resolutions of the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 demo for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

yewles15166d ago

Sub-HD PS3 port: "PS3 IZ LOOOZE!!!"

Sub-HD 360 port: "Meh"

Watch the hypocrisy in the following comments.

SOAD5166d ago

Initiating stupid arguments?

AAACE55166d ago (Edited 5166d ago )

This is new to me but, when did people start caring more about graphics than gameplay? Maybe they should just make animated movies 1080p and all the other crap so then we can have fun games all around!

As long as a game looks good and you can see clearly, that's all that matters to me!

Aquanox5166d ago

If a game is sub HD on 360 you can see the boys hordes trolling all over the site (i.e. FF XIII) even when this is very rare that multi perform worse in terms of resolution or performance on Xbox 360.

Whereas when it's the PS3 which has the issues, which happens way more often, you can see these guys screaming how it doesn't matter and going ape on those who say it does.

It has already been settled in this generation that the Xbox 360 is the best console for multiplatform games and there's no question about it.

ExplosionSauce5166d ago (Edited 5166d ago )

Please keep your hypocritical comments to yourself. Or did you forget how not too long ago people were like "RDR is sub-hdz on PS3 lolz".
People like you are yet to understand(or ignore) that a game that is ported from 360 to PS3 will never be equal.

[On topic}
They still look pretty much exactly the same. The only difference is that it's 640p on 360, which makes it looks slightly blurrier when expanded to match the scale of the PS3 version. There's also some contrast difference.

Anyway, the differences will be practically unnoticeable when we play either version.
Nothing to make a big deal about. Although I do wish these games had some AA, it'd wonders :)

thereapersson5166d ago

PS3 version is native 720p, though both versions lack AA. You'd think that with the slightly reduced resolution that the 360 version would be able to utilize at least 2x AA. Still, it's not much of a resolution difference, so it doesn't really matter except to pixel peepers.

Might have to give this demo a try, since I really liked playing the first Ultimate Ninja Storm.

raWfodog5166d ago

I hate this damn rez comparison crap. Who the hell cares if one or the other console is off by a few damn pixels? Anybody worrying about this crap should not consider themselves a gamer.

Persistantthug5166d ago

Is Naruto Ultmate Ninja a good game?

BlackBusterCritic5166d ago

It actually is a good game. I've played tons of Naruto games, and HATED THEM ALL. When I played the demo to the first, I was blown away. I'm getting the sequel when it releases (if I have the cash). But I gotta say, it looks like the graphics took a little hit between the first and second. I played the demo to the sequel, and it doesnt look as good. @_@

BlackBusterCritic5166d ago

The height difference is 80 pixels! PS3 version is definitely better! Need them extra pixels for breakfast!

Shani5166d ago

is the demo on US PS Store or Japan..??
dont care about comparison..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5166d ago
Pedobear Rocks5166d ago

Namco's PS3 chops...

Maybe Cellius has something to do with it?

yewles15166d ago

Nah, Cellius would be for more radical, almost non-gaming related purposes... or Gundam. lol

5166d ago Replies(2)
Colonel-Killzone5166d ago

They will both be great who the fuck cares. Can't wait for it ^_^.

dark-hollow5166d ago

yes i can't stand the hypocrisy here

first when the ffxiii for the 360 was sub hd all the ps fans were laughing
and when red dead redemption was sub hd for the ps3 all the xfans were laughing


Colonel-Killzone5166d ago (Edited 5166d ago )

I could care less man. I liked the first one so I know i will like this one most likely also. Let the idiots and trolls argue over this nonsense I will be playing it meanwhile.

NoBias5166d ago

Same, this game is gonna be amazing.

raztad5166d ago

The first Ninja Storm was already a looker, and the second kinda looks the same to me. Probably Namco spent this time in the development of the xbox engine.

Baka-akaB5166d ago

it's more like they already nailed the graphics but the game was lacking in game mechanics (it was basically a reset of narutimate hero on ps2) and characters .

They obviously spent lots of time upgrading the gameplay , adding terrains effects and adding all of the sorely missing characters

raztad5166d ago

Sure I dont doubt they are improving the game gameplay-wise as it is expected in a proper sequel. Still I would like to see some improvements in the visual dept. For example some AA for a change.

Redempteur5166d ago

i dunno .. the game was beautifull in the first and it's still beautifull now as an anime game it got style and that's a style they have polished since their first cell shaded game on the ps2 . by playing the demo is saw some nice tweak they seems to have made and more would have been unnecessary in my eyes since the first is still beautifull

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NewMonday4506d ago

FotNS was horrible between boss fights, but as a fan i endured

VTKC4505d ago

I regret buying Asuras Wrath. I should of consulted reviews of the game. Fist of the North Star however I was ok with. I wish there were more characters. I hope they do another one.

Hicken4505d ago

I loved Asura's Wrath. There was more story than I expected- and it wasn't poorly done, either- and the action and gameplay were very fun. Granted, it was a little too short, and Capcom stuck their hands into the development to make the real ending DLC, but that didn't stop me from enjoying every moment.


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