
Naruto UNS 2 PS3/360 Demo Comparison Shows Better Graphics And Framerate On PS3

A video and screenshots comparison between the PS3 and 360 demo of Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2.

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Baltis5074d ago ShowReplies(3)
HorsePowerr5074d ago (Edited 5074d ago )

They have more experience on the PS3 so it makes sense.

Myst5074d ago

Yep I'm thinking the same thing.

Godmars2905074d ago

Except its suppose to be easier to port from PS3 to 360. So long as space isn't an issue that is.

ingiomar5073d ago

I think it looks better on xbox have you all seen it in full screen?

deafwing5073d ago (Edited 5073d ago )

man I can't wait for .HACK or something along those lines :D

wow-robot5069d ago

all u gotta do is turn the brightness of the tv down and youll get the same thing to me....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5069d ago
Nitrowolf25074d ago

wow PS3 color are so much better

Newtype5074d ago

People actually care about graphics on a Naruto game? oh god...

zatrox5074d ago

You must admit, the game actually has pretty graphics.

Nitrowolf25074d ago

It actual a good game in both gameplay and graphics, its has the anime look that DBZ should do also

Christopher5073d ago

When it's a cell-shaded game like this, yes, I actually do care a lot about the graphics. Big fan of the anime since Shippuden came out and the closer they make the game look like the anime, the better experience I personally have.

Having said that, both look very good. The colors are a little more faded on the 360 and they make it look like it's because of an artificial sun (which isn't in the PS3 version), but I'd be happy to play this game on the 360 still. This is nothing close to the graphical disparities on the PS3 when it comes to games like RDR, Mafia 2, or Bayonetta. Nothing close to those.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5073d ago
Optical_Matrix5074d ago (Edited 5074d ago )

I don't care. Fact is, this game is nuts. Played the demo so much. First thing I do when I turn on my Playstation 3 now. Can't wait. The PS3 version being superior is pretty much common sense. Seeing the 360 version is most likely a port and this is one of the first times CyberConnect 2 have NOT developed solely on a Playstation platform.

I'd also like to call out the obvious 360 fan babies in here. You've changed your tunes. If I recall when the PS3 got multiplats that had differences as miniscule as the ones shown here, you'd use it to bombard PS3 gamers with the "360 has better multiplats" argument. Now all of a sudden it doesn't matter? XD Lord have mercy.

ranmafandude5074d ago (Edited 5074d ago )

now they wanna starting saying "but but but...it's all the same" lol.

Baka-akaB5074d ago (Edited 5074d ago )

i'll go further , some tried to pretend the ubisoft naruto games were anything but crap and to discredit Ninja storm 1 .

Supposedly it wasnt good , because a fighting game who bothered with a ligh sandbox singleplayer mode (Ninjastorm ) wasnt as good as the sp of a (failed) naruto ubisoft rpg (with a (failed versus mode anyway ) .

Now everyone wanna sing the "it doesnt matter" tune .

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Five Awesome Anime Games

Japanese animation has come a long way, since the days of its niche appeal.

And nowhere is that more apparent, than in the way that gaming has embraced it.

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NewMonday4412d ago

FotNS was horrible between boss fights, but as a fan i endured

VTKC4412d ago

I regret buying Asuras Wrath. I should of consulted reviews of the game. Fist of the North Star however I was ok with. I wish there were more characters. I hope they do another one.

Hicken4412d ago

I loved Asura's Wrath. There was more story than I expected- and it wasn't poorly done, either- and the action and gameplay were very fun. Granted, it was a little too short, and Capcom stuck their hands into the development to make the real ending DLC, but that didn't stop me from enjoying every moment.


Something Out of the Norm? Boss Battles in Naruto Storm 2

Cameron C of VideoGameOlogists.com writes:

"So a few of us here seem to have boss fever, and I figured I’d just continue spreading it. When I hear “Boss Battles”, one of the first things I think of is Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and its boss battles. For those who don’t know, Naruto Storm 2 is an anime fighting game for the Xbox 360 and PS3. It’s not quite as technical as more mainstream fighters, but it has it pluses (AND MANY MANY MINUSES)."

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