
Ragnarok Creator on Console MMO Difficulties

Ragnarok creator Hak Kyu Kim explains:

"I've always been very interested in bringing my games to consoles. Due to the differences with respect to the tools that are currently available in consoles, it's been difficult to pursue. With an MMO, the keyboard is used to play the game and to chat and to do other stuff, but in a console that's not possible and that makes a huge difference.

Also, MMOs are played on a PC and therefore you sit close to your screen and are able to read smaller fonts and browse through smaller objects. But with consoles, you use a TV and therefore you sit farther from the screen. Adjusting for those kinds of differences would require us to redesign the whole game. Issues like those are definitely not easy to overcome."

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WilliamRLBaker6199d ago

is that his GAME SUCK! Raganrok was one of the worst games I've ever played, I've never seen such an anti newb game, You literally cant get out of towns in that game, because people cheat and have 50,000 dead branches and summon lvl 1 billion monsters rightoutside of the town exits....making it impossible to leave with out dieing.

Salvadore6198d ago

Where the hell has that developer been living? PS3/360 support any kind of USB Keyboards.

J@D6198d ago

True, but there people that felt the analogs more comfortable. It's a lose-lose situation from my point of view.


Fallout London crashes hit fans but early impressions are positive regardless

Fallout London hasn't exactly had an ideal launch—crashing issues have been reported by players—but overall reaction is still posititve.

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Let’s School review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Well, this is uncanny. This school management sim bears a startling resemblance to Two Point Campus, especially when it comes to planning and decorating rooms. Be sure to add a window and a radiator, along with a plant or rubbish bin. Indeed, certain aspects are almost identical – it’s just like revisiting Two Point Campus, only something is…off. It’s the visual style that leads to the uncanny valley feeling, using a low-poly PlayStation/Saturn aesthetic. An odd choice, considering the 32-bit consoles didn’t have a great amount of management sims. The PS1 did have Theme Hospital though – with Two Point Hospital being Campus’ predecessor, so we guess we can give it a pass on its artistic intent."

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montebristo20m ago

I almost bought this yesterday lol. Then I remembered I have 1000 games I need to play and I would probably touch this once.


"Can we get a redeploy option? Or a killzone?" Helldivers 2 players want this change

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