
New Platformer EXPLODEMON! Coming to PSN Later This Year

TGH Writes: "Curve Studios has announced today that they are planning to release Explodemon! the PSN’s next big 2.5D platformer. The game takes heavy influences from platformers of the past. Check out the screenshots and full release after the link."

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Hitman07695075d ago

Nice, seems like PSN is catching up on XBLA's arcade title variety slowly but surely. Microsoft that's the last thing you have left for the "real gamers" you better keep it going...

playstation_clan5075d ago

i agree because i own a xbox, so i cant be biased. The only good games it has is the arcade because non of the exclusive retail games did it for me.
Limbo is a great game but against ps3 heavy hitters, ms better show some games instead of that casual shovelware.

DA_SHREDDER5075d ago

WTF?! Psn catching up to xbox live with games? Do you mean the shovel ware ratio? Yeah, xbox live has more shovelware than even the Wii. I cant argue with you on that there. The psn is home to the best downloadable games of all time. Thats why you can get everything from ps1 games, to full fledged games like inFamous. It really baffles me how alot of you guys on N4G keep on thinking that the 360 does anything but cross game chat right.

Alos885075d ago

Sounds like the name of a bomb shaped digimon.

ShadyDevil5075d ago

Or a new Pokemon! At least you can tell the Japanese influence.

redDevil875075d ago

kinda sounds like a jamaican saying "explode man"


lochdoun5075d ago

Seems like a cheap rip-off of the awesome Splosion Man
just like Joe Danger was a cheap rip-off of Trials HD.
Nice try $ony but you fail.

GodHandDee5075d ago

YOU WIN!.....



ok nvm

Silly gameAr5075d ago

lol. Yeah if it's not on Live, It must be a rip off.

5075d ago
DelbertGrady5075d ago (Edited 5075d ago )

It looks like a kids version of Splosion man. Kind of like Joe Danger compared to Trials HD.

Sony even copying downloadable games. The desperation.


that it looks a little like explosion man but thats not nessesary copying. Ohh and its not a Sony game. Xbox fans feels the urge to compare everything!!

BTW JOE DANGER is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better than Trials HD... and funnier too.

The only games I really want from LIVE on the PSN are:

and finally the DOUBLE DRAGON HD game released early in the 360 life and then taken out of LIVE.



Did you even read my comment or just the title? Jesus guys you are really pathethic... not an inch of a gamer in you fangirls...

SA1NTofKILLERS5075d ago

Actually I spoke with Curve Studios today and they announced Explodemon before 'Splosion Man, but couldn't start development until late last year. So not really a rip-off. Just saying.

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Top 10 Download Only Hidden Gems on PlayStation 3 - Reasons to dust off your console

A.J. says: "As Sony's first system capable of downloading games, the PlayStation 3 sure had a phenomenal library. Here, I count down ten buried treasures that you may not have heard of but are worth playing before you put your PS3 on Craigslist."

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crazyaejay2835d ago

I remember Puzzlegeddon! Played that game for hours. Love it.

PhoenixUp2835d ago

These really are hidden. I've never heard of any of them


Explodemon Review (Invision Game Community)

Explodemon combines the retro style of 16-bit platform games and Japanese action titles with the upgradable skills, hidden collectables and clever puzzles from more modern titles. Players use Explodemon's self-destructive nature to combat enemies and fly through the air, all the while solving a huge variety of physics-based puzzles.

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Explodemon - Steam Release

Joseph Butler-Hartley looks over the release of Explodemon on Steam for Zero1gaming.com

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