
Macross Trial Frontier announced for PS3

This week’s Famitsu has revealed a new, likely Japanese-only, PlayStation 3 game. The game, based off Macross Frontier the Movie: The False Songstress, is titled Macross Trial Frontier. For those that don’t know, Macross Frontier is a Japanese animation that’s been airing in their country since late 2007. The False Songstress is a movie in the series.

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Godmars2905168d ago

All they have to do is include subtitles for the movie and they'll triple exports!

N4GAddict5168d ago

Ill definitely import if it is true.

smilydude135168d ago

Macross is the superior source material to robotech. Along with 2 other animes that were spliced together.

SupaGamer5168d ago

jk. I know Robotech was the American translated version of the original Macross combined with 2 other random japanese series (poorly I might add) to create 2 additional different seasons.

Damn I sound like a geek.

rdgneoz35168d ago

The original Macross and Macross Frontier were good. I didn't like Macross 7 too much... Hoping the game comes to the US, seeing as it has the movie on the disk.

p.s. I always go for the subbed versions of the anime, most of the time the English translations are horrible, with a few exceptions (Trigun and Cowboy Bebop coming to mind)

Natsu X FairyTail5168d ago

Macross Trash 7 was a classic Manga/Anime. I remember teletoon airing the series back in the late 90's.

smilydude135168d ago

Macross Plus is the best, I think. I didn't really like the characters all that much in frontier.

N4GAddict5168d ago

I hope this comes to the US

xino5168d ago

all we care about if it's coming to other regions!
no point knowing about this is this sh.. isn't gonna come to other regions.

unlike Tales games:/ Vesperia PS3 version

nemesis enforcer5168d ago

First macross game in ps3. I hope it'll be good, macross in ps2 (developed by sega AM2) was fun to play. Thanks namcobandai. Now, let's wait for the Ace Combat for ps3, PPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEA AAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!.

PD: I'm a big fan of macross and robotech (and other mecha series and franchises), to me, both series are great, the thing is they have different stories, points of view, music and audience they targeted (macross for japanese and robotech for USA), so, you can like or hate any of them for subjective reasons.


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Macross Frontier Hybrid Pack Details Announced, Includes PS3 Game

Macross Frontier Hybrid Pack is actually a package that contains the blu-ray release of Macross F ~Itsuwari no Utahime~ movie and a new PS3 game titled "Macross Trial Frontier"

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TotalPS3Fanboy5124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

Look at all those missles!!! Too bad it'll never come to a store near me... in the West.

5124d ago
5124d ago
Godmars2905124d ago

Still haven't heard if this thing - just the movie - is subtitled. Need to know!

Xof5124d ago

But considering this film is the recap film, you shouldn't need subs.

Newtype5124d ago (Edited 5124d ago )

No subs. Hella expensive to import, was thinking about importing. Price is not worth it.

Edit: Nevermind, I think I'll place a preorder.

TANUKI5124d ago

I hope this is available on PlayAsia...!

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Siliconera : Macross Trial Frontier Takes Valkyries To The HD Dimension

People who pick up the Macross Frontier The Movie: The False Diva on Blu-ray are in for a treat.

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Neocrisis: New Macross Trial Frontier Screens

Neocrisis: 20 new Macross Trial Frontier screenshots coming to PS3.

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