
Four Ways To Fix The Halo Franchise

The Halo Franchise is still great but lately it has been getting stale. Bungie needs to bring the series back to its roots, here are four ways they can do this.

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SeanRL5068d ago

Agree with all of those, I had more fun playing Halo 2 with friends than I did playing Halo 3 or ODST.

BeaArthur5068d ago (Edited 5068d ago )

Yet you don't have a 360 username listed in your profile. So how much 3 and ODST did you play?

Anyways, I wasn't aware it was broken and needed to be fixed. Basically he wants a CE remake.

Psfan999...fair enough, I'm still skeptical but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

SOAD...I agree, I liked the Halo 2 maps better than the Halo 3 maps but 3 had some fun maps. I would love to see a Turf remake.

SeanRL5068d ago (Edited 5068d ago )

I played a lot, at friends houses, I assure you that I'm not just some fanboy trying to bash the new games. I really did like halo 2 more. They aren't bad games, but I wish they'd innovate a little more, which is what Halo: Reach seems to be doing.

SOAD5068d ago

I liked Halo 2 more as well. The Halo 3 maps aren't as good as the Halo 2 maps.

WLPowell5068d ago

It's still a blast, I noticed in CE the speed is faster. We were playing it a few months ago and I was like "holy shit MC used to be fast"

RedDead5068d ago

Agreed, Ididn't care for any of Halo 3's maps at all. 2 kept Coagulation and had a few great ones. There was one in particuluar that was great for zombies aswell, it was containment area or something.

Spenok5068d ago

Halo 2 was good, but the first was great. I havent seen a halo top that one yet. Not even close.

Perjoss5068d ago

something has to be broken before you can fix it.

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EVILDEAD3605068d ago

LMAO @ this guy getting exposed as a fake the last time he tried to write an editorial..huddled in a corner..looked up all he could on Halo and came back to write on the same subject..

The fact that you wrote the original article saying you were bored with Halo and couldn't even come up with one reason at the time to fix it while trying to pretend you were an actual Halo fanboy was laughable..

Bungie is NOT listening to you..the millions of true fans are NOT listening to you..if you were a true fan you would have logged onto Bungie.net and aired your grievances..

This is the guy who never played Halo 3 multiplayer or ODST but tried to fake like he did.

Let it go..move onto another game that doesn't need fixed by your standard (LOL)..you can't fool real fans..

For the rest of us...HALO REACH in September FTW...


Droidbro5059d ago

1. Keep it the same.
2. Don't change anything.
3. Halo is amazing.
4. Shut up.

Natsu X FairyTail5068d ago

Why Fix something that isnt Broken anymore? Halo Reach fixed all of the problems from earlier titles.

MariaHelFutura5068d ago (Edited 5068d ago )

I just bought Halo 3 yesterday and the SP is kinda lame, I`m gonna try it again though, maybe I`ll change my mind. I didn`t try the MP since I don`t have XBL, I heard the MP was good.

theonlylolking5068d ago

Dont listen to hardcore halo fans most of the time.

Omega45068d ago

Its not broken or people wouldn't still be playing it.

FPS are all about the MP.

distorted_reality5068d ago (Edited 5068d ago )

Hahaha so MW2 isn't broken either?

@ SOAD - i'm not disagreeing, was just a stupid argument to make that's all.

SOAD5068d ago

Regardless, Halo 3 is no way broken. It's a solid experience with virtually no glitches.

SixZeroFour5068d ago

give mw2 3 years...if its in top 3 most played on live, then i guess it isnt broken

keep in mind, mw2 isnt even a year old...the "fun" factor in mw2 will die down when other similar shooters come around, ie moh, black ops, reach, etc

siyrobbo5068d ago

halo 3 has always been rock solid. Just because modern warfare 2 is a glitch fest doesnt mean every game is

siyrobbo5067d ago

yeah your right, i get what you meant now

ECM0NEY5068d ago (Edited 5068d ago )

I still play Gears 2 and that game is broken.

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shinoff2183111d ago

I've looked and wished we never did get here.


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phoenixwing119d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.