
Earthworm Jim HD – Crush! Frag! Review!

CFD!'s Rob Rich revists a classic from the golden age of 16-bit platformers:

"Throughout the course of my gaming life (roughly 20+ years and counting) I’ve played a lot of games. Stay with me now, I’m going somewhere with this. As I’m sure anyone with a similar background to my own can attest (CFD! readers, feel free to back me up), in every “generation” there are always a few titles that stand out more than the rest. For example, if you talk about the NES, peoples’ brains are apt to fix on something like Mega Man 2 or Super Mario Bros. as opposed to Clash At Demonhead. Mention the PlayStation years and it’s bound to be games like Symphony of the Night or Final Fantasy VII. The reason I’m bringing all of this up is because you’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who was alive and of controller-using age at the time who wouldn’t consider Earthworm Jim one of the SNES/Genesis era’s “Classics.”

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mushroomwig5120d ago

Crush frag destroy? I'm assuming all the decent web domains are taken.

ShadowPraxis5120d ago

Your opinion has been forwarded to our complaint department. Thanks for your input.

mushroomwig5120d ago

How original, exactly the same reply to another person who noted your awful domain name.

Keep up the good work guys, you're really making a difference.

writersblock5120d ago

I own a few sites. Believe you me, go on godaddy or some other site and try to get a good domain name. Every single good one is taken, and some of the best ones are just turned into generic "Search" sites for popup ads and crap

ShadowPraxis5120d ago (Edited 5120d ago )

Whoops. Accidental duplicate.

ShadowPraxis5120d ago

Thank you very much. We're doing our best to "keep up the good work".

You stay classy too, good sir!

writersblock5120d ago (Edited 5120d ago )

Dont make an ass out of yourself and your site by commenting on shit like that, with 3 straight posts

ShadowPraxis5120d ago (Edited 5120d ago )

Second one was accidentally posted. If I could delete it, I would.

As far as making an ass of myself goes, trolls only react when you give them negative attention, since that's what they're looking for. You respond politely? They shut up and go away.

Still, I appreciate what you're trying to say. And in regards to your above comment, I totally agree. Good domain names are rare as hell. I'd rather have a memorable branding than trying to figure out how the hell to fit the word "game" or "gamer" into yet another super generic website name. How many times can you change "s" to "z"? How many hyphens can you squeeze in between the words? Yeah... it's sad, really. Give me something that somebody will remember after you tell it to them.

Plus, every time somebody recognizes what I'm playing off of with the site's name, it makes me smile. OLD old-school sci-fi fans are the most likely to get it.

acronkyoung5120d ago

I kind of agree with writersblock. You're a great guy that works hard on your site, and if some jerk says nothing of value and just attacks your name, just let everyone give him trolling reports.

I don't think you're making an ass of yourself by commenting like writersblock does, but it can get to you even if you act chipper about it. I just ignore people.

5120d ago
5120d ago
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Magog1086d ago

The origin of paid online.

PrimeVinister1086d ago

Lol it definitely deserves its mention

franwex1086d ago (Edited 1086d ago )

Haha. Yep. To be fair, I feel that it was actually worth it because it kept a good minimum standard. There was horrible lag back in the day and a lot of cheating/hacking. More so than today.

PrimeVinister1086d ago (Edited 1086d ago )

That is arguable seeing as how good similar PC services are these days. The lack of cheaters on console is the closed ecosystem rather than extra effort by MS/Sony

XbladeTeddy1086d ago

"To be fair, I feel that it was actually worth it because it kept a good minimum standard. There was horrible lag back in the day and a lot of cheating/hacking. More so than today."

The horrible lag back then was due to peole not having the speeds needed to run games, peoples internet speeds were all over the place. Hacking is as bad today, if not worse than back then. People now have access to sophisticated hacking programmes that were nowhere near as prevalent as they are today. Anticheat software was also available way before Xbox Live and the paid online services became a thing.

I gamed online a lot from 1999 onwards and had great times playing without having issues with people cheating and no one had to pay for an online subscription.

1086d ago

Going digital with 360 and PS3 - Xbox Live Arcade vs. PlayStation Store

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VideoChums1679d ago

Vote for either Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation Store at the bottom of the article! 🎮😄