
Free iPhone game becomes a 3,49$ PSP mini

According to the Hungarian developer "Invictus" their free iPhone game Fly Fu is coming to the PSP and PS3 minis. But not for free - you have to spend 3,49$.

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al-burrito5177d ago

Sony will never have the same success like Apple with these games...

Miroque5177d ago

If they keep just using cheap iPhone copies games, the sure will continue to fail. There are hardly any just for PSP mini developments out there...

Christopher5177d ago

I don't think there are any, actually.

5176d ago
D4RkNIKON5177d ago

So who thinks that MS would have gave it away for free?

maniacmayhem5177d ago

Unfortunately this article isn't about MS. But back on topic....

a_squirrel5177d ago (Edited 5177d ago )

Fortunately, it's about the same game. What did you think 'it' stood for anyways?

And D4RkNIKON is right by the way, so I think that at least deserves a bubble :)

Christopher5177d ago (Edited 5177d ago )

Actually, only the first level of the game is free on iPhone. You have to pay to open up the additional levels. Of course, saying as much wouldn't make as good of a flame-bait article, now would it?

Though, I do question why a game that costs $2 to unlock all of the levels on the iPhone is still costing $3.49 on the PS3/PSP. Are development costs really that much more?

siyrobbo5177d ago

they have to be rated by the esrb, whereas iphone games and even 360 indies don't


so this has to be factored in

badz1495176d ago

flame-bait FTMFL! and with almost all the comments here, most o them don't even have a iPhone! just dropping by to spit BS!

Christopher5176d ago

Thanks Siyrobbo. I'm on the fence if this is bad or good, though, since non-ESRB rated titles can get a bit iffy and can result in a lot of content that parents can't control as well as no quality assurance whatsoever.

Noble Spartan5177d ago

PSP is very much pirated anyways. people will get this and all other psp minis and psp games + much more all for free. So whats the point.

Christopher5177d ago

I believe the piracy is in the UMD games, not in the digital games tied to one's PSN account.

Amplitude5177d ago (Edited 5177d ago )

ha. naaah its both. Only thing you cant get (as far as i know, maybe this changed. Not sure. I sold my CFW PSP a while ago and got a PSP Go!. Boy, do i ever regret that) is Downloadable Content.

a_squirrel5177d ago (Edited 5177d ago )

@ above

At http://pspslimhacks.com/ there are exploits in saved games that still allow homebrew. Not sure if you knew though.

EvilBlackCat5177d ago

suddenly the sony boss is looking like the ms boss


like i told you the gaming industry is a business


ABizzel15177d ago

What's 3,49$

Anyway the pricing for PSP games has to change, it's another reason why piraiting is so rampant on the handheld. Why would anyone pay $40 for a PSP version of a game when they can get the console version for $60 which 9 times out of 10 is usually much better.

Why would you charge for a game that's free on another platform? My guess is Sony has a fee for developers to put their products on PSN.

Anyway. They need someone to take over the PSP's business, because it's suffering big time.

Mini should never cost over $5, PS1 titles should never cost over $10, PSP titles should never cost over $30 (and to be honest I think that's pushing it $20-$25 would be the magic number).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5176d ago
portablegaming5177d ago

Sony just can't compete with the try an buy concept of the iPhone. If they had that for the minis, I bet I would buy more. At least you can play them on PSP and PS3.

Briefcase Joe5177d ago (Edited 5177d ago )

You can play most of them on PS3, but not all.

Fefe5177d ago

Why should I pay for a free-game. I doubt that this will become a bestseller!

ClownBelt5177d ago

The same as console users pay for DLC while PC users get it for free.

despair5177d ago

i hate when they do things like this...

Sorano5177d ago

Well the PSP Mini concept ist just another Epic fail of Sony. They had the good PSN games but just needed a cheap clone for the PSP. The PSP ist just dead.

willie62895177d ago

I would imagine they are just laying the groundwork for psp2. better to launch new hardware with an established library of games. who knows, when psp2 launches perhaps there will be a price cut on minis...

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‘Heads-Up’ Game Store Update 16th November 2011 (PlaystationEU)

PlaystationEU: "Hello fellow gamers and welcome to another edition of the PSN Store ‘Heads-Up’ blog post. So let’s see what we have for you this week."

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U.S. PlayStation Store Update - 11/15/2011

US PS BLOG: "Hi Everyone -
Coming to the PlayStation Store this week is a new category called PS3 Full Games for games that were previously disc only but are now available to download on PSN. Not only will this make it easier for you to find those larger previously disc-only experiences, but you’ll also find DLC, add-ons, demos, and any other content associated with games in this category all housed in the same area once you click on the respective game. Games that are developed and exclusively available via download are now in the newly created PSN Games category."

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GraveLord4694d ago

Glad Sony is releasing full games on PSN. Hopefully one day they'll release them at the same time as retail and at a lower price.

LOGICWINS4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

I don't see what powerful incentive there is to buy full games digitally from PSN instead of from an online retailer.

You can go to Amazon right now and get the RDR GOTY edition which includes:

"the full Red Dead Redemption game and all current free and paid DLC such as 'Undead Nightmare', 'Legends and Killers Pack', 'Liars and Cheats Pack', 'Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack', 'Outlaws To The End Co-Op Mission Pack' and the recently released 'Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack'.It will also feature the Deadly Assassin Outfit, War Horse and Golden Guns Weapon Pack pre-order DLC and the 'Solomon's Folly' single-player gang hangout and challenges."

....for $45

Yet on PSN, RDR ALONE is $40 and Undead Nightmare ALONE is $20. Which option do you think the prudent gamer will choose in this situation?

Yes..its optional to buy from PSN, but its a retarded option.

Dante1124694d ago

"I don't see what powerful incentive there is to buy full games digitally from PSN instead of from an online retailer."


LOGICWINS4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

Yes Dante, convenience as a good incentive...but not a "powerful" one in this scenario.

Yes, with digital downloads, you can have your game mere hours on your PS3 without ever leaving your home..pretty cool if you ask me.

HOWEVER, this incentive is outweighed in this scenario by the fact that:

-You forfeit the opportunity to get ALL the RDR DLC for just FIVE dollars more(Ud end up paying over $40 on PSN for all the RDR DLC).

-You can't simply take your game to play at a friends house unless you bring your PS3 over.

-You can't trade in the game when you get bored of it.

-You eat up 8.2 GB of hardrive space on ONE game.

Now tell me Dante...do the pros outweigh the cons in this scenario? Does it make sense for a person who is interested in buying RDR plus all the DLC to spend potentially DOUBLE the price on PSN for all the items when they can spend HALF the price buying from Amazon?

CZUM4694d ago

But on PSN you can buy RDR+RDR UNP for 1/5 regular prize. It's last store update before decrease activation systems.

LOGICWINS4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

"But on PSN you can buy RDR+RDR UNP for 1/5 regular prize. It's last store update before decrease activation systems."

That discount is limited time only. Thats not the regular price.

"ps plus has red dead and undead nightmare pack for 25 dollers"

So I need to buy PS Plus in order to get the 50 % discount...as in, PAY for a discount. Ummm yeah, no thanks. How do I save money if I have to pay money in order to save money later?

lashes2ashes4694d ago

ps plus has red dead and undead nightmare pack for 25 dollers

GarandShooter4694d ago

'How do I save money if I have to pay money in order to save money later?'

Really? Ask the members of BJ's, Costco, etc. how it works. Are you that tied to your original post that you're unable to see the merit of an opposing view?

It would seem logic and intellect aren't inextricably bound after all.

@ GraveLord

No way that will happen while the industry still relies on brick and mortar stores for software sales.

Raoh4694d ago

"do the pros outweigh the cons in this scenario"

They sort of do. I stopped buying retail pc games and just buy from steam. Granted the pc/steam games are cheaper but as long as its fairly priced I'm cool with my digital purchases.

BLAKHOODe4694d ago

I can't keep enough HDD space to have a lot of digital downloads. Mandatory installs are the devil!

L6RD7BLU34693d ago

RDR bundle $24.99 for ps plus members, way better deal.

nycredude4693d ago (Edited 4693d ago )


Tell that to the freaking millions of people who use Steam. Fact is there are plenty of people who loves digital downloads. You aren't the only person in the world and just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone falls in line with you. Sorry to break it to you bro but your opinion really isn't that important in the big picture here.

I own about 32 downloaded games from psn and 35 games on Steam. Guess how many pc retail disc games I have? NONE!

Old McGroin4693d ago


Have to agree with ya man, don't see how people can disagree with the Red Dead Redemption example you gave! You get a hell of a lot more from Amazon for 15 quid less than the PS Store, the only downside being you have to wait a couple of days to have it delivered to your door.

And I also see what you mean about the PS Plus discount not actually being a discount for that particular deal (the RDR one) if you're not a PS Plus subscriber to begin with, i.e. paying for a PS Plus sub just to avail of that particular deal makes no sense financially. Availing of all the deals available over the course of a year does make financial sense but not signing up for one deal (I think that's what you meant anyway!).

No, definitely don't see how anyone can disagree with you in this particular instance.

Amazon Deal - PRO: Way more content than the PS Store offering for 15 quid less. CON: Waiting a couple of days for delivery to your door.

PSN Store - PRO: Have game same day. CON: Less content for 15 quid more, eats hd space.

There's my two cents!

KratosWitAGun4693d ago

But you can get RDR and Undead bundle for 30$ IF YOU HAVE PS PLUS

MaxXAttaxX4693d ago

What's your point? People will continue to buy their game the way they want.

You're not convincing anyone.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4693d ago
Soldierone4694d ago

Key point here, lower prices. If they want me to jump on this digital bandwagon, then the prices need MAJOR changes.

Why is it games going for maybe 10 bucks at retail are still listed for 30 to 60 dollars digital? Makes no sense. Its cheaper for publishers, why isn't it cheaper for us?

I don't blame sony I blame the greedy publishers.

-Mezzo-4694d ago

Damn, i want to get "Undead Nightmare" and i am $3 short.

Damn you Amazon for removing the PSN Credit Codes.

Hatmantc4694d ago

think Gamestop sends PSN codes over email as well.. pretty sure anyways

falcon2624693d ago

yeah they do but from what I remember you have to have one of their power up reward cards and then u can redeem the points for the $3 code.

Drithe4694d ago

Vanguard Bandits, baby!!!!

End of Line.

nevin14694d ago

The price of RDR is a ripped off if you asked me.

Kappa Mikey4693d ago

Anyone else got excited when they saw those MGS Avatars? :DD

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Electronic Farmyard Review: Fighting Fantasy – Talisman of Death (PSP Mini)

The Electronic Farmyard writes:

'Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death is based on the book of the same name where you have to save the once peaceful world of Orb. Your mission is to destroy the Talisman of Death before the dark lord’s minions reach you.'

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