
H.A.W.X 2 Soars Right Into Your T.V

Information on the new Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 video game.

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Quagmire5181d ago

"Revvin' up your engine
Listen to her howlin' roar
Metal under tension
Beggin' you to touch and go
Highway to the Danger Zone"


Tom Clancy Franchise Sale Now Available on EU PSN

Sony have announced that a few select titles from the Tom Clancy franchises are now discounted on the European PlayStation Store from today for two weeks, Wednesday 18th September 2013 until Wednesday 2nd September 2013.

The Tom Clancy titles that are discounted on the European PlayStation Store, include the digital versions of Endwar, H.A.W.X. 2, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.

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Xbox Live Reduced Content For September 2012

Though they waited until the mid-point of the month, the Xbox Live Dashboard has updated with the September 2012 reduced content.

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Relientk774393d ago

Assassins Creed 2 is amazing, people who havnt played it should go for it, its only $20

MDC314393d ago

sweet dont need to pay overpriced service like ps plus to get discounts

Qrphe4393d ago

>overpriced service
>not Live

Only this can describe my reaction.


opinska4392d ago

yeah and u need to pay 50-60$ for your OVERPRICED xbox live subscription... yeah be quiet

clevernickname4393d ago

Took me a minute to figure out what the fuck "reduced content" means in English. In means the PRICE has been reduced.

Must be some Brtish phrase because I've never heard that term used in North America. Just like when someone told me the weather was "hotting up" when I was in the UK. "Hotting up? Oh, HEATING up," I had to tell myself.

nukeitall4393d ago

I got all confused too. I thought it was reduced content that is being released, not a price cut!

doogiebear4393d ago

Xbox live fee's hard at work lol. Plus they made tons of money off of Ads (why are there ads if u already paid....hmmm), AND all the money made from Kinect---Yet they still screw their customers over. Smh -_-

InklingGirl4392d ago

How about dropping the price for older games like Grid and Too Human?