
ZTGD: Trinity Universe PlayStation 3 Review

Scorched Angel Writes: There are some games that come along once a generation that beg the question: why did this game get released in America? These games usually are the ones to only be released in Japan, and ones that if you really want to get your hands on it, you need to import it from the far side of the world. Well, Trinity Universe is one of those games. Developed by Nippon Ichi Software and Idea Factory, this game defines the term Japanese RPG. With a turn-based battle system, anime character and cut scenes, and weirder gameplay elements than you can shake a stick at; this game is definitely one that is going to find a niche audience. However, at the same time, if you are a fan of any JRPG, you still may want to give this game another look.


The Voices in English are not good, lol.

Good thing you can use the Subs and original Voices.

Harkins17215084d ago

I think they all sounds great besides that ghostly girl in gray/black.

Redempteur5084d ago

trust me the japanese voice are so superior ...
tsubaki in japanese is great ...

i put japanese right away because i prefer japaneses voices ( etna in japanese for me ) and i went back once just to see ... worst decision ever .
Anyway ..some will be put away by the 3d graphics BUT the rest of the game is quite fun ..silly events , a great deal of grinding and over the top moments ..so far trinity universe is a win in my book

ranmafandude5084d ago

I'm on chapter 13(last chapter) and am really far into it. got my money's worth and still playing it lol. my hunger for jrpgs never goes away.

xgodofwar4sss5084d ago (Edited 5084d ago )

it sound like a good game sony game on

Spenok5084d ago

Dood! I seriously need to buy this game.

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knifefight4952d ago

Great K-Mart deal on Golden Sun there; Dragon Quest 9 @ 50% off is enticing.

256bit4952d ago

is trinity universe that good? why did it only go down $10 and valkyria chronicles is like $20 NEW!!!

imoutofthecontest4951d ago

I dunno but in my book it's tough for any game to touch Valkyria Chronicles.

I'm guessing TU isn't dropping much because there probably aren't very many copies. Low demand, but even lower supply, perhaps?

Redempteur4951d ago

2 reason to pick trinity universe :

- you enjoy nis humour ( see disgaea for exemple )
- you enjoy dongeon rpgs

Trinity universe is NOT a bad game and there is nothing broken about it besides the simple 3d graphics ..