
New Screens for Parkour Racing Game 'Freejack'

Ex: If you enjoyed the Dreamcast favorite Jet Set Radio or the parkour stylings of Assassin's Creed or Mirror's Edge, we think you should pay attention to FreeJack. We've got information on a new closed beta, and some fresh screenshots.

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CrAppleton5178d ago

really?? a parkour racing game? sounds... lame..

Neco5125178d ago

sounds different,I'd like to see how this does

Spenok5178d ago

Agreed, could turn out to be halfway decent.

killyourfm5178d ago

Hey, picture Jet Set Radio + the rooftop races in Crackdown 2. Maybe?

CrAppleton5178d ago

I suppose if you put it like that it doesn't sound so bad

Neco5125178d ago

I like the style graphics they chose to go with. Looks neat

Queasy5178d ago

Looks cool but likely missing some of the Jet Set Radio charm.

DaRockSays5178d ago

How bout Mirrors edge meets jetset

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FreeJack Delayed, New Track Offered to Beta Players

Game Bridger Entertainment has announced that it will delay the full release of its parkour racing game, FreeJack, into autumn 2011. It’s not all bad news for FreeJack fans though, as the firm also released today a new map for the game. The new Japan-themed track, titled “Go! Sakurunner!!”, is available now via a free patch update.

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FreeJack enhanced with 'Graffiti' mode

DasReviews writes: "Graffiti mode is a new team-based mode that pits runners against each other in a race to collect paint and spray the ultimate tag! Graffiti matches promise to be hectic and unpredictable as players attack each other in an effort to steal each other’s paint..."

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Racing Game FreeJack Goes to Indonesia

An action racing game <FreeJack> developed by WiseOn and published by Big Spoon is signed for publishing in Indonesia with Faveo Entertainment on 28th.

<FreeJack> has been signed with 3 companies during the G-Star 2010 and it is its 4th signing.

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