
Vindictus Extreme Edition Trailer

Vindictus trailer showcasing new gameplay for the Extreme Edition servers

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Spenok5122d ago (Edited 5122d ago )

Wow, for an MMO this game is looking badass. I was excited for it before, now i cant wait for it. Especially it being F2P.


Vindictus(KR): First Look at Sexy Underwear Special for New Character Delia

As an adult only MMORPG, Vindictus boasts its featured and sexy underwear. There was a rumor that Vindictus will set up a real shop to sell the same-design sexy underwear. With the latest character Delia went online, Vindictus unveiled a new series of underwear for Delia.

Kreisen3095d ago

Stopped playing TERA becouse of this nonsense. New classes? Female only! New cool outfits? Female only!

contradictory3095d ago

ikr? gender specific classes in MMORPG's are BS


Gorgeous Vindictus Delia Cosplay

Last month, Vindictus KR server has unveiled a new character with huge sword -- Delia, and recently Korean cosplay team RZ COS's member Reve made an amazingly similiar restoration for this chracter, even with the weapons and costumes.

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Games Like: Dragon's Dogma

This week in Games Like Steven is taking a look at games that capture the awesome whimsy of Capcom's Dragon's Dogma, coming this week to PC!

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