
EA hints Dantes Inferno 2

A Job Listing on EA hints Dantes Inferno 2. The Publisher looking for a Lead Level Designer for an Action-Adventure Sequel at Visceral Games ...


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Kingdom Come5203d ago

It's problem is that it didn't live up to God of War 3, which was a huge challenge. I think if time is taken to improv the graphics engine for the title and they add some unique gameplay mechanics they have a chance of coming close to the Epic franchise that is God of War. An announcement of a sequel would be good news though as the first games art direction was fantastic and the story was quite good.........

gtamike5202d ago

God of War 3 was alot better

Snakefist305202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

In Terms Of Gameplay,Graghics,Texture and Scale And The Raw Power of the cell Only Ps3 Cud Handle this kind of EPIC Game.No Matter wat EA wud do they cant compete with this EPIC GAME.If they do it will be a complete ripoff again.They (EA) need to hav new ideas so tat people wud think this not a GOD ripoff.

xino5202d ago

Dante Inferno must have started out as a small project and evolved into a big game that EA supported and even made a anime movie out of and soon a real life movie.

This game really fails! How can the people who brought out awesome Dead Space can come up with half assed game Dante's Inferno? it just doesn't make sense! The graphics sucks! You telling me about 60fps gameplay. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 60fps is better than this, GOW3's 60fps gameplay is the best I've ever seen in my life, and now Castlevania Lords of Shadow has amazing 60fps gameplay too.

I'm not looking forward to DI2 not unless Visceral step up their damn game!

The Meerkat5203d ago

And why not.

Make the game a little less linear and have the enemies spread out rather than in arenas.

Oh and more boobs.

ClownBelt5203d ago

I want the "more boobs" route plox.

mirroredderorrim5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

I want the "more game" route.

kevco335203d ago

Still haven't got round to playing the first one properly yet...

Sneak-Out5203d ago

I have played God of War and i have played Dantes Inferno, but God of War is the real one

Waldi5202d ago

I hope this one will be better then the first Dantes Inferno. It was boring.

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Rumour: Dante's Inferno/Army of Two sequels in the works, despite EA's claims

SystemLink: "Super-spy Supernnuation has dug up a whole lot more secret treasure recently, and claims that Dante's Inferno and Army of Two will be coming back for seconds. Or, in Army of Two's case, thirds. Army of 2.3? Wait, we're confused..."

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Cajun Chicken4691d ago

Hope so! Dantes Inferno was epic!

Ace_Man_64691d ago

Wow, I though I was the only 1 that thought so! This made my day lol 😊

rezzah4691d ago

there is a a lot of dislike for this game for either being a fail representation of the original medium (which I have but haven't gotten to reading it yet), or that it is a copy of GOW3 which was the influence of the game's gameplay design.

Even if these are your main reasons for disliking the game people like you (Ace) and me enjoy it for what it is, it is one of the games this gen that has the best atmospheres that makes you stop to watch and "feel" the games environment. They mixed pain (most of all) and pleasure well within this game.

Ace_Man_64691d ago


Totally agree my friend *Bubble up*

GameOn4691d ago

Most enjoyable journey I've personally had through hell.

Berserk4691d ago

One of my favorite games! Not at GOW3 level, but still awesome in so many ways for me :D
If there is a sequel, day one!!!

ironfist924691d ago

This, definitely not as epic as GOW3, but still a fun game in its own right.

Pikajew4691d ago

Dantes Inferno had lots of potential but they made it fail

ironfist924691d ago

I'd say, the first game was waaaay better, the second game was an utter dissapointment.

Either way, can't wait for Army of Two 3 and Dante's Purgatory

Ocean4691d ago

Another Dantes Inferno game please...rather enjoyed the first one

bobrea4691d ago

Dante's Inferno sucked ass. Anyone who says otherwise is in a fucked up state of denial. It was so insanely repetitive and boring. It could have been really cool but they botched it.

The only cool thing it had going for it was some cool art design.

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The Best Bodily Functions In Video Games -- Burps, Farts And Poop

G4TV writes "Video games are a complex form of interactive media. Many moving parts go into making a game, you need a story, character arcs, gameplay innovation and stunning graphics. There is one gear that is for too often missing from this living, breathing machine that is a solid video game experience. I'm of course talking about the use bodily functions as a game mechanic. Yes, those awesome and often immature moments in games that make us laugh, and get us a little queasy: flatulence, burping, urinating - they are all great ways to advance through a level or defeat an enemy. If projectile vomiting is more your thing then keep reading because I've got that covered too."

awiseman5032d ago

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Rumor: Visceral Games working on a new IP and another Dead Space title?

Rely on Horror writes: "Visceral Games is a dev team with a positive future, they already have two IP's in the form of Dead Space and Dante's Inferno. The former being a gift to those survival horror genre fans aching after Resident Evil 5's action packed campaign. And the latter being what many like to call a God of War clone, but regardless of this, Visceral is doing good. And how can we forget to mention Dead Space 2 looming in the horizon, aimed for a late 2010/early 2011 release. This leads to a crucial question: What's next? We know Dead Space is going to be met with sequels galore and spin offs as well, and for all we know Dante's Inferno could receive the same treatment. But is there room for a new IP in Visceral's arsenal? Maybe this will shed some light."

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NYC_Gamer5236d ago

one of my fav devs this gen...

Forbidden_Darkness5236d ago

Very true, loved dead space, tried the dante infernos demo and thought it was pretty cool too, but theres just too many games. I can't wait for DS2 though

Bobbykotickrulesz5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

Yeah, Dead Space was pretty badass. Here's hoping they make the 2nd even creepier.

Edit: lol what the hell? I have 1 bubble? For God's sake the bubble system on this site is complete garbage now. I make a few jokes that nerds and fanboys can't relate to, and my bubbles instantly disappear. I know exactly why too. They look at my comments, and then look at my name and get all butt hurt. "OH Major Jack Hoff huh? Yeah well that guy is just a big jerk!"

poopface15236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

Excited to see their new game too. I hope its dead space 3(not some crappy wii game)LOL.

ironfist925236d ago

Maybe sequel to Extraction? Dead Space: Excavation for Wii and PSMove?

BlackIceJoe5236d ago

Dead Space was a cool game & I think the sequel should be good too. So I think what ever they work on next should also be a good game.

dizzleK5236d ago

hmmmm....i really like dead space. i'm really excited for the sequel. but don't dip into the well again so quickly.

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