
An A-Z of quality Wii games: Part 1(A-M)

Gaming Gauge Writes: "There are a lot of misconceptions about the library of games available on the Wii, many think there are very games worth playing on the box and part of this is ignorance. Lots of games get ignored due to lack of exposure and the fact that a lot of people simply don’t look for quality Wii games(causing a self fulfilling prophecy). So here are 13 quality Wii games going from A to M."

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SpoonyRedMage5142d ago

Can't wait Shin'en's next game, Jett Rocket. It just came out in NA and will be out this friday in EU!

Manfred also hinted at some 3DS development!

Smacktard5142d ago

Of course Mercury Meltdown Revolution is left off the list ;_;

Such a fantastic game.

Venoxn4g5141d ago

want a real list (A-M)? (not in alphabetical)

deadly creatures
final fantasy: cristal bearers
Excite truck
Little king's story
Battalion wars 2
Endless ocean 1 & 2
monster hunter 3
a boy and his blob
de blob
fatal frame 4
mercury meltdown revolution
kororinpa 1 & 2
medal of honor heroes 2
donkey kong: jungle beat (remade)
boom blox
boom blox: bash party
monster lab
disaster: day of crisis
dead space:extraction
house of the dead returns
house of the dead: overkill
crash of the titans
crash bandicoot: mind over mutant
manhunt 2
indiana jones staff of kings
fragile dreams
Mario kart wii

Check them all out, they 're worth it :) (and I did mentioned only retail versions, not wiiware :))


10 Rarest Nintendo Wii Games Worth Their Weight in Gold

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Cave Story+ free at Epic Games Store

Cave Story+ is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until September 7 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim it, it's yours to keep.

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Now We’ve Had Advance Wars Remastered, It’s Time for Battalion Wars 1+2 on the Switch

Battalion Wars is one of the most under-appreciated classics from the Nintendo GameCube. Part Splatoon, part Mario Kart, part old-school shooter, and all action, this game is fun and strategic. So now that we’ve had Advance Wars remastered, it’s time for Battalion Wars 1+2 on the Nintendo Switch with the following updated features.

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XbladeTeddy450d ago

The memories. Totally forgot about those games but I remember how fun they were.

Pyrofire95450d ago

I was just bringing this game up to a friend recently. He used to play them so much.