
Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Details & Placeholder Art Revealed

THQ has revealed new details on the recently announced Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online, the forthcoming Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) set in Games Workshops’ 41st Millennium. Following its debut at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles earlier this month, THQ has detailed a number of features included in the game, as well as releasing the first official artwork as a placeholder for the forthcoming box art.

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kevco335109d ago

Anyone got their eye on this? Sounds like it could be fairly cool to me. And I bet a lot of people have been waiting for a proper Warhammer MMORPG of some sort.

Letros5109d ago

I'd give up one of my toes to have this released right now, the graphics look incredible (Darksiders engine) for an MMO and you can't get a better universe than 40K. Hopefully its more action packed rather than autoattack.

kevco335109d ago

If it looks anything like Darksiders, that'll be a HUGE leap for MMOs!


The Five Games That Sank THQ

Gameplanet: THQ, the publisher of games such as Saints Row, WWE, and Company of Heroes, is no more. James Cullinane revisits the five games that finally capsized the company.

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THQ Talks Layoffs, Says They Can’t Afford to Ship Darksiders II, South Park Until They’re “Perfect”

In an exclusive interview with RipTen, Executive Vice President of Core Games, Danny Bilson, talks Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium, Darksiders II and South Park RPG.

We also discussed the layoffs at Vigil and Relic and how Darksiders II may not ship on June 26 as planned. Also, South Park RPG may not arrive in 2012.

PirateThom4454d ago

Shouldn't companies be shipping "perfect" games anyway?

DrPepper4454d ago

well it seems by that statement they pretty much deserve to be in the position they are in. i just feel bad for all the people that will possibly lose their jobs thanks to the decisions of these corporate assholes.

badjournalism4454d ago

Well that confirms South Park will never ship. Should have gotten anyone other than Obsidian on it...

noxeven4454d ago

if there gonna release why not just do download release instead of retail same themselves some cost

majiebeast4454d ago

Well who ever thought making Udraw for ps3 and 360 was a good idea basicly killed the company.

Reborn4453d ago

Can't stand when these corporate people talk about layoffs. It's your blatant BS that caused it. Least accept your bonus loving pals, have caused the damage. Common sense could tell that THQ wouldn't last long. Not going they way they were.


Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium to switch from MMO to single and multiplayer title

THQ has sent out a letter to its investors stating a new change in their title ‘Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium. The new update will “shift” the game away from the MMO business model.

This announcement came via press-release, where THQ stated that they will refocus ‘Warhammer® 40,000®: Dark Millennium’ to a “single player and online multiplayer experience”. Also changing is the size of the development team working on the title. THQ stated in the release, “THQ internal studios will be reduced by 79 full-time employees at Vigil Games in Austin, Texas, and 39 employees at Relic Entertainment in Vancouver, B.C”.

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Metamorph934466d ago

40K should still be a good game I hope. >.<'

snipes1014466d ago

We dont need more MMO's, so I have no problem with this.

Sidewinder-4466d ago

Sounds like they're spooked by other up-coming mmo's.

Don't know why. While I've not been following the games production, the sheer idea of a 40k mmo sounds promising.

Saryk4466d ago (Edited 4466d ago )

Smart move! If I were a over company I would shift production for the 4-8 man co-op type games in any genre.FPS are good,so are 3rdPS, DOTA types, and RTS.

And I would make X-wing vs Tie Fighter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sanpaku4466d ago

lamest move ever.

they already have space marine, why dilute that with this shit

hand over that MMO already - it would have been the bomb