
Thoughts on the New Xbox 360 S

Critical Gamer writes: Microsoft took a note from Steve Jobs at last week’s E3, announcing that the new Xbox 360 S would begin shipping to stores immediately. This new iteration sports a 250 GB hard drive, built-in Wireless B/G/N support, and a sleek, lighter design. The console arrived in stores late last week and our staff writer, Joe, got his hands on it. Here’s his breakdown:

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scruffy_bear5108d ago

Going to pick up a Xbox 360 S very soon :)

commodore645108d ago

The author agrees:

" If you’ve refrained from buying an Xbox 360 until now, this is absolutely the one to get."

Conloles5108d ago

If you dont have one its worth it

Pennywise5108d ago

If you have refrained until now from buying one... there is probably more reasons than the looks of the xbox.

Pistolero5108d ago

"If you have refrained until now from buying one... there is probably more reasons than the looks of the xbox."

Yeah...like being an idiot fanboy. but nah...that couldn't be the case with you....it must be something else.

basicsameh5145108d ago

i agree if you dont own a 360 its the perfect time to buy one

scruffy_bear5108d ago

Yeah going to pick up a Xbox 360 S, cant wait so many new games to play. Us gamers are spoiled

AAACE55108d ago

I wanna get this one, but I know a bundle will be coming for the holidays. Plus, the one I have doesn't have any problems, so i'll just wait until then. But dam it's hard to not get one right now!

gtamike5108d ago

Red dot of death "google"

siyrobbo5108d ago

ylod 'google'
wii connect 247 overheating 'google'
bsod 'google'

$hit happens, deal with it

Pistolero5108d ago

i wish i could get one soon but i already have a 360, ps3 and wii and right now money is tighter than normal but i'm thinking around christmas time i will be able to get one.
i just like the new look and how everybody talks about how much cooler and quieter it runs....my 360 and fat ps3 are both really loud....and of course i also love the super fast wi-fi and the 250GB hard drive.

gamerzBEreal175108d ago

i already got one but the sad part is im sick of gears never liked halo dont buy none online games (alan wake splinter cell) and left4dead2 fails in my eyes so theres nothing to play!! i wish gears3 and reach would get here already

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5108d ago
Cubes5108d ago

Yeah totally agree, if you're going to get one this is the one to get. No more RROD! (hopefully!!) Not sure if I've got room under the TV mind you, even in it's slim form.

Ult iMate5108d ago

It's not slim. It's just "S".
It's not thinner or narrower. It's just 15% shorter.

R2D25108d ago

Compare the fat PS2 to the slim PS2, now thats slim. The PS3 slim looks shorter not slimmer.

Ult iMate5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

PS3 Slim is thinner and shorter. It's just wider, yes. But in two dimensions of three it's smaller.

You know, even Microsoft doesn't call new Xbox "slim". Don Mattrick called it "slicker, smaller" at Microsoft E3 press-conference.

ElementX5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

I will post what I've posted in other RDOD/360S threads:

I played Alan Wake for 2 hours and took temp readings from the exhaust vent: 119-122F, 48C-50C.

I played Fable 2 for 2 hours and took a temp reading, constant 139F or 59C.

Case remained cool to the touch. I'm surprised more people aren't doing temperature readings and posting them.

5108d ago Replies(1)
ElementX5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Well, I haven't done any temp checks on my PS3, but you don't have to attack me. Aren't people curious how hot their electronics get? I know PC users are. Then you have the fanboys like you claiming the new 360S is going to get RDOD and it's going to overheat. What's wrong with checking out of curiosity? Grow up man. Btw, caps are lame, didn't you get the memo?

Close_Second5108d ago

And is a positive step for driving sales.

r1sh125108d ago

IT does look good, and I will get one (not sure when but soon)..
The only thing I dont get..
Why didnt they just add blu ray?!

edhe5108d ago

Because it's not a new console, it's the old one with new bits that are better.

Adding a blu-ray drive would change a whole lot of things that would impact publishers and developers. You don't want to alter that pipeline.

Even then, it'd never get used for games because it'd split the consumers, so there's little point for a games console changing it's media drive when it'll never use it for gaming.

If hd dvd had won then maybe you'd see games on hd dvd where one layer is dvd9 game data and the other later is a higher def option, and they could sell it as one product.

Not with Blu-ray.

gypsygib5108d ago

They could have added Blu-ray and limited it to movie watching, that would have exponentially increased the 360S value. Alot of people have 1080p tvs now and want to rent Blu-rays. The MS movie rental service is more expensive than Blockbuster, has worse selection and is 720p.

edhe5105d ago

Streaming 1080p off Zune is quite easy, actually - the rental prices are only competitive when you consider how much time it saves you scooting down to the 'local' rental shop a mile away.

Yes they could've included blu-ray - as long as they found a drive that performed the same for DVDs as the current drive do in order to ensure everyone's multiplayer games load up in similar timeframes.

But they didn't, and i already have a blu-ray player, so do most people here i bet.

It's a non-issue.

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The Xbox showcase brought the E3 magic

After having to prove itself for years, Xbox doubled down and pulled it off..

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GaboonViper8d ago

Yep Xbox absolutely knocked it out of the park with that stunning show, it was everything a gaming showcase should be, games games and games, well done team Xbox.

CrimsonWing698d ago

It really did. Like I came out of that with the hype for new games I haven’t felt since… well the better years of E3.

monkey6028d ago

It was without a doubt one of the better showcases in years. There was plenty there that excited me. Something has been lacking in years on all platforms

EasilyTheBest8d ago

It was an amazing showcase I loved everything about it. Can't wait to play some of those games.
What's going on. 4 comments & no negatives yet. Wow, what's going on with N4G.

ThinkThink8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Show was so good, it made me forget about that blue dragon rumor until the next day. Too many games to process.

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Is Xbox Going Multi-Platform The Right Decision For The Console Market?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "The new Xbox strategy to go multi-platform could eventually change console gaming as we know it, and I am concerned."

Bathyj9d ago

Can we stop pretending that Xbox has any great influence over the console market?

All they can do is try and steer their own Destiny. They have very little to do with what the other players in the console market are doing.

And yes, going 3rd party is pretty much their only option and is good for them.

RaidenBlack9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Still whatever little direct competition they're offering against Sony ... that'd be gone, which is never good for consumers.
I know Sony will continue to apease the gamers but without any proper competition in same space, they might not work at the fullest efficiency.
(Taking into account, thats generally been agreed here, that Nintendo has long been not the direct competitor to either MS or Sony)

xHeavYx9d ago

The " without any proper competition in same space, they (Sony) might not work at the fullest efficiency" narrative has been proven false for years. Let's stop pretending that, in terms of games, Xbox has been any competition to Playstation.

fsfsxii9d ago

Sony had 0 competition for most of its playstation business, and they still succeeded, the only thing xbox introduced was paid online and dlc

maniacmayhem9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Sony had little to no competition during the PS2 era and they have an iconic catalog.

I don't think Sony needs competition in the console space to still release great games. It would be the games that would be competing against each other.

Einhander19729d ago

Xbox does not need to exist for PlayStation to have competition.

They compete with Nintendo, PC, streaming and countless other devices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9d ago
neutralgamer19929d ago

Yes release games on other platforms

Your own gamers still get the games day one on GP. So GP will grow and stay stabilize

By releasing the games on PC,PlayStation and next switch they can get $70 for their games.

MS didn't invest 100 billion for nothing. This way Xbox generates way more revenue

GhostScholar8d ago

And Sony is doing the same thing whether you want to admit it or not.

anast9d ago

The show was like a sub-show for Sony. All these games are coming to PS5.

9d ago
outsider16249d ago

You gotta admit though..xbox showcase was actually really great.

RpgSama9d ago

I mean, yes, it was an Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda presentation, they just so happened to buy all of those publishers, nothing we would not have seen on any other award show if they had not bought developers that were and STILL are developing multiplatform games.

If you remove them you are left with Microsoft game studios, another Fable, Another Gears, Perfect Dark which for me didn't look all that great, Avowed, Age of mythology and south of midnight (might be missing something I guess)

anast9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

No better than any other show. There weren't any major new announcements, which is what everyone has been complaining about. The bar shouldn't get lowered for a trillion dollar company.

crazyCoconuts9d ago

"another Fable, another Gears, Perfect Dark"?
That's a lot of pretty great "anothers".
I could use a few of those "anothers" from Sony right now.

helicoptergirl9d ago

Yes it was a really great showcase that Xbox had. Multiplats and all. Overall it was really cool

Terry_B9d ago

for pc and playstation..yes it was. Not a single reason was given to buy an xbox.

MrBaskerville7d ago

Perfect Dark looked amazing! Wouldn't mind seeing something like that from Sony tbh.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
thesoftware7309d ago


"All these games are coming to PS5."

Very disingenuous statement... Some, but not all.

Oh, so that is the new narrative, "sub-show for Sony." lol, wow.

The sad part is that you are clearly and fully aware that it is very unlikely for any 1hr and 30min gaming presentation show to showcase ALL Exclusives, it just doesn't happen.

And don't you think it sad that MS had a better Sony showing than Sony? If I were you, I wouldn't consider that a flex, lol.?

anast9d ago

They are coming to PS5, the ones that matter of course.

There is nothing sad here. You might need to start your argument without an emotive.

I don't think they had a better showing. Unless we lower the bar for only Xbox.

crazyCoconuts9d ago

None of us really know how much they're going third party. They're still ACTING like they want to protect the platform - no mention of PS5 in their show, still marketing the console, still using the Xbox logo.
Yeah Phil acknowledged more is coming to PS5. But is that Indiana Jones? Perfect Dark? Gears?
If they keep those key properties in their stable it's not accurate to label them as simply 3rd party.
They may very well still be in the game after all...

anast9d ago


Sony did the same in their last. They showed games that were already announced.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
Giga_Gaia9d ago

We need to stop pretending like Xbox matters and has any influence in the industry.

By entering the industry, Microsoft made it worst, everything bad in the industry can be tied to them (like paid online and DLCs). The industry would be better off if they had never been in it.

Before you say Sony would have no competition, they would still have PC and Nintendo. As they are right now, Microsoft are not competition, they don't actually matter.

crazyCoconuts9d ago

I think you're mostly right. They've been failing on console and will most likely drop out.
But the concern a lot of us had was that they would use their $ to win monopolistically. They've already bought a huge number of big studios. Going multi-platform would alleviate that concern.
But they could still turn the screws, this game isn't over quite yet... They're sending mixed signals.

CrimsonWing699d ago

I think in Xbox’s direness it is, but let’s not pretend like they don’t understand the value of exclusiveness to their platform. Not every damn Xbox game is coming to PS5 and the stuff that has hit have either been GaaS games or games that didn’t exactly sell gamgbusters and are extremely niche.

When Halo, Gears, Forza, Perfect Dark, Fable, etc. start coming to PS5 then that’s pretty massive and also diminishes any reason to own an Xbox.

LucasRuinedChildhood9d ago

Doom isn't niche. It was heavily implied that all Bethesda games, outside of games with contractual agreements and the existing multiplayer games, would all be exclusive to Xbox.

CrimsonWing699d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Ok, sorry, Doom is the exception.

My point is Xbox is still keeping exclusives for their bigger games. What’s been released are GaaS: Sea of Thieves, Grounded aka Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and then niche stuff like Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush. Then you got Doom coming out, which is an outlier, I suppose.

crazyCoconuts9d ago

It's not niche but it's not everything.
MS has got a HUGE cache of IP and studios now

Scissorman9d ago

It's the only decision. Hardware sales are on a sharp decline and Game Pass growth has stagnated.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct

Xbox writes: "Join us for a double feature on June 9, 10am PT - Xbox Games Showcase immediately followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct.  The Xbox Games Showcase is your look at the new games from Xbox Game Studios, Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda, as well as our partners from around the globe. Immediately following the Showcase, stay tuned for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct for a special deep-dive into the beloved franchise."

ravens5210d ago

I'm here. Waiting in anticipation to see some games 🤙🏽

GamerRN9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I'll be honest, if they don't announce some major shit, this could be the nail in the coffin.

If I hear about major 1st party titles going multiplatform, it's over.

They need to build the brand trust right now. A lot of damage has been done.

We need bangers, AND some news about next Gen.

Flawlessmic9d ago

It's just started 4 games in and it's already been a fantastic show.

This is gonna be the best showcase in years

VersusDMC9d ago

New Doom dark ages anounced for PS5 as well...

GamerRN9d ago

So far this is a great show, and mostly all GamePass games? Looks like the bangers are finally coming!

Investments finally paying off.

Now they need new hardware so they can start over

Sonic18819d ago (Edited 9d ago )

So far the best showcase this year

Flawlessmic9d ago

At this rate, best show of the last 2-4 years, been an absolute bangerrrrr so far!!!

Pixykont9d ago

Perfect dark looks incredible

shinoff21839d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Agreed. Way better then what Sony did and has done. Those multiplayer games really fked Sony over for a few years. Xbox showed off some good looking stuff. I'm most interested in state of decay 3.

1Victor9d ago

You need at least 10real people to agree in writing with you for anyone here believing you after saying the same thing year over year for the last 10+ years.
Now that I finished watching the show for me personally it was a ok as I don’t play FP games but that’s just me and I can recognize that for people that like FPG it’s a amazing show so ENJOY them.
Another thing and I hope for Microsoft sake they don’t do their next system digital only based on the S sales over the X, I hope they’ll learn the lesson of not making a lower power version just to try to undercut their competitor.
Metal gear 3 looked sweet.
Overall a lot of pretty games CONGRATS to all Xbox gamers this is what you deserve year over year 👍✨

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
lelo2play9d ago

Great showcase by Microsoft. So many interesting games...

RaidenBlack9d ago

Only thing I missed was Clockwork Revolution...
And what happened to Everwild? Liked the art style.

Lightning779d ago

Very certain Perfect Dark will show up. fable showing up and 2025 release date.

Unpopular opinion here but INL think Final Fantasy 16 will release on Xbox. I dunno if it'll be on Gamepass but I think it's going to other platforms now.

9d ago Replies(1)
Obscure_Observer9d ago


Time to see what amazing games Xbox Game Studios has been cooking for us, boys!!!


Sonic18819d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I'm glad Microsoft had a great show. Hopefully this show potentially wakes up Sony and Nintendo. Competition is good for the industry. We don't need publishers and developers to get comfortable and get lazy on us. Keep them thinking and on their toes

cthulhucultist9d ago

well said Sonic. Competition is beneficial for us gamers

Master-Tonberry9d ago

Absolutely agree, many of the games shown are also coming to PS5 (despite MS hiding other platforms from the reveals) but the genuine exclusive all look great. Nintendo will obviously continue to carve it's own path and will be very busy with the Switch 2, but Sony and PlayStation really needs to pull it's socks up and start bringing out the big guns or people are going to start losing faith. Hopefully the rumours of a big PlayStation Experience show later this year are true.

anast9d ago

The main knock on Sony is that there haven't been any major first party announcements. Xbox does a show with no major announcements.

The_Hooligan9d ago

This showcase was great. Not just a great Xbox showcase but in general the best one this year so far.

Kurisu9d ago

I'm tuned in now. I can't say I've ever been big in to Xbox, but I got myself a Series S when it launched. Can't say I've used it much but I'm intrigued to see what's in the pipeline.

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