
Hideo Kojima gets thumbs up from John Carpenter

Escape From New York director John Carpenter has told CVG that he gave his blessing to Hideo Kojima to use the movie's Snake Plissken as inspiration for Metal Gear Solid's Solid Snake.

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Cloudberry5210d ago

And amusing how Kojima's a movie fan.

Snake & Snake Plissken = suited.

Jack (Raiden) & Rose (Metal Gear Solid 2) vs Jack & Rose (Titanic) = not so much, in my opinion. XD

IrishAssa5210d ago

Also good to note that in Mgs2 Snake was called Plissken for half of it/

Snoogins5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

Solid Snake taken from Escape From movies.
Snatcher took from Terminator the Bioroids, and from Blade Runner the flying cars, the city and Harrison Ford's character inspired Gillian Seed.
Lethal Weapon's Murtaw and Riggs inspired the two guys from Policenauts.

I remember seeing a comparison with photos on a forum, but I can't seem to find it to use as citation.

MGRogue20175210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

Whose John Carpenter..?

Just kidding. Thumbs up from me aswell.. 'Was playing MGS4 last night.. What a game! :)

Acquiescence5210d ago

Dark Star
Big Trouble In Little China
Escape From New York
Assault On Precinct 13

All indisputable classics. John Carpenter needs a career revival.

Snoogins5210d ago

I came here for two things: kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

I laughed my ass off when he went into a bank with a shotgun and just started blasting! Can you imagine how the non-aliens felt when they witnessed that? lol

Wolf8735210d ago

Prince of Darkness and In Mouth of Madness.

shqype5210d ago

One of my English professors in college showed us that movie, In the Mouth of Madness, and I thought it was a genuinely scary and intense movie. We never got to see the very end as class ended before we could finish it, but I was always curious how it ended. The last thing I remember was the guy trying to escape from the town, but the exit always brought him back to where he started, like an infinite loop of terror.

Wolf8735210d ago

With no justification?

Anyways, yeah In The Mouth of Madness is a good movie. In the end (spoiler) everything just turns to chaos. Protagonist escapes the asylum when it is also attacked by the creatures. He wanders into a movie theater that is showing the movie version of Sutter Cane's final book, which is practically the same movie we the audience were watching. That makes him completely insane as he. Movie ends. (Spoiler end). Watch the movie again if you get the chance, the end of days trilogy (includes Prince of Darkness, The Thing, and In Mouth of Madness) by Carpenter are classics in my opinion.

Corrwin5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

But it would be too awesome to be contained.

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Does Metal Gear Solid need a new Kojima? Konami have “many people” in mind, but it's "difficult"

A chat with MGS Delta Snake Eater producer Noriaki Okamura about the past and future of Konami's stealth-action series.

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isarai27d ago

It's not going to be the same without him regardless so honestly it would probably be better just to try to do your own thing while staying in the same genre and general gameplay style.

just_looken27d ago

This but also the story is wrapped up only thing to expanded on is another mgs rising or spin offs.

-Foxtrot27d ago

I mean they could have done an alternate timeline directly after MGS2 which just tells a new story, that way they get to continue Snakes journey while respecting Kojimas final chapter, his Universe would still be untouched.

Maybe in this new game Snake didn't age

They will eventually try to continue the story, it's a given so I'd rather have them doing an alternative timeline than messing with what Kojima has done.

just_looken26d ago


You mean before shadow moses as that is when he was injected with fox die anyone knows that.

If they went this route then it would open up a flood gate of crap the topics they covered the deaths blood scenes would never work in today's modern games.

TheProfessional27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

The story in metal gear solid 4 was already a huge step down from the first three. Then the story in V was minimized and totally forgettable. One of Kojimas art directors could definitely make a solid metal gear sequel.

Also when you compare Stranding to Kojimas previous games he could easily be a Neil Druckman type where most of his best ideas were from people he worked with.

For example all of the MGS covers and the art style associated with Metal Gear wasn't even created by Kojima.

just_looken27d ago

comparing Neil Druckman ahole coffee fetcher to someone that worked in the industry from the days of msx should get you a ban.

Michiel198926d ago

just cause he made one game that you didn't completely like?

just_looken26d ago (Edited 26d ago )


Because he took a ip that he had no right to say he created but does then at every interview he act's he is the father of naughty dog and a god at game development even the tvshow i will not watch.

People that worked there sense the 90's crash days were thrown out over 85% from the last count 2 years ago of the original team is gone majority left when he took over.

Sony looked at all the people that made jax/crash/uncharted/tlou leaving naughty dog went meh then praised neil gave him the keys to the kingdom. Sense then the entire team has been a dam joke they only made 1 new game in 6 years just a port studio now.

Oh i also like the tlou2 mp mode they promised that was changed then cancelled but hey tlou2 ported 3rd time for pc pay pay pay again like skyrim.

Fuck ND fuck naughty dog 2.0

Michiel198926d ago

mate... you already compared him to a guy that was 16 years older than him and then ask why he hasnt worked in the industry as long as kojima. Time exists.

Do you really think all of ND will let Neill flaunt around if he didn't have a severe impact on how the game turned out? So you're saying the rest of ND is stupid that they're playing along with his masterplan to take over ND.

It's pretty obvious from your comment you're just salty about tlou2. You didn't like a direction he took the game in, stop acting like he's a terrible human being.

So they should keep making the games they make now and never make anything else...cause thats how uncharted and Horizon came about, oh wait. TLOU would never have existed if you had your way, they would be making jak n dexter 13. I rather have them try something new and fail at it than never try to do anything else ever.

26d ago
CrimsonWing6927d ago

I think someone could take the torch, but they’d really have to be a mega fan and understand the narrative and quirkiness and humor of MGS and just Kojima’s design principles. Make bosses that revolve around “themes” and “gimmicks” and bring freaking David Hayter back for the English dub.

Tankbusta4027d ago

I have been saying for years that Kojima is not needed to continue this franchise. Revolver Ocelot could have a trilogy on his own with the established lore and it would be fantastic

MehmetAlperTR27d ago

No Hideo ! No MGS !!! Just try to work with him.

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Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX71d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.



Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Seems To Lack Something And It's Hideo Kojima

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is the remake of the original title, which covers the origins of the Metal Gear Series.