
Silent Hill 8 E3 Trailer Analysis

HellDescent writes: "Silent Hill 8 (Working Title) has finally been shown to the masses at this years E3. The title will be developed by Vatra Games and be available on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2011. Silent Hill games are notorious for their symbolism and secrets that first glances won’t show. So we took the time to do a trailer analysis. Hit the jump for our in depth look into the Silent Hill 8 trailer."

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Arsenic135114d ago

This is looking to be heavily SH2 inspired. Which is good. But a new unique story. Thankfully!

thereapersson5114d ago

I miss Akira Yamaoka's compositions!

Arsenic135114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

We will actually have an interview with the new composer, Dan Licht. Give him a chance. I miss Akira too, but Dan's work is very good.

And I meant inspired b y the visuals. The town looks very dirty and much more detailed than Homecoming.

Denethor_II5114d ago

PS Move for the flash light maybe?


I just hope they didn't add First Person View for a Silent Hill Game.

phinch5114d ago

Can't wait to hear more about this game :)

mantisimo5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Arsenic will be pleased to hear :)
Arsenic also pointed out that a forum member had seen a silhouette in the doorway that maybe looked like pyramid head with knife.

The street sign says Blackwood Street and as in the other silent Hills this presumably refers to the surname of a horror writer, Algernon Blackwood. Don't think there was a blackwood street before? He was a famous old horror writer whose work included "The willows" a book based in an alternative reality. Algernons Father also worked for the post office (mail man in trailer)?

In the drawer there is a police type badge was Murphy a police officer gone bad or is it a different public badge again Mail man? (don't know American badges too well)

Prisoner 273A is this a room or flat/maisonette number?

Finally I can't see the writing behind the dude on the TV as I can't freeze it properly but maybe someone can see this better?

*Edit* It says radio. Could this be the presenter from Silent hill 2 who asked James the questions in a quiz show?

OOh conspiracy theories begin.

hennessey865114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

phinch my friend just by that comment i can tell you have'nt played alan wake the screenshots dont do it justice and the fog which u refer to only comes in when the taken atack to create atmosphere the rest of the time the game has no fog. How have you got 4 bubbles when you talk shit like that is beyond me. I have both consoles so i aint a blind fangirl like you obviously are.

ger1015114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

What are you on about?! I doubt you've even played an SH game. Fog has been in the SH series since the first game.

Fucking fail troll. Try harder.

phinch5114d ago

This has nothing to do with "Alan wake" I'm on about silent hill, you know! the town that is thick with fog and enemies are barely visible till you get close, even the fog is shown in the film, what does this have to do with owning either console? in what way was my statement pointing at either console silent hill was multiplatform last time i checked......Idiot.

mantisimo5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Seems your not quite as smooth as the cognac you're named after and in which you have obviously partaken a little too much of. Bubble down for making no sense with your personnal attack.

hennessey865113d ago

apolagies to everyone i miss understood ur message a bubble for each of u.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5113d ago
chiwoo5114d ago

It looks great i am a huge Silent hill fan even though Akira is not doing the music from what i heard in the Trailer it sounds pretty good and i think the story is gonna be okay

0oAngeluso05114d ago

I remember playing the original on my PS1 and those were good times with good games. I remember not being able to play that game unless I had friends over though...lol

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Silent Hill transmission coming May 30th 4.pm. PDT

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-Foxtrot23d ago

This is make or break for the Silent Hill 2 remake, if it looks lacklustre then I think it's the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people. Nothing has been wow worthy since it's reveal.

Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 4 Remake, the Dead Space Remake etc, it has a lot to live up to with the quality remake titles we've gotten recently over the years.

SmortBoie23d ago

While an expectation of the highest quality for such a revered title as SH2 is entirely valid, I feel that the comparison to the likes of RE2R/RE4R is a little steep. Capcom, Konami ain't (these days) and likewise, the SH franchise ain't nothing to the likes now in comparison to the juggernaut which is the RE franchise. A tempered level of expectation would do your appreciation that we're getting something at all a significant justice.
While from the shadows I often agree with your critisisms and opinions, I think you're being to harsh on this particular mid-level team and their passion project here. Sure, it would have been nice to get something of the vein Capcom can deliver, but the profit the SH franchise can conjure in 2024 is likely a far cry from the sure-thing RE is and the budget, no doubt, reflects the uncertainty. In the end, what we'll have here is a serviceable mid-level slow-burn, clunky exploration-based survival horror title that aptly revisits the setting, atmosphere and experience of the core Silent Hill essence in the modern gaming era. For some of us it's enough to be given a chance to be inside that world again, with the town rendered in better graphics than we've ever seen before by a team who obviously cares deeply for the lore of this franchise and is doing their best.
Was it a stupid idea to focus our first-look on a combat trailer? Definitely. It's the aspect I personally care least about. Will it be difficult to accept the modern direction of the characters, voice work and doubtless changes to to the story? Undeniably. But will I be delighted to experience this reimaginging of a game that shaped the very foundation of who I am as a gamer 23 years ago? Without. Question.

I think we need to ease off on expecting everything to be Naughty Dog level masterclass in gaming and just try more to appreciate what is. While we should expect quality from our hard earned dollars, and no doubt have the right to withhold them in defiance of shitty games, greedy corporate practices and buggy messes - we should also give credit where credit is due when the industry at least tries to compromise with us and deliver on what people want.

... would I have likely been significantly happier with a full-scale true modern remastering of SH2 instead of a reimaginging by an unproven studio. Lol hell yes brother. Alas.

AMiles9923d ago

The franchise as a whole has been a very poor seller. Only 9 million copies sold between 1999 to 2019...it was on the Japanese Konami site but has been delisted for a few years.

The Metal Gear franchise fares much better...closer to 60 million copies sold.

Given Silent Hills previous poor sales and it's only releasing on 1 platform....along with the fact that almost all horror games outside of Resident Evil tend to be huge flops....it ain't looking good in terms of commercial success.

SmortBoie23d ago

No it ain't AMiles. Keeping the budget low doesn't please the folks that want RE2R quality but it does help keep the risk down on an unproven franchise and release. Maybe if the sales are great we'll see a bigger investment on the next title - it's just a SHAME Konami came out swinging with this title, on this budget, 12 years after the last franchise release instead of saving it for a series sales high point they worked up to - ala Capcom and RE. But we can lament what could have been til the cows come - I'm at least here for the what is, and still pretty excited for it.

Mad_Matt23d ago

As a Silent Hill fan Im getting this game regardless. I honestly only expect a major graphics upgrade with minor gameplay tweaks. For me, thats enough, but I also enjoy mid tier gaming more then AAA.

Sonic188123d ago

I'm not that interested in it

purple10123d ago

ahhh sheeeee*t, I seem to have lost editing privilege on it too, so hope mods can change it for us!!

22d ago

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