
I Am A Christian; Kojima Cares About Me?

Ernice Gilbert talks about the prospect of Kojima's secret "taboo" game being a title based around Christianity.

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Batzi5213d ago

I am telling you guys, if Kojima brings "religion" on the table, chaos will be unleashed. Mark my words.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr35213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Religion *shakes head*

WrAiTh Sp3cTr35213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

I agree with you somewhat. I just find Religion rather restrictive (thats not all). I've had too many major setbacks putting faith and self responsibility into the hands of the somewhat unknown. I just take the Bible, Koran and other books as knowledge, not something to base my life on.

PoSTedUP5213d ago

major i see your point like certain religions are TO restrictive where they dont want you to do anything or be involved with anyone other then from your own religion.

i believe there is "something" out there but i dont think it can blame me for not "picking" a religion because there is a lot of corrupt and i see flaws in all religions and there are so many to "choose" from. i do learn from the bible though but i am a good person w/o it also. it shares a lot of good principles and i believe we should all follow MOST of them. (certain religions say things i dont agree with)

on topic of games... LOL @ moses stealth popping out of the sand.

Parapraxis5213d ago

@ WrAiTh Sp3cTr3,
I don't know how much good knowledge you can gleam from those books that you couldn't from any other books. If anything they encourage people to NOT THINK. And a lot of the so-called "knowledge" they do contain has led to some of the worst things in past and present.
I'll just leave it at that as I don't want to start an all-out holy flamewar.

OT: I hope Kojima knows what he's doing if he does tackle this mythology as a source.
As sad as it is, offending peoples religion is considered to be very bad, even dangerous. Just look at the Norwegian comic artist or Ayaan Hirsi Ali. =(

ReservoirDog3165213d ago

Well, I wouldn't say that this is actually gonna happen. It might (you never know) but nothing really points to it.

Would be interesting to see it happen eventually though. So few try to tackle the subject and the games industry will never mature till someone actually does.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5213d ago
Bobbykotickrulesz5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

In my opinion, Religion is a perfectly fine thing to follow. For example: The bible, if nothing else, can be used as a sort of guideline to live your life .

What ISN'T perfectly fine, is when a religous person is a hypocrite. Such as a child molesting priest. OR if someone shoves their beliefs down your throat. Man has killed in the name of God, waged war in the name of God, etc etc.

But what people forget is, religion didn't do all those things, man did. I'm perfectly fine with someone being a Christian as long as they're a good, honest person.

ReservoirDog3165213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Yeah, I get your point about those terrible people that molest kids and such.

But something you have to remember: according to the bible, we're (christians) are all hypocrites. We all sin, all aren't perfect, so you really shouldn't imagine that just cause people believe in God, that doesn't mean they are perfect. We should try to be, but we never will be.

That's the whole point about what Jesus did. He took every sin we've ever done and erased them. All we have to do is believe in him and we're saved from all wrongdoing. And we'll still continue to sin even after that, but it's been forgiven.

That doesn't mean we're automatically allowed to do bad though, but you have to allow some room for mistakes. That's something a lot of people stumble on; they think all christians should be perfect and hate God and everything whenever they're not.

If you have an open mind to this, just try reading Romans in the bible. It explains all this better than I ever could.

edit: http://www.biblegateway.com...

There's more to Romans but that might be a good starting place.

Bobbykotickrulesz5213d ago

"That doesn't mean we're automatically allowed to do bad though, but you have to allow some room for mistakes."

People use that as an excuse to do evil.

RedSky5213d ago

It annoys me when people imply that religion is perfect (in this case Christianity) and it's only us mere mortals that are screwing it up.

Let's get one thing straight. The bible in no uncertain terms says the first-borns of Egypt were apparently all killed, just because their Pharaoh wouldn't do what was asked of him. So unless you're in favor of collective punishment and genocide, what the hell are you talking about?

And hey, that's hardly the exception. Slavery, and stoning adulterers, gays and disobedient children is apparently a-okay too according to the bible. Or at least if it was at some point then it must be now right? After all, morality is absolute, not relative.

fr0sty5213d ago

yes it will, but you do gotta admit that some of the bible's stories would make a good game. look at revelations...

n4f5213d ago

ho yeah but there is much more than revelation
moses as a stealth game(he kill an egyptian and hide it in the sand)

hay5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

There's no taboo for me. Bring it on Kojima, you have one copy sold in me, as long as game's good.

exnihilonihilfit5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

The game will probably be critical of christianity, not in favor of it, but even then it would only be so allegorically and not openly.

When Kojima says it challenges a taboo and may force him to leave the industry, that doesn't necessarily imply that it has anything to do with religion but more so politics or about what games are.

The author of this article is just desperate for attention, his theory has no basis outside of his ridiculous wild fantasy. Moreover, his view of Christianity is fairly narrow. Also Dante's Inferno = Game based on Christianity. Also Assassin's creed deals with Christianity, but is highly critical of it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5213d ago
jaredhart5213d ago

if he did a game about Islam.

Batzi5213d ago

I am pretty sure Islam is the last of his concerns as far as religion goes. He will hit the subject and criticize chronologically starting with "Judaism".

The Meerkat5213d ago

Hinduism would be older.
And they have blue Gods, so it would sell well to Halo fans.

FragMnTagM5213d ago

It doesn't belong in gaming, politics, school, or any other place sane rational place human beings gather.

tplarkin75213d ago

Worshiping God in secret is good, but it absolutely belongs in education. Thus, the major issue with government funded education.

bjornbear5213d ago

i hope you mean "absolutely DOESN'T belong in education" =P

however, I have to say, teaching about RELIGION at school is good, but actually worshiping a god in school = insult to intellect.

Parapraxis5213d ago

@ bjornbear,
Kids should be taught about the various religions in school.
Teach them just the way we learned about Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology and the rest.

It is mythology and the fact that the education system does not treat like that is one of the biggest problems with people understanding religions place.

RefuelTheFire5213d ago

State-based schools should remain objective and not force any specific religion down anyone's throat.

However, a private school funded by christian denominations has the right to teach religious classes and require chapel. If you do not like that, then the parent has the right to pull their child from school.

BTW, being a Christian is not an insult to a person's intellect. I have met several intelligent, successful people who have gone and studied in depth the world's many different religions from atheism (it is a religion due to the fact that it is based around a belief set) to buddhism to Islam and chose Christianity after looking at the facts. Granted many of them chose another religion as well.

Parapraxis5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

"atheism (it is a religion due to the fact that it is based around a belief set)"
No it's not, a lack of belief is NOT A BELIEF, just like a lack of a HOBBY isn't a hobby.

wicko5213d ago

Whooaaa.. Atheism is not a religion.. in no way do athiests have a set of beliefs. Where did you get such a ridiculous idea?

vickers5005213d ago

"it is a religion due to the fact that it is based around a belief set"

Then you must also call not believing in fairies a religion, or not believing in santa clause or unicorns a religion.

RefuelTheFire5212d ago

Atheism is the belief or doctrine that there is no God, that only the natural world exists, and there is no supernatural. It is the belief that science can explain the whole nature of the universe starting with the big bang, through the formation of stars and planets, and culminating in the evolutionary process that brought us to modern times. A religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. Since atheism concerns these topics in its belief set, atheism is hence a religion, just not an organized one like Christianity.

vickers5005212d ago

Atheism is not a religion you idiot. Atheism is LACK OF BELIEF. You are assuming that every atheist places some explanation in place of the meaning of the universe. That's a generalization. We don't claim to know the origins of the universe, however we've educated ourselves enough to know that the religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. are not the answer.

Here's a pretty good quote that may help you understand(don't know, nor plan to research who said it): "Atheism is as much of a religion as bald is a hair color".

wicko5212d ago

It's not a goddamn religion. The entire idea OPPOSES religion. We don't *believe* in gravity, we have laws that PROVE it. Any ideas about how the universe started are purely theoretical, for which we have no proof. There are just some theories that people support and are attempting to prove it. Science is about KNOWING things, not "believing" them.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5212d ago
George Sears5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Xenosaga had lots or religious references and I mIght say that it was pretty cool once you understood them.

And what about Dantes Inferno? Because of books that depicted Hell to be a place of torment like this one, the catholic church made it become the norm to believe in such a fantasy place. Now, everybody believes that if you go to hell you are fucked up with fire and shit.

Besides references, creating a game solely on religion is stupid. Why? Because you are alienating all the religious freaks that believe in there own god/gods.

I doubt Kojima would do a game based on religion. He doesn't look like a religious person to begin with. Let him stick with what he knows best.

Megahurtz19865213d ago

Betta be careful with this one. I'm no Christian but I do Believe in a Higher power

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OtterX69d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.



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