
E3: Saints Row 3 skips E3 to 'rebuild tech'

Saints Row 3 has skipped this year's E3 in order to spend another year "rebuilding the technology," THQ's revealed.

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Concord and the Other Biggest Flops of This Generation

Some of the biggest success stories in the history of gaming have happened during this generation of gaming. At the same time, some of the biggest flops in the history of gaming have also happened during this generation of gaming. To this end, a few games particularly stick out as, unfortunately, disastrous flops for those who made the games, sold the games, and ultimately, for many that played the games.

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17d ago Replies(2)
ChasterMies16d ago

What a strange, short list. There have been many more games that arrived DOA, were never released, didn’t make their budget back, etc. Why cherry pick these games? Is this list based on the size of internet hate boners?

EternalTitan16d ago

These flops have a similarity that you may not be allowed to point out.

16d ago Replies(2)
127maXimus16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Skull and Bones gets my vote, at this point just completely remake AC Black Flag. If the Concord developers had made the game free to play, and toned down the in your face messaging via the mods and design choices, this game could have been serviceable eventually. I never understand why pandering to 5% of your audience and giving the finger to the other 95% seems like a good idea to these people. They never seem to learn. Disney has lost 1/3rd of its value and they keep doubling down on political messaging. I don’t get it.

BlackTar18716d ago

Some of these companies are paid huge amounts of money to do this stuff. They get truck loads of money to give “the message”
By blackrock and vanguards and multiple other venture capitalists even though it’s been proven over and over they fail.

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Saints Row - Where it All Began

Saints Row made its debut nearly 20 years ago, and while the game has aged its still worth playing on modern consoles.

banger88198d ago

Back when games had balls. Now they still have balls, but also lipstick and a dress.

kevco33198d ago

Or an angry purple streak in their hair to demonstrate they're a rebel.

SimpleSlave197d ago

And they claimed this place was one of the outhouses for Gamers™ and gamerGate Incels. Pfft! But look at bangerBro99's amazing display of Homo-eroticism. How far we've come.

So proud of you, bud. Now you go grab them balls and have all the fun. 👍


PhillyDonJawn197d ago

They should remaster the first 2.

1nsomniac197d ago

I think the first one was the best in the series by a long, long way!

Demetrius197d ago

🥲🥲 someone needs to buy this ip and watch dogs, give those franchises a proper treatment sheesh

TheColbertinator197d ago

First 3 games were great. Then 4, Gat out of Hell and the Reboot were flimsy in comparison. Aliens, demons and a weak reboot in terms of intensity made the games forgettable.

Profchaos197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

But even 3 ventured into rediculas territory with zombies and stag. Zombies in 3 to me was just a hey you know what's popular zombies let's do that

TheColbertinator197d ago

The endgame of 3 did get stupid but the game held together at the end. 4 was just annoying all the way through.

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Saints Row Is a Bittersweet Freebie for a Day on The Epic Games Store

Epic Games has just revealed the latest game made available for free for a day on the Epic Games Store, and it's Saints Row.

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Demetrius268d ago

Lmao wouldn't touch this mf rip off saints row if it was given to me, lmao I'm good still enjoying the real saints rows 1&2 someone should buy this ip n give it the real proper treatment

Gamingsince1981268d ago

I saw it was free and it still seemed over priced for what it was and didn't bother adding it to my library

RiseNShine267d ago

let the lesson be learnt, any more woke crap games will be sent to die, even more if they destroy a well loved franchise.

CobraKai267d ago Show
BlackOni266d ago

Contrary to your arbitrary argument, this game didn't fail due to "wokeness" lol.

phoenixwing267d ago (Edited 267d ago )

All I remember from this was I saw the news about how you can't make a well endowed female character and most of the settings don't help much with the female face. However they thought it was completely fine to let you make your character a toilet and went to great legnths to get it added. But yeah a dolled up female was out of the question.

HankHill267d ago

Attractive females are offensive in current year.

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