
Twisted Metal for PS3: Amazing E3 Gameplay Shots

Twisted Metal has been confirmed for PS3 and was shown with an extra large gameplay trailer on E3 2010. Videogameszone published more than 40 images of Twisted Metal.

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Brewski0075215d ago

man , helicopters . Heli-freakin-copters !!!!
Day 1 buy for me :) damn right ! ! so so surprised by this ! !

ps : Dont forget the lemons. :P

WhittO5215d ago

Ye there are so many great games.

BUT, where was Resistance 3 !!? :(

N4BmpS5215d ago (Edited 5215d ago )

Where was the Last Guardian? ICO went back into hiding. I think that game will be a monster if it shows up new and improved (hold on how can you do any better than what we seen last year?) at E311. Hopefully we see it this year though.

evrfighter5215d ago (Edited 5215d ago )

Sony wins...

I'm very sorry fellow pc fans and M$ fans that look up to me to help them out. But I'm sorry I just can't

My PS3's existence was to insert the blu-ray with the words "Twisted Metal" on it into the drive and have a nerdgasm.

E3 for me is over I got what I wanted. Still buying a Wii for DKC and the new Zelda though

bubbles starchild

Your response defines pc gamers to the core. Nothing will ever replace the true gaming experience that is my pc.

starchild5215d ago

Hey that's ok, evrfighter. I'm a PC guy first, 360 guy second and PS3 guy third, but if Twisted Metal made the show for you that's perfectly alright. I like the series too. Everybody has their favorite games and everybody is going to have their own ideas about what stuff out of E3 was the most exciting.

zeeshan5215d ago

That is EPS3 right there! Right there sir!

spektical5215d ago

Sony took E3 with them, it wasnt even close.

starchild5215d ago

Sony's E3 wasn't that great. I was expecting it to be way better than Microsoft's by the way most fanboys were talking, but it ended up being about the same. Both weren't bad, but they weren't their best either.

Jeromejones5215d ago

Starchild i would be lieing if i said i wasnt dissapointed at Sonys conference based on the epic hype, but to draw parallels with it and MS conference is just a joke. People now should be too embarassed to even mention xbox after Ninty and Sonys absolutely dwarfed them

Shadow0175215d ago

If you actually believe what you just typed then you're on drugs.

Jrome5215d ago

They took E3 and made it E^3

Kurisu5215d ago

I have never played Twisted Metal. Should I be excited?

-MD-5215d ago

If you dig blowing up cars then hell yes you should be excited.

Ravage275215d ago

i'm not in a state of mind to answer that question without bias...but let's just say....


boysenberry5215d ago

Hell yeah you should, TWISTED METAL FTW!!

I still can't believe it!! :D

Kurisu5215d ago

Well I guess that's my question answered! Thanks guys :D will try it out whenever it's released :)

evrfighter5215d ago

twisted metal and twisted metal 2 was the pinnacle of my gaming experience as a 12 year old.

To this day I've never played a console game as long as those two.

ape0075215d ago

one of those games that defines "fun", the classic the beloved TM is finally back and better than ever

one of the best announcements of E3, man I love those good old ps2 TM black days followed by dmc 1, mgs 2 demo and gta 3

gamerzBEreal175215d ago

i havn't played one either and i didnt think i would like this but after seeing that nuke mode i am

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5215d ago


Ravage275215d ago

I got this sick look on my face during the taxi drivers' conversation

My mind blanked out the minute that f#$%ing ice cream truck rolled out

Half a minute later, i was alternating violently between rage and ecstasy

Part of me wanted to strangle Jaffe, the other part of me wanted to kiss him...after kicking him in the balls

gamerzBEreal175215d ago

lol i knew it when he said there was raceing and shooting that game was epic then it was confirmed when he said "u cant name me 1 game that dominated on ps1 ps2 and ps3"

A change in the wind5215d ago

*Looks at original Twisted Metal Longbox PS1*.....*Tear*

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Twisted Metal Retro Review – Nothing Short Of Iconic

Everyone knows Twisted Metal... I mean literally everyone! Whether it is simply a childhood classic for you, or one of the worst, mind-corrupting disgraces to entertainment you can think of, you've at least heard of this iconic title.

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Seven Ways To Reboot The Twisted Metal Games

The WellPlayed crew gathers to pitch an appropriately deranged set of options for the future of Twisted Metal.

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crazyCoconuts431d ago

All I ask for is a new Twisted Metal that allows flat screen & PSVR2 cross play that also supports a wheel.
Would be heaven.

Babadook7430d ago

Wow. I like the idea of VR twisted metal with a wheel.

Rebel_Scum430d ago

They need to get the enemy AI balance right. Thats what made 2 the best in the series. Black was abysmal in that dept.

neomahi430d ago

You don't. Do sequels. If you've gotta reboot, might as well do a new IP. God of War is the only game I can say that did a successful reboot

TiredGamer430d ago (Edited 430d ago )

Isn’t the new GoW just a sequel technically?

I personally think they can leverage the roots of the series. The original TM in 1995 took place on Christmas Eve 2005, and it was the 10th contest in history. Why not “reboot” the franchise by making a prequel of sorts showing the origin story of the series and maybe linking all the future games in a brilliant way. Seems like such an obvious idea to leverage old with the new (kind of look how Doom 2016 did with its lore).

Knightofelemia430d ago

Just make it a good game Twisted Metal has it's fan base.


PlayStation confirm they are working on Twisted Metal series

The rumours were legit. The Twisted Metal franchise is coming back, Sony
officially announced at CES 2022.

NecrumOddBoy993d ago

I hope this is camp as all hell.

bouzebbal992d ago

They should have made Destruction All star with a Twisted Metal skin as launch title.. With some more content of course.

NecrumOddBoy991d ago (Edited 991d ago )

Rumor mill is that the team used All Stars as a test bed game to make a PS5 Twisted Metal in the future. No idea why they made this though. Total miss and it could hurt them in the end. Twisted Metal is really awesome. I honestly hope they take this series the Forza Horizon route. Maybe a big open world like a destroyed city in an apocalyptic setting. Still can have arenas and races, battles etc, but also add RPG elements and quests, challenges etc.

Dirtnapstor991d ago

Agreed. I am mildly surprised they did not do a Twisted Metal iteration vs DAS. Could have easily reskinned everything, no?

sourOG992d ago

Agreed. I’m playing serious Sam now and I think it’s awful in a great way. I’m enjoying it.

Majin-vegeta993d ago

Looks like the new game is pretty much confirmed now.

Bobertt992d ago

Idk David Jaffe had said he has seen stuff about the TV show but Sony has never told him anything about a new game. I find it hard to believe they would not tell the creator of the franchise they were going to make a new game.

Army_of_Darkness991d ago

Sony owns the franchise and Jaffe is no longer associated with them anymore, so Sony doesn't have to inform him on anything really...

NapalmSanctuary990d ago

...says f2p with Lucid developing. Might wanna keep them expectations low.

isarai993d ago

I hope it follows the gameplay style of hardware rivals, seriously that game was awesome to play

Godmars290992d ago

How about having to race through a destructible city with tons of people to mow down.

burnout with rocket launchers and ability to drive on skyscraper roofs or through office floors.

DarXyde992d ago

That sounds like Carmageddon meets Warhawk.

I'm iffy on reviving Twisted Metal personally. I replayed it on PS3 via PSOne classics because I loved the originals and I must say, these titles haven't aged well. We're now two generations removed from then, which was already 1-2 generations removed from the originals.

There needs to be some serious modernization efforts for these games to do well.

Godmars290991d ago

And what would be wrong with a "Carmageddon meets Warhawk" game? Pretty much what you'd want of a PS5 version of a PS1 title.

NapalmSanctuary990d ago

@Godmars Thats not Twisted Metal. Its one thing to do something like that with an alt game mode but Twisted Metal already has an identity. The gameplay needs to stay true to it.

--Onilink--992d ago

The only thing confirmed by Sony so far was a TV series, not a game

Neonridr992d ago

that's great, looking forward to some next gen destruction!

TheDoomedGuy992d ago

Imagine how it'll feel with the dual sense.

--Onilink--992d ago

I get the feeling that most people arent really reading the article. The only thing confirmed by Sony is the TV series.

Anything about a new game is just rumors and speculation at this point

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